2017届高考英语一轮复习同步训练:7-5《Travelling abroad》-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习同步训练:7-5《Travelling abroad》

发布时间:2017-04-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Ⅰ. 短语填空

  adjust to; keep it up; as far

  as one

  is concerned; feel at home; be

  popular with; fit in; be occupied with; out of the question; take up; refer to

  1. At first I felt awkward,but I soon learned to ________.

  2. You can't go to the wedding in that old shirt-it's quite ________.

  3. Helen ________


  matters, so




  to bother her.

  4. Writing the paper

  ________most of the weekend.

  5. Let me just________ my notes for the exact figures.

  6. I've been working twelve hours a day,but I shall not be able


  7. You should make the new students


  in your school.

  8. She's a lively child and ________ everyone.

  9. ________,I'm not against your plan.

  10. ________ the tropical heat was more difficult than they had expected.

  答案:1. fit in ' 2. out of the question ' 3. was occupied with'

  4. took up'5. refer to'

  6. keep it up ' 7. feel at home ' 8. popular with ' 9. As far as I am concerned '10. Adjusting to


  1.They strongly recommended me ________ their company for the job.


  解析:考查recommend 的用法。recommend sb. sth.或recommend sth./sb. to sb.“把……推荐给……”,to为介词。



  man­made rubber as a

  substitate ________ the natural rubber that they could no longer obtain.


  解析:句意:他们用人造橡胶替代无法再获取的天然橡胶。a substitute for sth.代替……的物。

  3.It is widely________ (acknowledge) that people's dress have been greatly improved in recent years.


  解析:it is acknowledged that...这是公认的……。

  4.The governor is occupied ________

  the meeting at the moment.

  May I take a message?


  解析:考查短语搭配。be occupied with sth.表示“忙于……”。

  5.The old man should listen to the doctor's recommendation that he ________(stay) in bed.

  答案:(should) stay


  6.In the face of all these difficulties, we're not discouraged and


  ________(keep) good spirits.

  答案:keep up

  解析:考查短语。句意:面对所有这些困难,我们不泄气,并保持良好的情绪。keep up“保持”,符合句意。

  7.—How is Lucy?

  —Oh, ________ ________ ________ I know, ever since her beloved dog is stolen, she has been sad for weeks.

  答案:as far as

  解析:考查固定搭配as far as I know。答句句意:据我所知,她的爱犬被人偷走后,她难受了好几周。as far as I know“据我所知”,为固定用法。

  8.As far as I________ ________(concern), I can't object to your coming here.

  答案:am concerned

  解析:句意:就我(个人)而言,我不反对你们到这里来。as far as I'm concerned“就我而言”。





  Anne can't find her way home.

  She really doesn't know

  ________ ________ ________(do).

  答案:what to do

  解析:句意:天黑了,小安妮找不到回家的路,她不知道如何是好。考查“疑问词+不定式”结构。本题中what to do 作宾语,相当于“what she will do”。

  10.—I want to go to Beijing with you.

  —If so, your holiday arrangements must fit ________ ________ mine.

  答案:in with

  解析:根据语境可知,答语的意思应是“你假期的安排必须和我的相适应”,故用fit in with“与……相适应”。




  Everyone in the world experiences feelings of pressure or

  stress. No one can avoid stress completely,


  stress can

  be managed in healthy ways.

  One way to manage stress is to build your

  __2__ resistance.

  Building resistance will increase your __3__

  to live

  with stress, and it will ___4___ the effect of stress on your life.

  One way to__5__ your mental resistance is to


  you are in another place.

  Some people call this “taking a mental holiday”.

  A man named Tobias lives in the city of Harare,Zimbabwe. As a boy, he


  most of his time on the Praia de Macuti coast in Beira, Mozambique. Now, he works long

  hours at his office and

  his job is


  Tobias reduces his stress by remembering the



  had as a boy. He always __10__

  the blue water and the waves rolling onto the sand. This mental ___11___

  helps Tobias calm

  his mind.

