2017届高考英语一轮复习单元演练:必修4 Module 6《Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World》(第2课时)(外研版含答案)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习单元演练:必修4 Module 6《Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World》(第2课时)(外研版含答案)

发布时间:2017-03-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第一部分 必修四 Module 6


  1.He ________(claim) that he could finish the job without any help.

  答案:claimed 考查动词。句意:他声称不用帮忙他就能完成这项工作。claim“声称”,符合句意。

  2.(2015·呼和浩特模拟改编)To his disappointment, he failed to ________ himself to the new environment.

  答案:adapt 考查动词。句意:令他失望的是,他未能适应新环境。adapt oneself to“使自己适应”,符合句意。

  3.He went back to the hall to try his ________ at finding his lost gold watch, but failed to find it.

  答案:fortune 句意:他返回礼堂去碰运气寻找丢失的金表,但未能找到。try one's fortune“碰运气”。

  4.The article attacked the government ________ its policy ________ education.

  答案:for; on 考查介词。句意:这篇文章因其在教育方面的政策而抨击政府。attack sb. for sth.“由于某事而责难某人”。policy on sth.“关于……的政策”。

  5.There would be a good harvest of wheat in North China this year due________ the big snow.

  答案:to 考查介词短语。句意:由于大雪,中国北部今年小麦可能有好收成。due to“由于”,符合句意。

  6.(2015·吉林模拟改编)Jeremy Lin has earned a good ________ at home and abroad for his excellent basketball skill and won over thousands of fans.

  答案:reputation 考查名词。句意:林书豪因他出色的球技在国内外赢得了好的名声,拥有成千上万的粉丝。reputation“名声,名誉”,符合句意。

  7.By 2030, China is________to surpass the United States in economy and becomes the biggest economic country in the world, according to a report.

  答案:likely 考查固定搭配。句意:根据一份报告,中国很可能于2030年在经济上超越美国,从而成为世界上最大的经济强国。be likely to是固定词组,主语可以是人或事物,表示“很可能做某事”。

  8.(2015·青岛模拟改编)Failure hurts grown­ups and children, but it can make a ________ contribution to your life once you learn to use it.

  答案:positive 考查形容词。句意:失败对于成年人和孩子都有伤害,一旦你学会利用失败的教训,它会对你的生活有着积极影响。positive“积极的”,符合句意。

  9.(2015·福州模拟改编)—Will $200 ________ the cost of the damage?

  —I'm afraid not. I need at least $100 more.

  答案:cover 考查动词。句意:——“200美元够支付损失的费用吗?”——“恐怕不够。我至少还需要100美元”。cover“够……的费用,足够支付”。

  10.If we don't take some measures to protect this kind of plant, it will die________ soon.

  答案:out 考查die短语的用法。句意:如果我们不采取措施保护这种植物,它将很快就灭绝。die out“灭绝,消失”,符合语境。



  Long ago, there was a mother and a son living in a house. She worked hard every day, __1__ they were always poor.

  One day, her son stole his friend's bag. “Mom, what do you think of this bag?” His mother praised her son instead of scolding him. The next time, he stole __2__ overcoat. She praised him again. A few years __3__(late), he grew up to be a young man. He stole jewelry and brought them to his mother. This time, she __4__ did not scold her son. Then, he started to steal more expensive things.

  One day, the police caught him. Before he __5__(put) in prison, he begged the police to meet his mother. They took him __6__ his mother. As soon as he saw his mother, he suddenly bit her ear. “Ouch! What is the matter with you?” She finally scolded him. Her son answered. “If you had given me a scolding like __7__ when I stole the first bag, I could not have become a thief.” __8__(look) at her son heading to prison, “If only I __9__ turn back time, I would scold him severely.” She said __10__(regret).

  1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

  6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______

  答案:1.but 2.an 3.later 4.still 5.was put 6.to 7.that

  8.Looking 9.could 10.regretfully



  As a general rule, all forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed on a routine (常规) basis. As a matter of fact, we can see this __1__ at work in people of all __2__. For example, on Christmas morning, children are excited about __3__ with their new toys. But their __4__ soon wears off and by January those __5__ toys can be found put away in the basement. The world is full of __6__ stamp albums and unfinished models, each standing as a monument to someone's __7__ interest. When parents bring home a pet, their child __8__ bathes it and brushes its fur. Within a short time, however, the __9__ of caring for the animal is handed over to the parents. Adolescents enter high school with great __10__ but are soon looking forward to __11__. The same is true of the young adults going to college. And then, how many __12__, who now complain (抱怨) about the long drives to work, __13__ drove for hours at a time when they first __14__ their driver's licenses (执照)? Before people retire, they usually __15__ to do a lot of __16__ things, which they never had __17__ to do while working. But __18__ after retirement, the golfing, the fishing, the reading and all of the other pastimes become as boring as the jobs they __19__. And, like the child in January, they go searching for new __20__.



