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发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编







  1.What will the man do during the vacation?

  A.Travel to the north.

  B.Stay with his grandparents.

  C.Study at school.

  2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

  A.In a street.B.In the downtown.

  C.At the subway station.

  3.What is the man probably doing recently?

  A.He is designing an ad.

  B.He is looking for a job.

  C.He is advertising a product.

  4.Why does the woman want to meet Betty Sue?

  A.To give her a message.

  B.To inform her of a meeting.

  C.To give her a document.

  5.What is the man?

  A.A waiter. B.A singer. C.A seller.




  6.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A.Doctor and patient.B.Boss and employee.

  C.Friends or relatives.

  7.Why does the man work so hard?

  A.To be promoted.B.To get a pay rise.

  C.To pay off his debts.


  8.Where will the transfer students go?

  A.To the USA.B.To Britain.

  C.To Germany.

  9.Whose English is good?

  A.The woman's.B.The man's.

  C.Neither A nor B.


  10.What doesn't the snack bar have?

  A.Banana pies.

  B.Spicy chicken set meal.

  C.Pineapple pies.

  11.How much is the payment?

  A.20.5 RMB.

  B.25.5 RMB.

  C.25.15 RMB.

  12.Where will the man have it?

  A.At the snack bar.B.Not at the snack bar.

  C.At the office.


  13.What time is Bruce Cobber's flight?

  A.At 9:25.

  B.At 18:25.

  C.At 19:25.

  14.Which gate did Mr.Bruce Cobber leave from?

  A.Gate 2.

  B.Gate 12.

  C.Gate 20.

  15.What kind of ticket does the man want to buy?

  A.First class,non­smoker.

  B.Economic class,non­smoker.

  C.Economic class,smoker.

  16.Which statement of the following is TRUE according to the text?

  A.Cobber's plane took off 15 minutes ago.

  B.The man missed Cobber again.

  C.The man bought a ticket to Sydney.


  17.Why did Ted go to the bank?

  A.He wanted to get some money.

  B.He wanted to apply for a job.

  C.He wanted to report something to the bank.

  18.What did the man at the bank ask Ted to do first?

  A.Write answers under the questions on a piece of paper.

  B.Answer his questions orally.

  C.Write some questions.

  19.Which of the following was one of the questions?

  A.Have you ever worked in the prison?

  B.Have you ever been in prison?

  C.Why have you been in prison?

  20.What do you think of Ted?

  A.He was clever.

  B.He was friendly.

  C.He was stupid.


  Text 1

  W:Do you have any idea for your winter vacation?

  M:I had planned to go to the north,but I've changed my mind.I'll stay with my grandparents.

  Text 2

  M:Excuse me!What's the best way to get downtown?

  W:Take the subway.It's $1.50 per ride.You can buy a metro card at the station.

  M:You've been very helpful.

  W:My pleasure.

  Text 3

  W:Hey,Ted!I saw this ad in the paper.You should take a look.

  M:What is it?

  W:It's for a job.It looks perfect for you.

  Text 4

  W:Is Betty Sue in her office?

  M:I'm sorry.She's in a meeting right now.

  W:I see.Could you give her this document for me?


  Text 5

  M:Can I help you?

  W:Have you got a VCD by S.H.E.?I want a copy for my daughter.

  M:Sorry,we haven't got that at the moment.But we could order it for you.

  Text 6

  W:You look tired.

  M:Yeah,I've been working so much overtime lately.

  W:Really?How come?

  M:My boss gave me a big project.I had to have it finished by this morning.It was so difficult!

  W:You shouldn't work so hard.

  M:I know.But hard work pays off,you know.

  W:What do you mean?

  M:Maybe I'll get that promotion I was hoping for.

  Text 7

  M:Our school is going to send transfer students to Germany.Did you know that?

  W:Yes.And they said only two will get a chance.It's very competitive.

  M:You're right.It also requires excellent English.

  W:English isn't one of my advantages.I'd rather not try.

  M:Well,I'd like to give it shot.It's once in a blue moon,after all.

  W:I'm with you.You speak English well.

  Text 8

  W:Hello,may I help you?

