2017届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:15 必修3 Module 3(外研版含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:15 必修3 Module 3(外研版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点规范练15(必修3 Module 3)



  PAHOA,HAWAII—Hawaii’s Kilauea,one of the most active volcanoes on Earth,has been erupting for more than 30 years.But lava has been rushing toward the town,outside the city of Hilo.

  It has become a tourist attraction,and visitors gather near a trash transfer station where the lava has destroyed a home.Its roof can be seen in the distance,above the black hardened lava.The lava flow near Pahoa,one of two active holes,is an irregular eruption.For a short period,scientists were trying to forecast that,and every one of those forecasts was wrong because of this start-and-stop feature.There’s almost no way of forecasting more than a day or two in advance.

  In Honolucanolu,University of Hawaii researcher Bruce Houghton is analyzing the eruption using high-speed photography.He said that our understanding of volcanoes is improving with input from many scientific disciplines.This photo of the Kilauea lava flow at Pahoa,Hawaii,was taken on Jan.22.The lava is now flowing on another,nearby leg.

  In Pahoa,as the lava approaches within 500 meters of the local highway.Some businesses are open,while others have moved to other places.Business owner Constance Rojcewicz is keeping an eye on the flowing lava.“It’s a little bit frightening,”she said.“You want to be ready.I’ll be ready to move out if I need to,in a day or two.”

  The uncertainty is hard on residents.Scientists have discovered the stress level on families,on interpersonal relationships,on children—that’s the crisis right now.

  The lava is bringing long-lasting changes.When the lava flow comes through,its effects remain for hundreds of years.The hardened lava rock remains there for a very long time.But that’s how the islands were built.That’s how the islands grow as a state.The volcano is a part of life on these islands.


  1.What’s the good part about the volcanic eruption?

  A.It is exciting to watch.

  B.It benefits the tourism.

  C.It brings little damage.

  D.It is valuable for research.


  解析:推理判断题。火山喷发吸引了游客前来参观,是它好的一面。由第二段的“It has become a tourist attraction,and visitors gather...”得出答案为B项。

  2.It is hard to forecast the lava flow because  . 

  A.the volcano is erupting continuously

  B.it is a long time between two eruptions

  C.the volcano doesn’t erupt regularly

  D.it is impossible to forecast eruptions


  解析:细节理解题。火山无规律、间歇性喷发,使得对其预报很困难。由第二段的“every one of those forecasts was wrong because of this start-and-stop feature.”得出。

  3.The photo of lava flow was taken to  . 

  A.record the great natural phenomena

  B.attract more visitors in the world

  C.judge its harm done to local people

  D.gather up information to study it



  4.What’s the local people’s attitude towards the volcano?

  A.They are afraid of it.

  B.They suffer from it.

  C.They are used to it.

  D.They are proud of it.




  I fell in love with Yosemite National Park the first time I saw it,when I was 13.My parents took us there for camping.On the way out,I asked them to wait while I ran up to El Capitan,a  1  rock of 3,300 feet straight up.I touched that giant rock and knew  2  I wanted to climb it.That has been my life’s passion(钟爱) ever since— 3  the rocks and mountains of Yosemite.I’ve long made Yosemite my  4 . 

  About 15 years ago I started seeing a lot of  5 ,like toilet paper,beer cans,and empty boxes,around the area.It’s  6  me why visitors started respecting the place  7  and treated such a beautiful home-like place this way. 

  I tried  8  trash(垃圾) myself,but the job was too big.I would  9  an hour or two on the job,only to find the area trashed all over again weeks later.Finally,I got so  10  it that I decided to change something. 

  As a rock-climbing guide,I knew  11  about organizing any big event.But in 2004,together with some climbers,I set a date for a  12 .On that day,more than 300 people  13 .Over three days we collected about 6,000 pounds of trash.It was amazing how much we were able to  14 .I couldn’t believe the  15  we made—the park looked clean! 

