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发布时间:2017-04-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  Lie Yu Kou (Lie Zi) was showing Bo Hun Wu Ren his archery(射箭) skill. He 1 the bow to its full extent, had a cup of water 2 on his elbow, and released the arrow. As soon as the first arrow flew off, a second one was wound up. The moment the second one was winged, a third was ready, and all of them lodged in the same place. During all this time, his 3 was as still as a statue.

  After his performance, Lie Zi asked Bo Hun Wu Ren: "What do you think of my archery skill?" Bo Hun Wu Ren laughed: "This is still only a(an) 4 shot, not quite the perfect shot yet. Let’s climb up the mountain and stand on the 5 overhanging the abyss(深渊). We’ll see if you can 6 an arrow."

  Wu Ren then led Lie Zi up to a place eight hundred feet above a deep valley. Wu Ren turned his 7 to the edge of the cliff, 8 moving his feet until he was standing with his heels extending over the edge, and 9 Lie Zi to join him. Lie Zi was so 10 that he threw himself down on the ground, sweating from head to toe. Bo Hun Wu Ren raised the bow and shot the arrows from his bow, with no 11 missed. Then he looked at Lie Zi and said 12 . " The best archer can look up at the blue 13 , down at the nether(地下的) world and to the eight poles of the earth but still keep 14 . Here on this mountain, you’re already 15 , so your chances of hitting your mark are very slim".

  1. A. drew

  B. dragged

  C. reached

  D. shot

  2. A. fastened

  B. fixed

  C. balanced

  D. added

  3. A. head

  B. body

  C. hand D. shoulder

  4. A. excellent B. skillful

  C. normal

  D. imperfect

  5. A. border

  B. top

  C. summit D. cliff

  6. A. aim

  B. draw

  C. shoot D. launch

  7. A. back

  B. face

  C. arrow

  D. eyes

  8. A. proudly

  B. clumsily

  C. quickly D. slowly

  9. A. persuaded

  B. begged

  C. invited

  D. suggested

  10. A. determined

  B. terrified

  C. worried

  D. anxious

  11. A. arrow

  B. target

  C. bow

  D. bird

  12. A. friendly

  B. warmly

  C. coolly

  D. happily

  13. A. aims

  B. rainbows

  C. stars

  D. skies

  14. A. positive

  B. silent

  C. calm

  D. active

  15. A. in panic

  B. in despair

  C. out of breath

  D. out of mind




  A. Not named yet: baby, female

  It’s a small grey cat with long hair and deep blue eyes. It is very friendly and can get along well with dogs. I can’t keep it because I have too many pets, but I can’t just let it go outside. If you are looking for a cat, please let me know. And I will send it to you, but you’ll have to pay my travel fees.

  B. Brooke: orange and white, young, female

  She’s a shy cat and likes to be alone at first. Once she gets familiar with you, she is very sweet and loves to be in your lap and play with you. She also loves to talk. The owner shouldn’t be a smoker. For free.

  C. Sammi Hammi: adult, male

  Sammi Hammi, a blue and gold bird, is looking for his forever home. He loves dogs and likes to sing and dance. He will take your ear off while you cook! He loves delicious food and he is a great boy who loves attention. The new owner will have to pay an adoption fee and for his cage.

  D. Buster: black and white, young, male

  He will be the sweetest cat you will ever meet. He likes to play and gets along well with other pets. Anyone who gets this guy will love him! For free.

  E. Zoey: American Bulldog, adult, female

  My dog Zoey is three years old and is very outgoing. She loves the outdoors and she loves kids. She is good at looking after other dogs. She also likes being around people. I need to find her a good home. I would like someone with children and other dogs to take her. For free.

  F. Rebel and Maverick: young, male

  Both Rebel and Maverick will be 2 years old soon. They’re wonderful dogs, but I can no longer keep them for some reasons. They love children. A home with children would be the best. They also get along well with other animals. The most suitable place for them is a home with a yard because they love to be outside. 600 dollars


  46. Alice and her 10-year-old twin sons live in a house with a big yard. She’s looking for some pets to play with the boys. A pair of dogs is preferred. Money isn’t a problem.

  47. Tom, 63 years old, has no children. His wife died last year and he’s very lonely. He would like to have a pet that he can talk to. He used to be a cook and loves birds very much, but he doesn’t like cats.

  48. Bruce has a dog and he’s looking for another pet. It must be male and be able to get along well with his dog. Also, the pet has to be free.