  M:A spicy chicken set meal and 2 pineapple pies,please.

  W:Sorry.We don't have any pineapple pies right now.Would you like to order something else?

  M:Yeah,2 banana pies.

  W:OK.That's 25.5 RMB.

  M:Here you are.

  W:Thank you.Would you like it for here or to go?

  M:To go.

  Text 9

  M:Excuse me.Miss!

  W:Yes,sir?Can I help you?

  M:I want to know if a Mr.Bruce Cobber has checked in for the 7:25 p.m.flight to Sydney.

  W:Wait a moment,sir.I'll just find out...Yes,sir.Mr.Cobber has checked in already.

  M:Which gate is the flight leaving from?

  W:Gate 12.But it's already left,I'm afraid,sir.The plane took off 10 minutes ago.

  M:Oh,no!I've missed him again!I don't believe it!Can I have a single ticket to London,please?First­class,non­smoker.

  W:Here is your ticket,sir.

  M:OK.Thank you.

  Text 10

  Ted worked in a factory,but he wasn't a very good worker,so he lost his job one day.His wife looked in the newspaper and said,“One of the banks wants a guard.”

  “I'm going there tomorrow,”Ted said,“and I'm going to ask for that job.It's quite an easy one,and I'm quite strong.”

  The next morning he went to the bank at half past nine and said,“I want that job here.The guard's job.”

  A man gave him a piece of paper.There were a lot of questions on it.“Write your answers under the questions,”the man said to Ted.

  One of the questions was“Have you ever been in prison?”

  Ted smiled happily and wrote“No”under this question.

  Then he looked at the next question.It was“Why?”

  He thought for a moment and then he wrote,“Because the police have never caught me.”

  1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B

  10.C 11.B 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.B 17.B

  18.A 19.B 20.C




  Low­Cost Gifts for Mother's Day

  Gift No.1

  Offer to be your mother's health friend.Promise to be there for any and all doctor's visits whether a disease or a regular medical check­up.Most mothers always say“no need,”but another set of eyes and ears is always a good idea at a doctor's visit.The best part? This one is free.

  Gift No.2

  Help your mother organize all of her medical records, which include the test results and medical information.Put them all in one place.Be sure to make a list of all of her medicines and what times she takes them. “Having all this information in one place could end up saving your mother's life,”Dr.Marie Savard said.

  Gift No.3

  Enough sleep is connected to general health conditions. “Buy your mother cotton sheets and comfortable pillows to encourage better sleep,”Savard said.“We know that good sleep is very important to our health.”

  Gift No.4

  Some gift companies such as Presents for Purpose allow you to pay it forward this Mother's Day by picking gifts in which 10 percent of the price you pay goes to a charity(慈善机构). Gift givers can choose from a wide variety of useful but inexpensive things—many of which are“green”—and then choose a meaningful charity from a list.When your mother gets the gift,she will be told that she has helped the chosen charity.

  【解题导语】 这是一则广告,告诉消费者母亲节要到了,推荐给大家几件可以送给母亲的礼物,即陪母亲看病、做体检;帮母亲整理就诊记录;买舒适的床上用品;从Presents for Purpose买礼物。


  21.What are you advised to do for your mother at doctor's visits?

  A.Take notes

  B.Be with her

  C.Buy medicine

  D.Give her gifts

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据Gift No.1的内容可知,母亲去看医生时要陪着。由此可知选B。]

  22.What can be a gift of organization for your mother?

  A.Keeping her medical information together.

  B.Buying all gifts for her from one company.

  C.Making a list of her medical check­ups.

  D.Storing her medicines in a safe place.

  答案 A [细节理解题。根据Gift No.2的内容可知,要把母亲的医疗检查、结果和信息放在一个地方。故选A。]

  23.Where can you find a gift idea to improve your mother's sleep?

  A.In Gift No.1

  B.In Gift No.2

  C.In Gift No.3

  D.In Gift No.4

  答案 C [细节理解题。Gift No.3的内容提到了改善母亲睡眠的事情。故选C。]

  24.Buying gifts from Presents for Purpose allows mothers to________.