  Another way to manage stress in your life is to change—change the way you feel about a stressful


  Carmelita lives in Mexico City, Mexico. Traffic problems are very __13__

  there. Traffic can usually stop a car for

  hours. Carmelita finds this very stressful. She gets very __14__ when she sits in traffic. Carmelita


  the way she feels

  by using that time in a new way. Carmelita loves stories. So,she __16__

  listening to recorded books in her



  doing something she


  traffic delays will no longer be a stressful situation for her.


  it can be a chance for her to listen to her favorite recorded books.

  You can never


  all the stress and pressure of life.But stress management can help you reduce stress in healthy ways.

  1. A.

  or B. for





  2. A. physical

  B. mental

  C. spiritual

  D. emotional

  3. A. right

  B. ability

  C. confidence

  D. patience

  4. A. slow

  B. stop

  C. reduce

  D. overcome

  5. A. strengthen

  B. defend

  C. choose

  D. follow

  6. A. forget

  B. show

  C. imagine

  D. mean

  7. A. wasted

  B. spared

  C. spent

  D. missed

  8. A. steady

  B. unusual

  C. excellent

  D. stressful

  9. A. job

  B. fun

  C. attitude

  D. toy

  10. A.

  looks for


  thinks of

  C. turns to

  D. draws up

  11.A. journey

  B. test

  C. memory

  D. description

  12.A. aspect

  B. process

  C. situation

  D. competition

  13. A. common

  B. harmful

  C. strange

  D. different

  14. A. quiet

  B. tired

  C. confused

  D. angry

  15. A. clears

  B. changes

  C. develops

  D. finds

  16.A. suggests

  B. avoids

  C. continues

  D. starts

  17. A.








  18. A.








  19. A.


  B. Therefore





  20. A.






  D. meet

  [文章大意] 本文通过讲述具体的事例论述了如何缓解生活中的压力和紧张情绪。


  2.B。根据下文的“mental resistance”和“a mental holiday”可知,应选mental。


  4.C。根据第五段中的“reduces his stress”和最后一段中的“reduce


  5.A。根据上文的“Building resistance will increase your ___3___ to

  live with stress”可知,下文要讲如何加强(strengthen)精神抗压(能力)。

  6.C。根据下文的“a mental holiday”和第一个例子可知,此处指想象(imagine)自己在另一个地方。


  8.D。根据上文的“he works long hours at his office”和下文的“Tobias reduces his stress”可知,他的工作压力很大。故选stressful“充满压力的”。

  9.B。根据下文的“the blue water and the waves rolling onto the sand”可知,这些都是他儿时快乐的情景。故选fun“有趣的经历”。

  10.B。联系上下文可知,Tobias经常会想起(thinks of)碧蓝的海水和轻击沙滩的海浪。

  11.A。根据上文的“a mental holiday”可知,这是一次精神上的旅行(journey)。

  12.C。根据19空前的“a stressful situation”可知应选C。


  can usually stop a car for hours.”可知,交通拥堵问题在墨西哥市很普遍(common)。

  14.D。根据上文的“Carmelita finds this very stressful.”可知,面对拥堵几个小时的交通,Carmelita变得很生气(angry)。

  15.B。根据上文的“change the way you feel about a stressful

  ___12___”和下文的“using that time in a new way”可知,Carmelita改变(changes)了自己看待问题的方式。



  18.A。根据上文的 “Carmelita loves stories.”以及她开始听录音书可知,Carmelita在做她喜欢(enjoys)做的事情。


  20.C。根据文章第一段中的“No one can avoid stress completely”可知,我们永远不可能消除生活中的所有压力。remove“移除,除去”,符合语境。



  Steve was blue collar;my collar was white.He was union;I was management.He worked with molten steel;I slaved over a hot word processor.He worked different shifts at different time.My job was strictly 9­to­5.However, we lived in the same neighborhood,and we went to the same church.I knew his family,and he knew mine.We could talk openly with each other,and we usually did.

  One day I was taking some VIPs on a tour of the steel mill at which we were both employed and I saw him out by the blast furnace. He was covered with sweat and soot as he worked confidently just a few feet from metal, so hot that a

  miscue(失误) would melt him, me and the tour van I was driving —instantly.

