2017届高考英语一轮模块复习单元训练:模块1.2《growing pains》(原卷版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮模块复习单元训练:模块1.2《growing pains》(原卷版)

发布时间:2017-03-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  一、用所给单词的正确形式填空1. The _________(frighten)girl can’t wait to see her parents.

  2. In the past, many people died of ________(starve).

  3.But during

  (argue), my sense of humor is the first thing to go

  4. It ________(upset)us that he didn’t even turn up at the party.

  5. She stood up in ________(defend)of herself.

  6. His __________(explain)for his being late for the meeting sounds reasonable.

  7. We didn’t know the reason for his strange ________(behave)at class yesterday.

  8. If you show no respect to them, I’ll get

  (annoy) or angry.

  9.Keep a safe

  (distant) between cars, please!

  10.He owes his success to hard work and _______(patient)

  二、根据提示写出所缺单词的完全形式 He felt that he did not 

  (值得) to be given such a great honour.

  2.I didn't know how to

  (处理) these who always make mistakes.

  3.When we were young, we usually

  (误解) our parent's love. 

  4.Thanks for your support and_________(指导) in this project.

  5.I thought it was very _________(粗鲁,无礼) of her not to answer her parents’ letter.

  6.High-speed trains travel at 300 kilometers an hour, which is about four times the speed of _______(普通)trains.

  7.My elder sisters and brothers have moved away from home and are now i


  8.The country was liberated and her people got f____________ again.

  9.Keeping a b____________ between work and play is a good way to keep healthy.

  10.Our teacher f____________ us to talk with others in class.


  1.(2015届乐清市第二中学高三上10月月考It's Mary's own fault if she feels ______ at the party — she makes no effort to be friendly to people.

  A. cut out

  B. stood out

  C. left out

  D. made out

  2._______ what would happen, none of them could find a way out.

  A. Left wondering

  B. Having left wondering

  C. Leaving to wonder

  D. Having left to wonder


  her most was that nobody had even bothered to tell her about the changed


  A. upset

  B. ignored

  C. shocked

  D. trapped

  4.(网路资源)—It angered me that a neighbour accused me ________ kicking her pet.

  —Oh, you had the right to defend yourself ______ her accusation.

  A. of; against

  B. for; from

  C. against; for

  D. for; against

  5.(2015届浙江杭州市西湖高级中学高三9月考英语)After all that hard work, you really ________a three-day holiday.

  A. replace

  B. deserve

  C. respect

  D. admire

  6.(2015届湖南益阳箴言中学高三上第三次模拟—Why did the general insist_______ a visit to the small village?

  —It was at the very place______ he fought 30 years ago.

  A. on paying, that

  B. to pay, in which

  C. on paying, where

  D. to pay, which

  7.(2017高考辽宁卷)The accident caused some _______to my car, but it’s nothing serious.

  A. harm

  B. injury

  C. ruin

  D. damage

  8.The students are forbidden,unless they have special passes,________after 11 pm.

  A. in staying out B. to stay out

  C. staying out

  D. stay out

  9. —What do you think of her speech last night?

  —Just so-so. She gave us too much information,so that everyone got________.

  A. confused B. to confuse

  C. confusing

  D. to be confused

  10. (2011湖北高考)Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful, but they may also ______our thinking.

  A. direct

  B. limit

  C. change

  D. improve

  11.(网络资源)—Do you like the place of interest?

  —On the contrary, it’s the

  place that I want to visit.


  B. last

  C. best

  D. latest

  12.(四川省成都市外国语学校2015届高三3月考)Life did not _____ the way we thought it would, but we still need to have a positive attitude toward it.

  A. get along

  B. turn out

  C. go on

  D. keep up

  13.(2017高考安徽卷)When the sports hero

  at our party, he was welcomed with open arms.

  A. turned up

  B. left offC. moved on

  D. got away

  14.(改编)Teenage is an especially important stage for us, where we are______ to go all out to improve ourselves because anything can happen.

  A. known        B. supposed         

  C. thought             

  D. considered

  15.(2009高考湖北卷)During the war there was a serious lack of food. It was not unusual that even the wealthy families had to ______ bread for days.

  A. eat up

  B. give away

  C. do without

  D. deal with

  16.(四川省成都市外国语学校2015届高三3月考)Once plastic pollution ______in most public areas, it is hard______.

  A. rises; dealing with

  B. arises; to be dealt with

  C. raises; dealt with

  D. arises; to deal with

  17.(福建省莆田一中、泉州五中、漳州一中2015届高三上学期三校联考)President Xi Jinping has gained thousands of “likes” online after he advised young people not to _______ late too often.

  hold up

  B. stay up

  C. hold up

  D. take up

  18.(改编)First impressions are the most lasting.

  , you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

  A. After all

  B.In all

  C. Above all

  D. First of all

  19.(改编)Not until he

  real hardship did he realize the love we have for our families is important.

  A. looked up

  B. went through

  C. searched for

  D. referred to

  20. (2015高考湖南卷)Video games can be a poor influence if ________ in the wrong hands.

