2017届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习课件:Book 3 Unit 3(牛津译林版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习课件:Book 3 Unit 3(牛津译林版)

发布时间:2017-03-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  with a young lady. A.comes my brother;comes he B.my brother comes;he comes C.comes my brother;he comes D.my brother comes;comes he 解析 表示方位的副词here位于句首,且第一句的谓语动词为comes,主语是名词my brother,该句要全部倒装;第二句的主语是代词he,故主谓不倒装。 C 解析答案

  It turns out that after the ash covered the people who failed to flee the city,their bodies nearly completely broke down and disappeared,leaving empty spaces in the ash.原来,火山灰覆盖了没能逃离城市的人,他们的身体几乎全部烧化消失了,只留下火山灰里的人形空当。 14. 句型公式:It turns out that... It turns/turned out that...原来是;结果是…… It turns/turned out to be...原来是;结果是…… (1)It turned out that she was a friend of my sister. 她原来是我姐姐的朋友。 (2)The party turned out to be very successful. 晚会结果开得很成功。 (1)结果这个工作比我们想象的要难。 The job turned out

  than we thought. (2)结果他的兄弟死于心脏病。

  his brother died of a heart attack. (3)那工厂生产出了更多高质量的产品。 The factory

  more products of good quality. 多维训练 to be harder It turned out that 答案 has turned out 返回 妙笔生花

  提高语用能力 写作素材 (关于室友关系) 微写作 1.今天下午一些学者和研究者将给我们做关于与室友关系的报告。 2.无疑这对我们学生是有好处的。 3.在复旦大学研究生黄洋被室友投毒后,我们应该意识到互相抱怨是不好的。 4.我们应该友好相处,设法找到解决问题的合适办法。 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。 连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)

  This afternoon some scholars and researchers will give us a lecture on relationship with our roommates.No doubt it’s good for us students.After Huang Yang,a postgraduate student at Fudan University was poisoned by his roommate, we should be aware that it’s not good to complain about each other.We should get along well with others and try to find proper solutions to problems. (1)Don’t let negativity ruin your motivation. 不要让负面情绪破坏你的动力。(2015·福建) (2)The old house where he was born has fallen into ruin. 他出生的那栋老房子已经破败不堪了。 (3)He is now brought to ruin but he has seen better days. 他现在是破产了,但是他以前是富有的。 用ruin的适当形式填空 (1)Years of fighting has left Iraq

  . (2)It rained for two weeks on end,completely

  our holiday. (3)This country was once proud of its education system.Now it seems to be in

  . (4)Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and being reduced to

  ,the city took on a new look. 多维训练 ruined ruining ruins ruins 答案 remains n.剩余物;遗址;遗迹;遗骸 4. (1)remain vi.保存,保留,留存;留待;(人)留下,逗留;link­-v.依然是;保持;仍是 remain+n./adj./adv./prep. phrases/非谓语动词 remain to be done有待去做 (2)remaining adj.剩余的 应试指导 remain无被动用法,作连系动词时的用法 (1)The remains of the supper were taken away. 晚餐吃剩的东西被收去了。 (2)Some of them have disappeared,while others remain today. 他们中的一些已经消失了,然而另外一些仍然保存至今。 (3)Depending on the kind of race you plan to enter,you can set up a timetable for the remaining weeks before the race. 根据你计划参加比赛的种类,你可以为比赛前接下来的几个星期制定时刻表。(2015·全国Ⅱ) 写出下列句中remain的词性及汉语意思 (1)I remained three days in that country.

