艾玛•沃森也陷“艳照门” 明星该如何回应私照泄露[1]-查字典英语网
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艾玛•沃森也陷“艳照门” 明星该如何回应私照泄露[1]

发布时间:2017-03-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编








1. Jennifer Lawrence


Jennifer Lawrence was a victim of the September 2017 hacking. She responded, saying that those who looked at the pictures had committed a "sexual offence".


"It is not a scandal. It is a sex crime. It is a sexual violation. It's disgusting. "


"Anybody who looked at those pictures, you're perpetuating a sexual offence."


2. Jessica Brown Findlay


Downton Abbey actress Jessica Brown Findlay had naked images stolen from her iCloud account.


In 2016, she told the Telegraph: "I want to start speaking up. I want the world to really start looking into the treatment of women, particularly on the internet.


"Because, to me, there seem to be two sets of rules: one for the real world and one for the cyber world. I don't understand why, in a society where we are encouraged to live through the internet, that that forum is not being better policed."


3. Kate Upton


Model Kate Upton, 24, was also a victim of the September 2017 hack.


She hit back in April 2015, saying "It's an invasion of my privacy and it's not OK. It's illegal. People don't have a right to look at those photos or to judge them."


"I fantasise about deleting my social media accounts. But I can't," she added.


4. Kirsten Dunst


Kirsten Dunst became the first celebrity to publicly criticise Apple over the 2017 hack, tweeting 'Thank you iCloud', with two emoticons.


She told E! News: "I try to have a sense of humor about a really unfortunate situation. The FBI is investigating, so they're handling it right now."

邓斯特告诉《E! News》,“我试图对这样不幸的事情表现出一些幽默感。联邦调查局正在介入调查,所以他们正在解决这件事。”

5. Rihanna


Rihanna had nude images leaked online in 2009. She said it was "the worst thing that could possibly ever happen to me.


"It was humiliating and it was embarrassing - especially my mum having to see that."


She defended her decision to take the naked snaps in the first place: "If you don't send your boyfriend naked pictures, then I feel bad for him."


6. Scarlett Johansson


Scarlett Johansson was hacked in 2011, and photos intended for her then-husband Ryan Reynolds shared online. At the time, she said:


"Who doesn't want to protect their own privacy? Just because you're in the spotlight or just because you're an actor or make films doesn't mean you're not entitled to your own personal privacy. No matter what the context, when that is sieged in some way it feels unjust, it feels wrong."


7. Kaley Cuoco


Big Bang Theory star Kaley Cuoco refused to let the hackers get her down.


"It was disturbing... it was a really bad situation," she told Jimmy Kimmel, saying that she decided to "take it into my own hands and made a joke about it, because what else are you going to do?"


The actress then used the "Nudify" app to release her own blurred out nude photos.


8. Mary Elizabeth Winstead


10 Cloverfield Lane actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead hit back after her photos were stolen and leaked: "To those of you looking at photos I took with my husband years ago in the privacy of our home, hope you feel great about yourselves.


"Knowing those photos were deleted long ago, I can only imagine the creepy effort that went into this. Feeling for everyone who got hacked."


9. Hope Solo


US soccer star Hope Solo was reportedly among those women hacked in 2017. She wrote on Facebook:


"It is extremely sad and unfortunate that the rights of so many women were violated by the unauthorised release of private photographs. This act goes beyond the bounds of human decency and, as such, I stand united with all the women affected and am exploring every option to protect my privacy."


10. Lucy Hale


Pretty Little Liars actress Lucy Hale was also caught up in the 2017 hack. She posted a statement on social media in response:


"I will not apologise for living my life and having a personal life that is all mine. It's truly unfortunate that being exposed in this way is allowed. Thank you for all the sweet, supportive messages I've been receiving.


"And to whoever did this… kiss my a--."



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