  A.enjoy good sleep

  B.be well­organized

  C.get extra support

  D.give others help

  答案 D [细节理解题。根据Gift No.4的内容可知,从Presents for Purpose买东西,要把你付的价钱中的十分之一捐给慈善机构,从而间接帮助母亲做了善事,即帮助了别人。故选D。]


  Why do so many people assume that

  just because we are ‘higher beings', we can feel love, sorrow, pain, or joy more acutely than other creatures?The fact that so many people do feel this way was brought to my attention after the recent death of a horse.


  horse,Triumph,died not long ago.Triumph had lived much of his life with another horse, Wolf.They were just like brothers, fighting, kicking, and biting for hours, only to turn around and share each other's food.When Triumph died, the worry turned to Wolf.Many a scientist will refuse to admit the ability of a horse to feel the loss of another more deeply than the simple absence of a pack­mate.However, this was proved thoroughly untrue to me after Triumph's death.

  Triumph was buried a respectful distance from the rest of the horses, but Wolf was placed as near to the grave as possible.The morning after Triumph's death, Wolf could be seen staring sadly at his brother's grave, his food unfinished.After about 20 minutes of this, the oldest mare (母马) of the herd bit his neck gently and led him slowly to the water trough (饮水槽).Wolf followed, like he could do nothing else.After watching him drink, the old mare again bit him, and walked away to finish her food.Wolf seemed to take this as an order, and slowly began to finish his own food.

  Anyone who questions an animal's ability to mourn

  has never seen what I saw that day.I had never seen a horse look so heartbroken.As Wolf stood sadly near the fence, each horse individually came and stood with him, gently pushing his nose or nickering (嘶叫) softly.It was clear that they were paying their respects to his loss, exactly like any funeral.

  The emotions I saw in Wolf's eyes that day were just as acute as any person's.Without experiencing what I felt that day, no one can be expected to understand my view of animal emotions.

  【解题导语】 本文是记叙文。作者通过描述马失去同伴后的情感表现,说明动物也有情感。

  25.What might be the author's purpose in writing the text?

  A.To remind us to love animals.

  B.To show animals' acute emotions.

  C.To tell a heartbreaking story about animals.

  D.To compare human emotions with animal emotions.

  答案 B [写作意图题。文章讲述了一匹名叫Triumph的马死后,其同伴Wolf悲痛哀悼的故事,意在表明动物也有自己的情感。]

  26.From Wolf's behavior after the death of Triumph, we can see that________.

  A.Wolf gave up hope of his own life

  B.Wolf asked the other horses for help

  C.Wolf became saddened by the death of Triumph

  D.Wolf felt sorry about what he had done to Triumph

  答案 C [推理判断题。根据第二段的feel the loss of another和第三段的Wolf could be seen staring sadly at his brother's grave 可知,Wolf因Triumph的死而悲伤。]

  27.How did the other horses react after the loss of Triumph?

  A.They expressed deep concern for Wolf.

  B.They were unconcerned with Wolf.

  C.They didn't know what to do.

  D.They were heartbroken.

  答案 A [细节理解题。从第四段的each horse individually came and stood with him和It was clear that they were paying their respects to his loss, exactly like any funeral可知答案。]


  For centuries, ships became isolated as soon as they were out of sight of shores and of other ships.This meant that if a ship met with any problems while at sea, they would sink without anyone knowing their fate.This isolation ended up with the invention of the wireless telegraph and Morse code.

  By 1904, many transatlantic ships had wireless telegraph on board.Realizing a need for a widely recognized distress call, the letters “CQD” became the first distress call.But at that time different countries used different distress calls.

  At the Radio and Telegraphic Conference held in Berlin in 1906, it was noted that there needed to be an internationally agreed upon and recognized signal for distress.No longer should Great Britain use “CQD” while Germany used “SOE”.After much discussion, the letters “SOS” were agreed upon.Although many have later stated that the letters stand for “Save Our Ship”, “Save Our Souls” or “Sink Or Swim”, it is not what the statements mean.