  Each year volunteers come for the cleanup from everywhere.In 2007 alone,2,910 people picked up 7,330 pounds of trash and  16  132 miles of roadway. 

  I often hear people  17  about their surroundings.If you are one of them,I would say the only way to change things is by  18  rather than complaining.We need to teach by  19 .You can’t blame others  20  you start with yourself. 



  C.narrow D.loose


  解析:由下面的“I touched that giant rock and...”可知答案。huge与giant同义复现。句意:在出去的路上,我让他们等我,而我则朝El Capitan,一块3300英尺高直立的大岩石跑了过去。distant“遥远的”;huge“巨大的”;narrow“狭窄的”;loose“松散的”。

  2.A.immediately B.finally

  C.gradually D.recently



  3.A.imagining B.painting

  C.describing D.climbing


  解析:根据上句中的climb以及空后的rocks and mountains可知。

  4.A.garden B.home

  C.lab D.palace


  解析:由下段最后一句“...and treated such a beautiful home-like place this way.”中的such a beautiful home-like place可知答案,原词复现。句意:我已经把Yosemite当做我的家很久了。garden“花园”;home“家”;lab“实验室”;palace“宫殿”。

  5.A.material B.resources

  C.waste D.goods


  解析:like“像……”,用来举例,和前面的内容构成整体与部分的逻辑关系。根据like后面列举的内容toilet paper,beer cans,and empty boxes 可知,这里应选择waste(废物)。material“原材料”;resource“资源”;waste“废物,废料”;goods“商品”。

  6.A.beyond B.against

  C.over D.within


  解析:由下文的“why visitors started respecting the place...”可知,作者现在无法理解为什么游客开始不再那么尊重这个地方。beyond,介词,“超出”。这里指超过了作者的理解能力。

  7.A.more B.most

  C.less D.least



  8.A.throwing away B.picking up

  C.breaking down D.digging out


  解析:根据上文,作者看到游客丢垃圾很心痛,于是自己去捡起那些游客丢弃的垃圾。pick up“捡起”;throw away“扔掉”;break down“出故障;抛锚”;dig out“发掘,找到”。

  9.A.kill B.save

  C.wait D.spend


  解析:这里讲述作者自己动手捡拾垃圾保护环境的行动。“捡拾垃圾,花一两个小时”,“却发现几周之后这个地方又被垃圾覆盖”构成一个语义场。spend some time on sth.“花费时间做某事”。故选D项。kill“杀死”;save“节约;救”;wait“等候”,不符合句意。

  10.A.satisfied with B.delighted in

  C.tired of D.used to


  解析:根据上文的“...only to find the area trashed all over again weeks later.”以及下文的“...that I decided to change something.”可知作者厌倦了自己单独捡垃圾。

  11.A.something B.anything

  C.everything D.nothing


  解析:根据下一句But后的内容(in 2004,together with some climbers,I set a date for a  .)可知,作者不知道如何组织大型活动。 

  12.A.cleanup B.party

  C.picnic D.concert


  解析:由下文“三百多人参加捡垃圾活动”以及下一段中的“Each year volunteers come for the cleanup from everywhere.”可知,此处填cleanup,原词复现。party“聚会”;picnic “野餐”;concert “音乐会”。这三个选项与环保主题没有关系,很容易排除。

  13.A.dropped out B.showed up

  C.looked around D.called back


  解析:由下面内容“Over three days we collected about 6,000 pounds of trash.”可知,那一天,三百多人参加了清扫垃圾的活动,故选B项。show up“出席,到场”;drop out“退出”;look around“四处看”;call back“唤起”。

  14.A.demand B.receive

  C.accomplish D.overcome


  解析:由上一句“Over three days we collected about 6,000 pounds of trash.”可知选C项(完成)。collect与accomplish都是用来描述清理垃圾的语义场的词汇。

  15.A.plan B.visit

  C.contact D.difference


  解析:根据破折号后的the park looked clean!可知,大家把公园里的垃圾清理完了,公园变得干净了,这说明大家的行动发挥了作用,因此选D项。句意:我不能相信我们发挥的作用——公园看起来干净了!