  “I don't know how you do that,” I told him when I saw him at church the following Sunday. “It's so hot up there,even in the dead of winter. And if you make a mistake, people die. How do you handle the pressure?”

  He scoffed at my question.

  “It's no big deal,” he said.

  “I've been doing this for years.

  The furnace pretty much runs itself. I'm_just_there_for_the_ride.”

  “Well, I'm glad it's you and not me,” I said. “I couldn't do what you do.”

  A few weeks later, Steve and his crew came into the office to pick up some tickets for a football game the company was sponsoring. I was on a tight deadline to deliver some advertising copy, so after I greeted Steve, I returned to my computer to continue working while my staff took care of the tickets.

  After a few minutes of tip­tip­tapping on my keyboard,

  I had that funny,

  awkward feeling that I had an audience.

  I glanced up and saw Steve leaning against the wall,watching me.

  “I don't know how you do that,”he said.“There's so much stuff going on up here.I don't know how you keep track of everything.And if you make a mistake,millions of people are going to hear it on the radio.How do you handle the pressure?”

  I scoffed at his question,even though it sounded eerily familiar.“It's no big deal,”I said.“I've been doing this for years.Most of this stuff writes itself.I'm just here to make sure it all gets to the right places on time.”

  “Well,I'm glad it's you and not me,”Steve said.“I couldn't do what you do.”

  It wasn't until Steve left the office that I realized we had pretty much had the exact same conversation twice—once with regard to his work and once with regard to mine.Without even trying,Steve and I had stumbled on a simple fact of life in the workplace:it takes all kinds.

  1.It can be learned from the first paragraph that Steve and the author________.

  A.worked for different companies

  B.had obviously different jobs

  C.worked in shifts at different time

  D.argued at times,but got along well

  2.What does the underlined sentence mean?

  A.No one could do this work except Steve.

  B.Steve's job was a bit dangerous.

  C.It was an easy job for Steve.

  D.Steve was good at handling pressure.

  3.Why was the author busy on his keyboard when Steve came for tickets?

  A.He had to deliver sales reports.

  B.He was engaged in an advertising copy.

  C.He was organizing a football game.

  D.He was on a tight deadline to create a report.

  4.What could be the best title of the text?

  A.It's No Big Deal

  B.Every Man Has His Strengths

  C.Make a Difference in Jobs

  D.It Takes All Kinds

  [文章大意] 作者通过讲述他与朋友在同一家公司上班的故事告诉读者一个简单的道理——社会需要各种各样的工作。

  1.B。考查推理判断。 从第一段内容可知,史蒂夫与钢水打交道,作者与文字处理打交道,可见他们的工作明显不同。

  2.C。 考查推理判断。 由第四段中的信息“It's no big deal” “I've been doing

  this for years.The furnace pretty much runs itself.”可知,史蒂夫认为自己可以轻松驾驭这份工作。

  3.B。考查细节理解。根据第六段中的信息“I was on a tight deadline to

  deliver some advertising copy,


  after I greeted


  I returned to my

  computer to continue working”可知,作者忙于做广告文案。

  4.D。考查推理判断。作者在最后一段对自己与Steve的两次对话进行了思考,认识到一个简单的事实:it takes all kinds(需要各种各样的工作),所以最佳标题为D项。





  到达: 8月18日晚上10:30




  参考词汇:南卡罗来纳州South Carolina 哥伦比亚Columbia

  Dear Deb,

  How is everything going with you?__________________________________________





  Warmest regards.


  Li Xiaoyan

  One possible version:



  I'm writing to tell you that it is close to 48 hours now until I arrive

  in Columbia,

  South Carolina!

  I will set off from Shenyang to Beijing at

  eight tomorrow morning first. At around 4 p.m., I'll take the flight

  UA850Y to Columbia.I'll be there at about 22:30 on 18, August.

  Would you please pick me up at the airport?

  I'm about 1.6 metres high with long hair.

  I'll be in a pink

  dress, and carry a big green suitcase and a small purple one. You can wait for me at the security check

  by putting up a sign with my name written on it so that I can easily find you.






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