  After being agreed upon at the Radio and Telegraphic Conference, the Morse code signal of three dots, three dashes, and then three dots (sent together, without spacing) went into effect as the international signal for distress 2 years later.The letters were chosen because the Morse code of three dots, three dashes, and three dots was easy to recognize and people were able to make as few mistakes as possible when sending it.

  Although officially the international signal for distress was “SOS”, many people still used the old signal of “CQD”.Even in 1912, when the Titanic began to sink, its radio operator first sent the “CQD” distress signal.Then another operator suggested also sending the new “SOS” signal.It took several years for “SOS” to replace the old signal.

  【解题导语】 全文讲述“SOS”作为国际求救信号是什么时间发明的。

  28.“SOS” went into effect as the international signal for distress in________.





  答案 D [推理判断题。从第3、4段可知,1906年会议确定SOS为求助标志,两年后才生效。]

  29.Which of the following is the correct Morse code for “SOS”?


  B.— — — ○○○ — — —

  C.···— — —···

  D.— — — ···— — —

  答案 C [细节理解题。第4段指出,SOS的代码为:先三个点,然后三个破折号,最后三个点。]

  30.The Titanic sent distress signals by using________.

  A.both “CQD” and “SOS”

  B.neither “CQD” nor “SOS”

  C.either “CQD” or “SOS”

  D.nothing but “SOS”

  答案 A [细节理解题。从第5段可知,泰坦尼克号发了两种求救信号。]

  31.This passage mainly talks about________.

  A.why people mistook “SOS” for “Save Our Ship”

  B.when “SOS” was invented as the international distress signal

  C.how “SOS” was accepted as the international distress signal

  D.why the old signal of “CQD” was given up

  答案 B [主旨大意题。全文讲述“SOS”作为国际求救信号是什么时间发明的。]


  Complete the following sentence:“You go to the library to check out...?” The obvious answer is “books”.But a harder question might be, “What do we mean by ‘book’?” Nowadays, electronic books, or “e­books”, have become more and more popular in American society.

  The biggest online bookseller Amazon, for example, recently announced that less than four years after introducing them to its catalog, it is now selling more electronic versions of its book titles than printed ones.

  Last week, Pew Internet Project released a survey about the use of e­books by library customers.It found that 12% of Americans aged 16 and older who read e­books say they had borrowed at least one from a library within the past year.But the survey found that the broader public, including 58% of those who have library cards and 53% of people who own electronic book readers, are not aware that they can find and check out e­books from public libraries, even though three­quarters of the libraries offer that service.

  Pew Internet Project director Lee Rainie noted that e­book borrowing is becoming more popular at the same time that publishers, who are selling plenty of e­books and fewer hard­copy editions, are worried that free e­book check­outs at the library will hurt sales.In February, for example, the big publisher Penguin Books stopped supplying new e­books and audio books to libraries.Penguin just reached an agreement to resume supplying one big library system in New York City but not until six months after new titles are released.That way, those who want the latest books will have to buy them.

  So things are a little murky (阴暗的) in the library world when it comes to electronic books.More and more customers want them, but publishers are giving the libraries a hard time about offering them.Demand is not the problem.Supply may soon be.

  【解题导语】 如今电子书走进了美国的许多地方图书馆,人们可以从图书馆里借阅。

  32.What is the function of the two questions in the first paragraph?

  A.To introduce the topic of the passage.

  B.To stress the popularity of e­books.

  C.To show what the author cares about.

  D.To remind us of the change at the library.

  答案 A [推理判断题。从第一段的两个问题和文章的内容可知,通过第一段的两个问题,作者引出了自己即将在文章中讨论的话题,故选A项。]

  33.According to Paragraph 2, what can we know about Amazon?

  A.It has sold e­books for five years.

  B.Its e­books are cheaper than printed books.

  C.It has the best e­books among all libraries.

  D.Its e­books sell better than printed books.

  答案 D [细节理解题。从第二段中的it is now selling

  more electronic versions of its book titles than printed ones.可知它的电子书比纸质书畅销。]

  34.We know from the survey done by Pew Internet Project that________.