  C.way D.power

  答案:A  文章开头提出,一般来说,所有形式的活动当它们按照一定的常规来进行的话,都会造成人无聊厌倦。这是一个常规,一个规则,故本空应填principle,意为“原则”。而 habit“个人行为习惯”;way“方法,方式”;power“权利,力量”,均不合语境。

  2.A.parties B.races

  C.countries D.ages

  答案:D 由后文可知,这个原则适应于所有年龄的人。party“政党”;race“种族”;country“国家”;age“年龄”。由后面举的孩子和年轻人的例子可知。

  3.A.working B.living


  答案:C 在圣诞节的早上,孩子们很显然是对玩新玩具很兴奋。 play with“玩……,跟……玩儿”,符合语境。work with“跟……共事”;live with“跟……一起生活”;go with“跟……一起去”,均不合语境。

  4.A.confidence B.interest


  答案:B  由常识可知,孩子们刚开始玩新玩具时,很感兴趣,但是慢慢地,就会失去兴趣。confidence“自信”;interest“兴趣”;anxiety“焦虑”;sorrow“伤心”。由语境可知B项正确。

  5.A.same B.extra


  答案:A  很显然,此处表示的是“圣诞节的新玩具被放置一边了”,也就是跟刚开始的玩具是一样的,故选same“同样的,一样的”。而非extra“额外的”,funny“可笑的”,expensive“昂贵的”。

  6.A.well­organized B.colorfully­printed

  C.newly­collected D.half­filled

  答案:D 由空后面的信息 unfinished models可知,此处表示“还没有集满的集邮册”,即:half­filled。well­organized“有序的,有条理的”;colorful­printed“彩印的”;newly­collected“新收集的”,均不合语境。

  7.A.broad B.passing


  答案:B 前面提到没集满的集邮册,未完成的模型,这每一个都是某个人短暂兴趣的纪念碑。broad“广泛的”;passing“经过的”,passing interest“短暂的兴趣”;different“不同的”;main“主要的”。由语境可知B项正确。

  8.A.silently B.impatiently


  答案:C 由常识可知,当父母带回家一个宠物时,刚开始孩子们很高兴的给它洗澡,梳毛;silently“默默地”;impatiently“不耐烦地”;gladly“高兴地”;worriedly“担心地”。由语境可知C项正确。

  9.A.promise B.burden

  C.right D.game

  答案:B 由语境可知,过一段时间之后,照顾宠物的责任就移交到父母手上。promise“保证”;burden“负担,责任”;right“权利”;game“游戏”。由语境可知B项正确。

  10.A.courage B.calmness

  C.confusion D.excitement

  答案:D 青少年刚进高中是非常兴奋的。courage“勇气”;calmness“镇静,冷静”;confusion“困惑”;excitement“兴奋,激动”。

  11.A.graduation B.independence

  C.responsibility D.success

  答案:A 新鲜劲刚过,就会盼望着毕业。graduation“毕业”;independence“自立,独立”;responsibility“责任”;success“成功”。很显然,这些学生兴奋劲过去之后就会盼望着毕业,故A项正确。

  12.A.children B.students

  C.adults D.retirees

  答案:C 由空后的long drives to work可知,此处举的是成年人的例子,故C项正确。

  13.A.carefully B.eagerly


  答案:B 由常识可知,刚拿到驾照,肯定会迫不及待地一次开上几个小时。carefully“小心地”;eagerly“急切地;迫不及待地”;nervously“紧张地”;bravely“勇敢地”。由语境可知B项正确。

  14.A.required B.obtained


  答案:B 此处表示“刚拿到驾照”,obtain“得到,获得”,符合语境。require“要求”;notice“注意到”;discover“发现”,均不合语境。

  15.A.need B.learn

  C.start D.plan

  答案:D  由常识可知,人在退休前往往要计划好退休后要干很多事。need“需要”;learn“学会”;start“开始”;plan“计划”。

  16.A.great B.strange


  答案:A  由语境可知,退休前计划要干的都是在上班时不能干的大事,即:great things,故A项正确。strange“奇怪的,陌生的”;difficult“困难的”;correct“正确的”,均不合语境。

  17.A.time B.money

  C.skills D.knowledge

  答案:A 工作时,缺的是时间;工作时没时间干的事,就计划退休后干。

  18.A.only B.well

  C.even D.soon

  答案:D 由常识可知,退休后不久,诸如打高尔夫球,钓鱼,读书以及所有的打发时间的休闲活动就跟他们离开的工作一样无聊了。此处表示“时间上的快”,要用副词soon。only“只有”;well“好的”;even“甚至”,均不合语境。

  19.A.lost B.chose

  C.left D.quit

  答案:C 由常识可知,退休就是离开工作岗位,即leave,而非 quit“辞职,退出”;lose“失去”;choose“选择”。

  20.A.pets B.toys


  答案:B  就像一月份的孩子一样,他们又去寻找新的玩具了。这与上文相呼应。上文提到,圣诞过后,孩子很快就对圣诞玩具不感兴趣了。


  Most of the more than 6,000 species of frogs in the world lay their eggs in water. But many tropical (热带的) frogs lay their eggs out of water. This behavior protects the eggs from aquatic predators, such as fish and tadpoles, but also increases their risk of drying out. Justin Touchon, post­doctoral fellow at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, discovered that climate change in Panama may be changing frogs' course of evolution (进化). By analyzing long­term rainfall data collected by the Panama Canal Authority, Touchon discovered that rainfall patterns are changing just as climate­change modds predict.