  (2)After years of hard work,Tom still remained a worker. (3)After the fire,little remained of his house. (4)It remains to be seen whether her colleagues will agree. 多维训练 vi.(人)留下,逗留 link-­v.仍是 vi.剩下,余留 vi.留待 答案 expression n.词语,措辞;表情;表达,表示 5. (1)beyond expression无法形容 without expression毫无表情 give expression to表达;表现;把……表达出来 (2)express oneself 表达自己的意思 应试指导 (1)express表“表达,表示”等,习惯上不接双宾语,可用express sth.to sb.(2)express后一般不接that从句,可接疑问词引导的从句 (1)However,some of the texts have too many new words and expressions which are hard for us. 但是一些课文里生词和短语太多,这对我们来说有点难。 (2)The scenery was beautiful beyond expression. 那风景美丽得无法形容。

  (3)By doing so,I can not only share good ideas with others but also learn to express myself clearly. 这么做,我不仅可以跟别人分享好的想法,还可以学会清楚地表达自己。(2015·浙江) (1)完成句子 ①At last he found a proper way

  (表达)his gratitude. ②He looked at me

  (毫无表情). ③As a diligent student in my class,I have a good knowledge of English and can

  (跟外国人自如地交流自己的想法和观点). 多维训练 to give expression to without expression express my thoughts and opinions clearly and fluently with foreigners 答案 (2)The result might not be satisfactory but the

  on his face told us that he was very happy. A.expression

  B.importance C.celebration

  D.appearance 解析 考查名词词义辨析。句意为:结果也许不令人满意,但是他脸上的表情告诉我们他很开心。expression表情,表达,符合题意。 A 解析答案 judge n.裁判员;法官;vt.判定;判断;判决) 6. (1)judge sb./sth.(to be)...判断某人(事)…… judge from/by...根据……判断 (2)in one’s judgement依某人看来 应试指导 judging by/from作状语 (1)At the end of the trial,the judge summed up. 审讯结束后,法官作了总结。 (2)Judging by the look on his face,the news must have been terrible. 从他脸上的表情判断,这条消息肯定很糟糕。 (3)A man should be judged by his deeds,not his words. 判断一个人应该根据他的行为,而不是言辞。 (1)同义句改写 In my opinion,all of them are to blame. ①

  (用judgement短语改写) ②

  (用concern短语改写) (2)

  (从他说话的内容来判断),he has known the result. 多维训练 In my judgement,all of them are to blame. As far as I am concerned,all of them are to blame. Judging from/by what he said 答案 (3)Very quickly,she learned to appreciate life rather than to


  so harshly(刻薄). A.discuss

  B.realize C.judge

  D.settle 解析 考查动词词义辨析。句意为:很快地,她开始学着欣赏生活而不是刻薄地去评判任何事。discuss讨论;realize意识到;judge判断,评判;settle解决。根据句意选C项。 C 解析答案 take over接管;夺取 7. take apart拆散,拆开 take away拿走;去除 take care of照顾 应试指导 take短语语境词义辨析 (1)Was it in 1948 that the government took over the railway in Great Britain? 英国政府是在1948年接管铁路的吗? (2)Back from his two­-year medical service in Africa,Dr.Lee was very happy to see his mother taken good care of at home. 在他两年的非洲医疗服务回来后,李博士很高兴地看到他在家中被照顾得很好的母亲。(2015·陕西) 用take短语的适当形式填空 (1)I’m sure that he will

  his father’s business when he is experienced enough. (2)The two sisters

  their sick mother by turns. (3)He

  the computer

  piece by piece last night. (4)Add up the bills for each month and


  from the income. 多维训练 take over took care of took apart 答案 take away flee vt.& vi. 逃避,逃跑;迅速离开 8. 特别提醒 flee侧重指仓促急速逃走,着重指动作本身;escape侧重指逃脱追捕或阻拦,重在结果。 特别提醒 ①Tourists

  from Central America in September because that’s when the rains are at their fiercest. ②The man

  into the mountain to avoid the war. (1)选词填空 多维训练 flee escaped 答案 (2)The driver

  the scene of the accident,leaving the girl to bleed on the sidewalk. A.devoted

  B.avoided C.fled


  解析 考查动词词义辨析。句意为:司机逃离了事故现场,留下女孩在人行道上流血。根据句意选C项。 C 解析答案

  condition[U]n.状态、状况;环境,情况(一般用复数);[C]n.条件 9. 多维训练 (1)他两周来健康欠佳。 He

  for two weeks. (2)他父母允许他出去,但作为条件他要在午夜前回家。 He was allowed to go out,but his parents

  that he should get home before midnight. has been out of condition made it a condition 答案 (3)销售员说汽车状况良好,而我傻得上了当。 The salesman said the car