  A.few library customers know how to read e­books

  B.the promotional effort at e­book readers is not big enough

  C.library customers should be reminded about the e­book service

  D.more library cards should be offered to readers free of charge

  答案 C [细节理解题。从第三段的内容可知,很多人还不知道他们可以在图书馆里借阅电子书,因此图书馆应该多推广电子书的借阅,故选C项。]

  35.Why did Penguin Books NOT supply new e­books to libraries?

  A.Because they are not allowed to offer e­books.

  B.Because they wanted to increase the sales of printed books.

  C.Because they didn't want their e­books to be copied.

  D.Because their products were not welcomed there.

  答案 B [细节理解题。从第四段的free e­book check­outs at the library will hurt sales和That way, those who want the latest books will have to buy them这两句话可知,Penguin Books 停止向图书馆提供电子书是为了保证纸质书的销售,故选B项。]



  Faces, like fingerprints, are unique.Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people?__36__Yet a very young child—or even an animal, such as a pigeon—can learn to recognize faces.We all take this for granted.

  __37__When we talk about someone's personality, we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels that make that individual different from others.

  Like the human face, human personality is very complex.But describing someone's personality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face.__38__But if you were asked to describe a “nice person”, you might begin to think about someone who was kind, considerate, friendly, warm, and so forth.

  There are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels and acts.Gordon Allport, an American psychologist, found nearly 18,000 English words characterizing differences in people's behavior.__39__Bookworms, conservatives, military types—people are described with such terms.

  People have always tried to “type” each other.Actors in early Greek drama wore masks to show the audience whether they played the villain's or the hero's role.In fact, the words “person” and “personality” come from the Latin persona, meaning “mask”.Today, most television and movie actors do not wear masks.__40__

  A.If you were asked to describe what a “nice face” look like, you probably would have a difficult time doing so.

  B.But we can easily tell the “good guys” from the “bad guys” because the two types differ in appearance as well as in actions.

  C.We also tell people apart by how they behave.

  D.People have difficulty in describing the features of fingerprints.

  E.And many of us use this information as a basis for describing, or typing his personality.

  F.Experts say that actors differ in their behavioral and physical characteristics in acting.

  G.Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another.

  答案 36.G 37.C 38.A 39.E 40.B




  My uncle Jack is the little brother of my father.He is a tall man in good __41__—he has muscles and is athletic.He likes telling jokes to make people __42__.Just like a gentleman, he always dresses __43__ and keeps his hair cut.My uncle is full of __44__, because he likes reading all kinds of books.He also enjoys listening to news to __45__ the times.

  He is a judge at the court in my country, and he gave me a lot of __46__.He always taught me to be __47__and not to give up in front of any difficult situation.Before I went to the university, I asked him, “What should I study as a __48__?”He told me to study law.Today I am so happy because I __49__ his advice, and I got my Master's Degree in Business Law in Senegal.We__50__ most of our time together at the weekends drinking hot tea under the __51__ of our mango trees.

  My really__52__ day together with my uncle was three days before I left the country.I was really __53__ that day because it was my first time to leave all my family.I would __54__ them very much.I knew it was going to be __55__ for me, and my uncle still advised me, “You are a man.Just go and study hard to show us the reason to be __56__ of you by getting your diploma.” I was very __57__ by him.

  My uncle Jack is still in my country, and sometimes I __58__ my family and their safety because of political trouble in my country.We still __59__ each other by phone and sometimes through the Internet.__60__, God still keeps them alive and they are still living positively.

  【解题导语】 本文讲述了作者和他的叔叔之间的深厚感情。






  答案 B [根据下文的he has muscles and is athletic.可知他有不错的体型。]





  答案 A [根据句中的He likes telling jokes可知他经常讲笑话引人发笑。]





  答案 A [根据上文的Just like a gentleman可知他穿戴整齐。]





  答案 D [根据下文的because he likes reading all kinds of books.可知他充满智慧。]

  45.A.get away with

  B.make up for

  C.take part in

  D.keep up with

  答案 D [他喜欢听资讯是为了紧跟时代。keep up with意为“赶上”。]





  答案 A [根据下文他让作者不要放弃,大学里学法律等可知他给了作者很多建议。]





  答案 C [根据句中的not to give up可知他要作者在任何困境面前要坚强一点,不要放弃。]