  16.A.crossed B.measured

  C.covered D.designed


  解析:句意:仅2007年一年中,2910个人捡了7330磅垃圾,走过了132英里的路。cover,后面接路程,表示行程多远。cross“横穿”;measure “测量”;design“设计”。

  17.A.talk B.complain

  C.argue D.quarrel


  解析:由下句“the only way to change things is by  rather than complaining.”中的complaining原词复现可知选B项。talk“谈话”;argue“争论”;quarrel“吵架”。句意:我经常听到人们抱怨周围的环境不好。 

  18.A.doing B.thinking

  C.questioning D.watching



  19.A.method B.explanation

  C.example D.research


  解析:句意:我们需要榜样来教会我们。选C项。method“方法”;explanation “解释”;example “榜样”;research“研究”。

  20.A.although B.if

  C.when D.unless




  Have you ever heard “Tuhao,let’s be friends”?Are you puzzled,1. (wonder) what it means?Then you’re possibly out of date. 

  Nowadays,the Chinese words “tuhao” and “dama” have become so familiar 2. many Chinese people that they often play jokes on each other when 3. (chat) about the daily life.For example,if you take out your new 4.(fashion) mobile phone,your naughty friends may call you “tuhao”,laughing loudly and happily. 

  Amazingly,the two wildly popular words have become hot words in English too.Recently,the BBC 5. (produce) a program to introduce “tuhao”.6. the Internet,“tuhao” can be translated into “new money (暴发户)” in English.Besides,The Wall Street Journal has also borrowed “dama” from the Chinese pinyin 7.(describe) bargain-hunting middle-aged Chinese women,calling 8. “a force in the global gold market”.Experts say 9. Chinese language’s influence on English will continue during the entire 21st century,10. it is expected that “tuhao” will be welcomed by the Oxford University Press to appear in the new word lists. 




  2.to 解析:此处是固定搭配,be/become familiar to sb.“(变得)为某人所熟悉”,故填to。

  3.chatting 解析:此处是when they are chatting的省略形式,故填chatting。

  4.fashionable 解析:此处需要一个形容词,修饰mobile phone,故填fashionable。

  5.has produced 解析:根据recently可知,此处需要谓语动词的现在完成时形式,故填has produced。

  6.On 解析:on the Internet此处是一个固定搭配。

  7.to describe 解析:根据下文可知,此处需要动词不定式表目的,故填to describe。

  8.them 解析:根据上下文可知,此处需要一个代词做宾语,指代bargain-hunting middle-aged Chinese women,故填them。

  9.the 解析:此处考查冠词,特指中国语言对英语的影响将继续存在。

  10.so/and 解析:根据上下文内容可知,此处表因果或顺接关系,故填so/and。



  I will share a truely story with you that happened a couple of days ago.One of my classmate bought a bag of snacks from a food store.A few roommates were then invited to enjoy snacks.

  Luckily,all of them got poisoned and had stomachaches with our faces pale.They are quickly sent to a nearby hospital.Doctors examined them but gave them some medicine.They were out of danger soon before taking the medicine.This accident should make us to realize the seriousness of the food safety problem.I strong suggest that the whole society pay more attention to food safety.


  I will share a

  story with you that happened a couple of days ago.One of my

  bought a bag of snacks from a food store.A few roommates were then invited to enjoy snacks.

  ,all of them got poisoned and had stomachaches with

  faces pale.They

  quickly sent to a nearby hospital.Doctors examined them

  gave them some medicine.They were out of danger soon

  taking the medicine.This accident should make us


  realize the seriousness of the food safety problem.I

  suggest that the whole society pay more attention to food safety.


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