  ,and I was foolish enough to fall for it. (4)我决不向他道歉。 On no


  . was in good condition will I make an apology to him 答案 declare vt.宣布,宣称 10. 多维训练 (1)完成句子 ①我们必须向敌人宣战。 We must

  our enemies. ②我向你声明,我在这件事上从来没有说过谎。


  I have never lied about the affair. ③我宣布世界大学生运动会开幕! I

  the International Universities’Games

  ! declare war against declare to you that 答案 declare open (2)In some western countries,the constitution vests(授予) the president with the power to

  war. A.announce

  B.declare C.publish

  D.notice 解析 句意为:在一些西方国家,宪法授予总统宣战的权利。declare宣布,宣称,declare war宣战,符合题意。announce公布,宣布,指将事情公布于众,如消息或资讯等,不如declare正式。故选B项。 B 解析答案 aware adj.意识到的,知道的;觉察到的 11. 多维训练 (1)完成句子 ①直到他警告我才意识到危险。 I did not

  until he warned me. ②詹姆斯不知道他自己的弱点是他最大的敌人。 James

  his own weakness was his greatest enemy. ③我们要进一步提高对应急工作重要性的认识。 We must further

  the importance of emergency work. become aware of the danger was not aware that raise awareness of 答案 (2)Ordinary woman though she is,she tries every means to make people

  of the importance of the environment conservation. A.aware

  B.careful C.sensible

  D.awesome 解析 考查形容词词义辨析。句意为:尽管她只是一个普通的女人,她仍然尽力让人们知道保护环境的重要性。make sb.aware of sth.让某人意识/注意到某事,符合句意。 A 解析答案 ①Some people are

  reform,while others are against it. ②The job is great

  salary,but it has its disadvantages. ③The poem is

  her virtues. ④We’ll make a new director

  him. ⑤The gift to the Israel museum is being made

  Michael Bromberg. in terms of,in praise of,in memory of,in place of,in favor of in memory of为纪念……;追念…… 12. 多维训练 (1)短语填空 in favor of in terms of in praise of in place of in memory of 答案 (2)He set up the charity

  his late wife. A.in place of

  B.in need of C.in favour of

  D.in memory of 解析 句意为:他建立这家慈善机构是为了纪念已故的妻子。in memory of纪念,符合题意。in place of代替;in need of需要;in favour of赞成,支持。 D 解析答案

  Near the city was a volcano.城市附近有一座火山。 13. (1)表示地点、方向、时间等的介词短语放在句首时,若句子的主语是名词而不是人称代词时,往往用全部倒装结构。 (2)表示方向、地点和时间的副词in,out,down,up,off,back,away,over there,there,now,then,here,first等放在句首,若主语是名词而不是代词时,也用全部倒装结构。 句型公式:Near the city was... (1)Now,here goes the story. 这个故事是这样的。 (2)From the speaker comes the doctor’s voice. 从扬声器里传来了医生的声音。 (3)Out rushed Mary with a dog following her. 玛丽冲出去了,有只狗跟着她。 多维训练 (1)用倒装结构翻译或完成句子 ①铃响了。

  ②那个男孩蹑手蹑脚地走向那只鸟,当他正要去抓的时候,鸟儿飞进了树林。 The child tiptoed quietly to the bird.

  when he was about to catch it. ③有一会儿什么都没有发生,然后传来了众人齐喊的声音。 For a moment nothing happened.

  all shouting together. There goes the bell. Away it flew into the forest Then came voices 答案 (2)Hearing Tianjin’s loud explosion,

  with nothing on her,avoiding being killed. A.out did she rush

  B.out rushed she C.rushed she out

  D.out she rushed 解析 考查倒装句。句意为:一听到天津大爆炸,为了避免被炸死,她身上什么也没有带,就冲出去了。当表示运动方向的副词或地点状语位于句首时,表示运动的谓语动词要用倒装结构。当主语是普通名词时,用完全倒装;当主语是代词时,用部分倒装。本句中“out”表示运动方向,主语she是代词,故选D。 D 解析答案 Book 3