  答案 B [根据语境可知此处是指作者问他要学什么专业。]





  答案 C [根据下文的I got my Master's Degree in Business Law in Senegal可知作者听从了他的建议。]





  答案 B [他们经常周末一起在芒果树荫下喝热茶度过时间。]




  D.reserve答案 C [同上。]





  答案 B [作者特别难忘的一天是将要离开祖国的三天前的那天。]





  答案 A [根据句中的because it was my first time to leave all my family可知作者很伤心。]





  D [由于作者要离开家人,所以他一定会很想念他们。]





  答案 B [由于作者是第一次离开家人,去异国他乡,所以他觉得这对他来说会很难。]





  答案 D [根据句中的by getting your diploma可知他让作者有理由让他们为他自豪。be proud of意为“为……自豪”。]





  答案 B [作者被他的话所鼓励。]

  58.A.worry about

  B.turn to

  C.dream of

  D.cheer up

  答案 A [根据句中的because of political trouble in my country可知作者担心他的家人的安危。]





  答案 D [根据句中的by phone and sometimes through the Internet可知他们通过电话和网络保持联系。]





  答案 B [根据下文的God still keeps them alive and they are still living positively.可知作者的家人还活着,而且一直积极生活,这是很幸运的事。]





  Shelly:Hey, Bob, guess what? I'm going to Sydney next month. I'm invited to go to a friend's wedding. And this is an excellent opportunity to improve my English.

  Bob:That's nice , Shelly . But I think you'd better increase your vocabulary and practice your __61__(pronounce) now.

  Shelly:Right. By the way, is Sydeny the capital of Australia?

  Bob:Well, Many people think so __62__ it's the biggest city in Australia. But it's not the capital, Canberra is. But Sydney is great.__63__ we all know, the 27th Olympic Games was __64__(hold) there .

  Shelly:Yeah, most people know the Sydeny Harbor Bridge and the Sydney Opera House after __65__.

  Bob:That's true. The Sydney Opera House is the symbol of Australia, which I think is worth __66__(visit).

  Shelly:Good advice. I have a friend who lives there now . Maybe he __67__ act as my guide. He knows the city a lot and makes many friends from different countries.

  Bob:__68__, the city attracts people from all over the world and its ties with the world have been strengthened __69__ Sydney Olympic Games.

  Shelly:Fantastic . I can't wait __70__(go).

  答案 61.pronunciation 62.because 63.As 64.held 65.that 66.visiting 67.can 68.In fact 69.since 70.to go









  There are many people think that wealth is better than health.I used to think so until one day I had read a story about Howard Joyce.He was an European billionaire who got everything he wanted.Therefore,in the last twenty years of his life, his health began to get worse and he led a miserably life.Although the best doctors called for him, he could still find no relief.I have realized that health is worth all the money in the world.If you have million of dollars but you are at poor health, you will not be able to do what you want to do.But I would like to advise you not to hurt yourself trying to make money.Instead, take care of your body and be happy with which you do.Health is more important.


  There are many people think that wealth is better than health.I used to think so until one day I

  read a story about Howard Joyce.He was European billionaire who got everything he wanted.Therefore,However,in the last twenty years of his life, his health began to get worse and he led a life.Although the best doctors called for him, he could still find no relief.I have realized that health is worth all the money in the world.If you have of dollars but you are poor health, you will not be able to do what you want to do.But,So I would like to advise you not to hurt yourself trying to make money.Instead, take care of your body and be happy with you do.Health is more important.













  A teenage Chinese tourist was reported to have scribbled on the wall of ancient temple in Egypt, which has become a hot topic these days.

  It is true that some ugly words are seen carved on the walls of tourist attractions, which make the walls dirty and damage the image of the tourist attraction.They also damage the cultural relics in a way.

  We should mind our behavior when traveling.First, we should keep in mind that the scenic spots are the most beautiful place, so we should take good care of them.Scribbling makes them ugly and less attractive.Besides, we should not spit or litter on our way to keep the scenic spot tidy and clean.

  Everybody has the responsibility to protect the cultural relics.Let's take action from now on!


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