2015届高考英语一轮复习基础提升晨练:Module 6《War and Peace》(外研版选修6)-查字典英语网
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2015届高考英语一轮复习基础提升晨练:Module 6《War and Peace》(外研版选修6)

发布时间:2017-04-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 6 War and Peace 外研版选修6 Ⅰ.单词速记 A.识记单词 1.________(v.) 放弃,抛弃 2.________(v.) 淹死,使溺死 3.________(adv.) 最后,最终 4.________ (v.) 使受伤 (n.)伤口 5.________ (v.) 俯视,往下看 6.________ (v.) 责难;谴责 7.________(v.) 营救,拯救 8.________ (n.) 牺牲 9.________ (prep.) 不管,不顾 10.________ (v.) 卸下 B.联想串记 11.________ (v.) 持续→________(adv.) 最后一点→________(adj.)持久的,耐久的 12.________ (v.)占领→________(n.)占有,职业→________(adj.)已占用的,在使用的 13.________ (adj.) (感到)震惊的,惊骇的→________ (v.) 使震惊 (n.)震惊;休克→________(adj.)令人震惊的 14.________ (adj.) 值得做的,有价值的,有用的→________(adj.)值……钱,相当于……的价值→______(adj.) 有价值的;值得……的;可敬的 15.________(v.)鼓舞,鼓励→________n.鼓励→________(adj.)令人鼓舞的,振奋人心的→________n.勇气 16.________(n.) 国籍→________adj. 国家的,民族的→________n. 国家,民族答案:1.abandon 2.drown 3.eventually 4.wound 5.overlook 6.condemn 7.rescue 8.sacrifice 9.despite 10.unload 11.last; lastly; lasting 12.occupy;occupation;occupied 13.shocked;shock;shocking 14.worthwhile;worth;worthy 15.encourage; encouragement; encouraging; courage 16.nationality; national; nation .短语速记 1.________________向……宣战 2.________________取得重大突破(进展) 3.________________停下来让某人搭车(船等) 4.________________卷入,陷入 5.________________考虑,思考 6.________________令某人惊讶的是 7.________________位于,坐落于 8.________________为……干杯,祝酒 9.________________引起注意 10.________________提及,参考答案:1.declare war on 2.make a breakthrough  3.pick up 4.be involved in 5.think about 6.to one's astonishment 7.be situated on/in  8.drink to 9.draw attention to 10.refer to .典句忆析 1.The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed ________ they even got off the boats. 这次登陆行动特别危险,许多士兵甚至还没来得及下船就被杀死了。 [解析] before引导时间是状语从句,表示“还没来得及……就……”。 [仿写] 约翰还没来得及阻止她,她就跑出去了。 ______________________she ran out. 2.The survivors lay on the beach, ______________. 死里逃生的战士躺在海滩上,疲惫不堪,心有余悸。 [解析] exhausted and shocked为过去分词短语作状语。 [仿写] 孩子们爬到了山顶,筋疲力尽。 The children climbed up to the top of the mountain,____________________. 3.If I remember rightly, we ________ do that. 如果我没记错的话,我们不应该那样做。 [解析] be supposed to“被期望做……,应该……;被相信是……;被认为是……”。 [仿写] 大家认为你是个专家,可你对这件事懂得不多,是不是? You ______________ be an expert, but you don't know very much about it, do you? 答案:1.before; Before John stopped her 2.exhausted and shocked; tired and exhausted 3.weren't supposed to; are supposed to Ⅳ.课文回顾 The Second World War, which l__(1)__ until 1945, started when Britain d__(2)__ war on Germany because Germany i__(3)__ Poland. The most important battle of the war in Europe was the military o__(4)__ in 1944 to land on the French beach. 130,000 troops from the United States, Britain and Canada took p__(5)__ in the D­Day landings. They crossed the English Channel in more than 5,000 ships to the French coast on the morning of 6, June, 1944. The operation was extremely d__(6)__ and many soldiers were killed before they even __(7)__________ the boats. And many d__(8)__ in the deep water before help arrived. American soldiers a__(9)__ to land at the most dangerous place, known as Omaha Beach. The situation at Omaha Beach was so bad that the US army commanders thought about a__(10)__ the invasion. Eventually, the soldiers made a breakthrough and the D­Day landings were successful. Operation Overlord was the beginning of the end of the Second World War. 答案:(1)lasted (2)declared (3)invaded (4)operation (5)part (6)dangerous (7)got off (8)drowned (9)attempted  (10)abandoning


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