  “Over the past four decades, rainfall has become much less during the wet season,” said Touchon. “The number of rainy days decreased, and the number of gaps between storms increased.”

  The eggs of the pantless treefrog, Dendropsophus ebraeeatus, are extremely susceptible to drying. The embryos die within a day when there is no rain. Heavy rains trigger breeding(繁殖), so as storms become sporadic, the chance of rain within a day of being laid decrease and so does egg survival.

  As weather patterns have changed, the advantage of laying eggs out of water has decreased, not only for pantless treefrogs but potentially for many species. “Pantless treefrogs can switch between laying eggs in water or on leaves, so they may weather_the_changes we are seeing in rainfall better than other species that have lost the ability to lay eggs in water,” said Touchon. “Being flexible(灵活的) in where they put their eggs gives them more choices and allows them to make decisions in a given habitat that will increase the survival of their eggs.”


  1.According to the first paragraph, ________.

  A.frogs sometimes eat their eggs

  B.tropical frogs eat fish and tadpoles

  C.many tropical frogs lay eggs out of water

  D.there are 6,000 kinds of frogs in the world

  答案:C 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“But many tropical frogs lay their eggs out of water.”可知,热带青蛙不在水里产卵。

  2.What has happened to the climate in Panama in the last 40 years?

  A.There were more storms in summer.

  B.The number of sunny days decreased.

  C.The temperature has Become higher.

  D.There is less rainfall in the wet season.

  答案:D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Over the past four decades, rainfall has become much less during the wet season.”可知,在潮湿的季节,雨量明显变少。

  3.What do we know about the pantless treefrogs?

  A.They will die out soon.

  B.They can lay eggs on leaves.

  C.They must live in water in summer.

  D.They live on leaves in the wet season.

  答案:B 推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句中的“Pantless treefrogs can switch between laying eggs in water or on leaves...”可知,这种树蛙在树叶上面产卵。

  4.The underlined phrase “weather the changes” in the last paragraph probably means ________.

  A.join in the changes B.come through the changes

  C.go against the changes D.get from the changes

  答案:B  词义猜测题。根据和并列连词than other之后的语境的对比意义可知,该词的意思是“度过”这种变化。

  5.Where is the text most likely to have been taken from?

  A.A news report.

  B.A book review.

  C.A travel magazine.

  D.A personal diary.

  答案:A 推理判断题。本文介绍了青蛙物种的最新情况,结合专家的介绍可以推知,本文是一篇资讯报道。



  Four Steps to Fall Asleep

  We live in a 24­hour society with little regard for rest or its well­known benefits.__1__ A lack of sleep can lead to poor work performance,greater risk of injury,and overall poor health.Therefore,falling asleep is a skill that we must develop.

  Here are four steps that will help you through the process of trying to fall asleep:

  (1)Hide the alarm clock.We all know what it's like to lie in bed and glance at the clock and do the maths:“It's 1:00;I can still get five hours of sleep.”This is not the kind of mental activity that contributes to relaxation.__2__ This will stop it from distracting you when you are trying to sleep.

  (2)Take care of pressing business.If there is anything that might prevent you from relaxing when you climb into bed,write it down on a piece of paper.Doing this lets you feel as though you have taken nominal steps to address it that night.__3__

  (3)Follow a single image to sleep.Pick a soothing image­something that brings you peace.It needs to have sufficient detail to keep your attention.__4__ But don't let it be overactive.Your mind's focus should be devoted to the colors,shapes and slow,easy movement of this image.

  (4)Calm your mind.In order to calm your mind,get ready to fall asleep with the firm belief that whatever might be bothering you will still be there tomorrow,and can be dealt with then.If that thought doesn't bring you peace,you can tell yourself that losing sleep over it does nothing to help the situation;it only serves to hurt you.

  Keep in mind that trying to fall asleep doesn't begin the moment you climb into bed.__5__

  A.Work stress and relationship conflicts can contribute to a restless mind.

  B.A solid night's sleep serves us in almost every aspect of life.

  C.It can decrease the value of the hours you manage to sleep.

  D.A comforting belief can pay off as you try to fall asleep.

  E.So position it so that you can't see the clock face.

  F.It's OK for your mind to be active in this process.

  G.You should plan ahead to get a good night's sleep.



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