  49. Neil plans to find a female pet for his daughter. She loves orange and white cats. There are no smokers in the family. Free pets are preferred.

  50. Max is looking for an adult dog to join his family. He has 3 children and two baby dogs. He hopes the new pet can help look after the baby dogs and play with his children.



  时间 去年暑假

  人员 你与父母

  出发地点 香港

  飞行时间 大约14小时

  逗留时间 8天

  主要参观景点 大本钟(Big Ben)、 伦敦眼(the London Eye)、 白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace) 和泰晤士河(Thames River)(乘船游览)

  最后一日行程 你在酒吧会见了伦敦的网友;父母外出购物。

  旅游感受 逛伦敦最好的方式是带上地图四处走;酒店的人员都很友好,愿意尽力提供帮助。



  1. 出发时间、地点、人员、飞行时间及逗留时间;

  2. 游览景点及最后一日行程内容;

  3. 对旅游的感受。








  I have known Fei for five years as we used to be in the same class in junior middle school but are now studying in different high schools. For a long time we seldom contacted each other until one day one year ago when we met on QQ. From then on, we had a good time chatting online now and then. He impressed me so much with his wise and humorous answers that soon I took to him. We sent text messages nearly every day. The more I knew him, the more I like him. Whenever I felt unhappy, I would send messages to him to get his warm comfort. I believed that he also had a crush on me, because one night when I was ill he stayed awake and asked me to give him a phone call if I needed help. I was so moved and decided to tell him my feelings towards him.

  I sent him an email and revealed my love to him. But his reply upset me: "I just treated you as my sister and I never thought about love between us.… Sorry!"

  I was sad, disappointed and depressed in the following days. I wanted to forget him. I deleted his phone number, QQ number and everything that would remind me of him. However, I couldn’t drive away his image and voice from my brain. I can’t help being absent-minded in class, though I’m supposed to be busy with my study as a senior three student. What shall I do?



  1. 以约30个词概括Sara博文的内容 (开头已给出,不计入词数);

  2. 然后以约120个词谈谈你的感受和建议

  ⑴ 你对Sara目前处境的感受;

  ⑵ 谈谈你对高中生早恋的看法;

  ⑶ 给Sara提出建议,帮助她走出困境。


  1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直


  2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。



  I’m sorry to know that

  1—5 ACBBD 6—10 CADCB 11—15 BCDCA

  46---50 FCDBE

  基础写作 (One possible version)

  Last summer vacation, my parents and I paid an eight-day visit to London. We flew from Hong Kong and the flight lasted for about 14 hours. During our stay there, not only did we visit Big Ben, the London Eye, Buckingham Palace, but we also took a boat trip on Thames River. On the last day during our visit, I met an online friend there in a coffee bar while my parents went shopping. What impressed me most was that people in the hotel were so friendly that they would do anything they could for you, and I found that the best way to explore the city was to go around with a map of it.


  读写任务 (One possible version)

  I'm sorry to know that you have been deeply troubled by your relationship with Fei. With your mistaking his care for love, his declination to your confession and your useless efforts to recover, your study and life have been negatively impacted.

  Honestly, I can thoroughly understand your pain as I was in your shoes a year ago. I fell in love with my classmate Jack and was supposed to be happier. But the truth is that we lived in pain because of jealousy and finally broke up half a year later. It took me a long time to cure myself and my performance in study has been affected, which has made me regretful.

  Based on my experience, you must have realized campus love scarcely ends up well. So why not just focus on winning your way to a top university, where there's a better chance to meet your Mr. Right? To get yourself together, you’d better spend more time with people who can make you happy. Moreover, set yourself a realistic goal in study to get concentrated. Finally, seek for professional advice from psychiatrists if necessary.

  Your past experience is a sour and immature apple. If you drop it and head for a bright and right direction, I’m sure you'll eventually find a sweet and red apple of your eye.



  1. 按照评分标准,实行分析综合法评分;

  2. 概括应包括以下要点:

  (1) 同情Sara现在的处境(deeply troubled by your relationship with Fei.)

  (2) 简述Sara处境的起因、经过、结果(误把关心当爱;表白被婉拒;陷入单恋无法自拔;影响学习)。


  ⑴ 对Sara目前处境的感受;

  ⑵ 对高中生早恋的看法;

  ⑶ 给Sara提出建议,帮助她走出困境。


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