  3 话题晨背

  积累写作素材 自主排查

  夯实基础知识 边讲边练

  突破核心考点 1 2 3 妙笔生花

  提高语用能力 4 话题词汇 话题晨背

  积累写作素材 1.abundant adj.丰富的 2.condition n.条件,状况 3.disaster n.灾难

  4.explore v.探索 5.memorize v.记忆 6.widespread adj.分布广的,普遍的 7.be separated from...与……分离 8.have a population of...有……人口 经典语篇 假定你是李华,请给加拿大的Mickey写一封信,讲述你和同学们的一次旅行。 时间 2015年10月1日星期四 地点 城外8公里外的鄱阳湖 到达方式 乘公共汽车 出发时间 7:00 到达时间 7:20 返回时间 16:00 游玩 安排 上午 划船、钓鱼、湖边午餐 下午 登蛇岛、采野花、拍照 注意:1.写信时间为10月2日; 2.词数150左右。 佳作欣赏 Dear Mickey, I’m pleased to write to tell you something about my travel.Yesterday was Friday and also the first day of October.It was fine and lovely.① I went to the Poyang Lake with my classmates,which is 8 kilometers away from our city.② We set off at 7:00 in the morning by bus and after a twenty­minute drive we arrived there.We spent the whole morning boating and fishing on the lake.③ Then we had a picnic lunch by the lake.After lunch we climbed the Snake Island in the lake.We enjoyed ourselves while we were picking wild flowers and taking a lot of pictures.④ We really had a wonderful time.We came back at 16:00 pm. How are you getting along with your vacation? I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Yours, Li Hua 思维发散 1.将第①句用定语从句合并


  Yesterday was Friday and also the first day of October,which was fine and lovely. I went to the Poyang Lake with my classmates,8 kilometers away from our city. 答案 3.仿照第③句翻译句子 我被锁在书房里阅读,度过了一个下午。


  I spent the whole afternoon locked in my study,reading. We enjoyed ourselves,picking wild flowers and taking a lot of pictures. 答案 返回 自主排查

  夯实基础知识 A.写作单词 1.


  讲座 2.







  倒出(液体) 4.


  薪金,薪水 5.


  兴建,创建 lecture powerful pour salary found 答案 重点单词 6.


  基础;基准;原因 7.

  (vt.& vi.)

  逃避,逃跑;迅速离开 8.




  解决;解答 9.




  文化 10.






  没意识到,不知道,未察觉 basis flee solution solve cultural culture aware awareness unaware 答案 11.








  教育工作者,教师;教育(学)家 12.

  (vi.) 抱怨


  抱怨,埋怨;投诉 13.

  (adv.) 渐渐地,逐渐地


  逐渐的 educate educated education educator complain complaint gradually gradual 答案 14.

  (adj.) 富有的,富裕的


  财富;财产 15.

  (adj.) 极度的;极端的


  极其;极端;非常 16.

  (n.) 表达;表情,神色;词语




  快车;速递 17.





  (adj.) 毁灭性的;有害的,消极的 wealthy wealth extreme extremely expression express destroy destruction destructive 答案 B.阅读单词 18.audience (n.)

  19.ceremony (n.)

  20.erupt (vi.)

  21.commercial (adj.)

  22.disaster (n.)

  23.bomb (vt.)


  24.institute (n.)

  观众,听众 仪式,典礼 (火山等)爆发 商业的,贸易的 灾难 轰炸 炸弹 (教育或其他专业)机构,研究所 答案 25.corrupt (vt.)


  26.declare (vt.)

  declaration (n.)

  27.poison (n.)


  poisonous (adj.)

  使腐化,使堕落 贪污的,腐败的 宣布,宣称 宣布;宣告;声明 毒药,毒物 毒害,下毒 有毒的 答案 28.memorial (n.)


  memory (n.)

  memorize (vt.)

  29.remains (n.)

  remain (v.)

  remaining (adj.)

  30.explode (vi.)

  explosion (n.)

  纪念碑,纪念馆 纪念的 记忆 记住,背熟 遗物,遗迹,遗骸 保持不变,仍然是;剩余,遗留 剩余的 爆炸 爆炸,爆裂 答案 1.