  A. to leave

  B. leaving

  C. leave

  D. left

  21.(浙江省重点中学协作体2015届高三上学期第二次适应性测试)______left before the deadline, it doesn’t seem likely that John will finish the job.

  A. Though such a short time

  B. Because such a short time

  C. With such a short time

  D. As such a short time

  22.(2017高考四川卷) Before driving into the city, you are required to get your car _______.

  A. washed

  B. wash

  C. washing

  D. to wash

  23.(2017高考陕西卷)’s quite hot today. Do you feel like _________ for a swim?

  A. to go

  B. going

  C go

  D. having gone

  24.(2017高考北京卷)Don’t handle the vase as if it ________ made of steel.

  A. is

  B. were

  C. has been

  D. had been

  25.(2015高考北京卷)Opposite is St. Paul’s Church, ______you can hear some lovely music.

  A. which

  B. that

  C. when

  D. where

  26.(2015高考天津卷)The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere ______ his employees enjoy their work.

  A. where

  B. which

  C. when

  D. who

  27.(2015高考陕西卷)As the smallest child of his family, Alex is always longing for the time

  he should be

  able to be independent.

  A. which

  B. where

  C. whom

  D. when

  28.(2015高考浙江卷)Creating an atmosphere

  employees feel part of a team is a big challenge.

  A. as

  B. whose

  C. in which

  D. at which

  29.(2017高考天津卷)English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, _________ uses it differently.

  A. all of which

  B. each of which

  C. all of them

  D. each of them

  30.(2017高考辽宁卷)He may win the competition, ____________he is likely to get into the national team.

  A. in which case

  B. in that case

  C. in what case

  D. in whose case


  (江苏省泰州市2015届高三第二次模拟)A phone call reached me one cold winter day. I was


  that my father was seriously ill. I had not seen my father since his divorce from my mom, and he had lived alone in a small trailer (拖车式活动房)in California, 500 miles away from me. The real

  between us seemed much greater. I was in no hurry to change that, but


  I promised to be there the next day.

  The whole drive down,


  flashed through my mind. I remembered my father, the proud Marine (海军陆战队队员). He snatched off the Christmas tree all the decorations the rest of us had put up and rehung them so there was

  the same spacing between them. But we needn’t


  those military orders. I remembered clearly the battles he had with my mother. I remembered


  to hear my father say just once, “I love you, Patty”, only to have him


  at me, “You can’t do anything right!”

  Standing outside his trailer, I tried to


  my courage to face him one more time. Slowly, I took a few steps inside, my hand and my whole body shaking, too


  to believe my eyes. Sitting on the sofa, my father looked confused and frustrated. This wasn’t the angry and


  man I had known growing up. This man was


  and seemed broken. Part of me felt sorry for him, but another part of me was thinking this was exactly the fate he



  “God, what am I supposed to do now?” I wondered. But as soon as the words


  me, a sense of sorrow


  me, and I knew that I had to take him to my home.

  It was the


  part I struggled with. The days of looking after my father turned into weeks, then months. All the pain, the conflicted feelings I’d been


  over the years came rushing out. One night, I sat there, talking to God, begging him to help me let go of the ugly feelings I had toward my father. When I was finished, I felt an incredible peace, as if every


  had been lifted from me.


  had cleaned all that from me and I felt free to start living the joyful life God wanted me to live.

  It has been eight years since father died. Now when I think of him, those are the moments I remember, which are, as I put on Dad’s headstone, God’s amazing



  1. A. reminded

  B. confirmed

  C. informed

  D. warned

  2. A. difficulty

  B. challenge

  C. pain

  D. distance

  3. A. somehow

  B. therefore

  C. otherwise

  D. somewhat

  4. A. messages

  B. memories

  C. thoughts

  D. images

  5. A. exactly

  B. vaguely

  C. generally

  D. roughly

  6. A. admit

  B. recite

  C. master

  D. observe

  7. A. attempting

  B. longing

  C. promising

  D. hesitating

  8. A. stare

  B. aim

  C. laugh

  D. yell

  9. A. strengthen

  B. support

  C. gather

  D. distribute

  10. A. shocked

  B. puzzled

  C. worried

  D. disappointed

  11. A. selfish

  B. sensitive

  C. controlling

  D. fascinating

  12.A. fragile

  B. awkward

  C. cautious

  D. stubborn

  13. A. grasped

  B. deserved

  C. determined

  D. expected

  14. A. inspired

  B. failed

  C. escaped

  D. followed

  15. A. absorbed

  B. defeated

  C. ruined

  D. overtook

  16. A. physical

  B. emotional

  C. religious

  D. material

  17. A. keeping up

  B. looking back

  C. holding back

  D. picking up

  18. A. interference

  B. crime

  C. disaster

  D. burden

  19. A. Forgiveness

  B. Sadness

  C. Kindness

  D. Awareness

  20. A. virtue

  B. grace

  C. appreciation

  D. conscience


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