  纪念 2.

  无疑,确实 3.

  夺取;接管 4.

  患(病) 5.

  起义,反抗 6.

  阻碍(某人) in memory of no doubt take over come down with rise up against stand in one’s path 答案 重点短语 1.Near the city

  . 城市附近有一座火山。 2.Today I saw the ancient Roman city of Pompeii

  2,000 years ago. 今天我见到了罗马古城庞贝,它就跟两千年前一模一样。 3.The city was forgotten for many years until the 18th century when a farmer discovered a stone

  . 这座城市多年来一直被人们遗忘,直到18世纪一个农民发现了一块刻有文字的石头。 was a volcano as it was with writing on it 答案 经典句式 4.

  gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 400. 许多人认为它在公元200年至公元400年期间逐渐被沙尘暴所埋没。 5.

  nothing could stop him from taking control of the entire world. 似乎没有什么能够阻止他控制整个世界。 It is believed to have been It seemed that 答案 返回 边讲边练

  突破核心考点 alive adj.有生命的;有生气的;活着的 1. 词义辨析 词义辨析 alive,living,live (1)alive意为“有生命的;有生气的,活着的”,只用作表语、后置定语或补足语,不作前置定语。既可指人,也可指物,常和living互换;stay alive活下去。 (2)living意为“活的,健在的,现行的”,既可作定语,也可作表语。既可用于人,又可用于物。 living languages现用的语言;living things生物。 (3)live意为 “活的,有生命的”,只作定语,且只用于物。adj.现场直播的。 (1)Who is the greatest man alive? =Who is the greatest living man? 谁是当今健在的最伟大的人? (2)A broadcast of the speech was heard in San Francisco,but it is not known whether this was live. 在旧金山听到了这次演说的转播,但不知道是不是实况。 (3)She has the best pet of all—a real live tiger. 她有世上最佳的宠物——一只活生生的老虎。 (1)She bought a

  fish. (2)They managed to stay

  by eating roots. (3)There are many

  things in the world. 多维训练 选词填空 live alive living 答案 unfortunate adj.不幸的,遗憾的 2. 应试指导 作为高级词汇替换unlucky (1)unfortunately adv.不幸的是 (2)fortunate adj.幸运的;吉利的 be (un)fortunate to do sth./in doing sth.在……方面运气(不)好 It is (un)fortunate that...(不)幸运的是…… (3)fortunately adv.幸运地 (4)fortune n.机会,运气;财富;命运;际遇 make a fortune发财;致富 seek/try one’s fortune碰运气 (1)Unfortunately,it took a horrible accident to change her attitude. 不幸的是,改变她的态度是以一场可怕的事故为代价的。(2015·福建) (2)He was unfortunate to lose in the final round. 他不幸在最后一轮输了。 (3)He was extremely fortunate in having such a happy family. 他有一个这么幸福的家庭真是幸运。 多维训练 (1)用fortune的适当形式填空 ①Don’t leave that to

  . ②Central London is

  in having so many large parks and open spaces. ③—Have you heard about that fire in the market? —Yes,

  no one was hurt. (2)同义句改写 She is fortunate in having/to have a good husband.(用it作形式主语改写)

  fortune fortunate fortunately It is fortunate that she has a good husband. 答案 (3)He was robbed last night,but

  he didn’t have much money on him then. A.fortunately

  B.eventually C.certainly

  D.surprisingly 解析 句意为:昨天晚上他被抢了,但幸运的是那时他身上没带多少钱。fortunately“幸运地”,符合句意。 A 解析答案 (4)Working abroad for years,she has made a big

  and started a company of her own. A.money

  B.fortune C.wealth

  D.treasure 解析 句意为:她在国外工作多年,并赚了大钱,创办了自己的公司。make a fortune“赚大钱,发财”,为固定搭配,符合语境。 B 解析答案 ruin v.毁坏;使破产;n.毁坏;破产;废墟 3. in ruins毁坏;成为废墟 fall/come into ruin逐渐破碎 bring...to ruin使……失败;使……毁坏 应试指导 写作常用词汇


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