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发布时间:2017-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  (限时:37分钟 语法填空2篇+阅读理解2篇+短文改错)


  I was in the ninth year when I began to suffer depression. My parents noticed,

  1.________ felt that since I'd always been a good child, this was temporary.


  2.________was not to be so. I didn't have many friends. Hardly

  3.________I share my problems. Deep worry began to destroy my confidence. Finally I refused to attend classes,

  4.________(shut) myself in my room for hours.

  The examinations were approaching, but I simply didn't care. My parents and teachers were

  5.________(surprise) at my bad performance.

  One morning, after a particularly severe lecture from Dad, I stood depressed at the school gate. Then, as the other students marched to their classrooms, our headmaster called me.

  The next 45 minutes were

  6.________(much) precious moments of my life.The headmaster said she'd noticed a big

  7.________ in me. She wanted to know why I

  8.________(fall) behind in my studies, so frequently absent and unhappy. At first, she took my hand in hers and listened patiently as I mentioned my worries.

  9.________ she hugged me as I wept months of frustration and loneliness disappeared in her motherly hug.

  No one had tried to understand what

  10.________real problem was, but my headmaster had done it with her simple act of just listening to me with such attention and caring.


  Reporter:How close did you get to the animals?

  Anthony:We were always very careful not to interrupt their normal life, but the 3D cameras we used required we

  1.________ (get) pretty close. The penguins themselves were really

  2.________ (interest) in the filming. The same five penguins would come out and watch us. We had a lot of very funny moments

  3.________the photographers were behind their cranes (起重机) and the penguins would come right up and start watching 4.________ they were spectators (观众). So they got very close, and we were really close.We wanted you to see the world as though a penguin

  5.________ (see) it.

  Reporter:South Georgia is home to more than 95% of the world's Antarctic fur seals.

  6.________ was it like to get close to this rarely seen animal?

  Anthony:Fantastic. They are unusual creatures. The nice thing for us is

  7.________ we were filming in the ocean too, so we were under the water with them. What's

  8.________(amaze) about these animals is that, like penguins, they are quite clumsy on the shore. They always fall over.

  9.________as soon as they get in the ocean,they are incredible. They move around very quickly.

  Reporter:What were you most surprised to learn about these penguins during your filming?

  Anthony:How indomitable they are! They live in a very difficult area. There are birds 10.________(steal) their eggs, but they fight.



  (2017·贵州师大附中模拟)June, July and August are vacation months for most American school children. But some young students pay a high price for that long summer break. They may forget much of what they learned over the past year by the time they start the next grade. This problem is often called the summer learning gap (差距). A growing effort across the country aims to deal with it by offering more interesting summer school programs.

  On a recent day, students read out loud in a social studies class at Bushman Elementary School in Dallas. But they were also studying art. Visual arts instructor Ron Oliver works to combine the two subjects. He says, “The kids who always struggle on testing thrive (茁壮成长) in this kind of atmosphere. Sometimes they just learn differently.”

  In addition to reading, the students express themselves in picture

  by drawing community scenes. Ron says,“Art helps

  with memory. Even with math, we try to be creative with it. Students who do not take summer classes often need to relearn lessons when they return in the fall. This is especially true of low­income students. They are less likely, for example, to live near public libraries offering both books to read and special summer reading programs.”

  Ron says, “For poor kids, the loss can be as much as three months of school learning that just disappears over the course of the summer. That's a very important part of the achievement gap that separates kids from low­income communities from kids from richer communities. One promising approach has been to include art. We need kids to master reading and math. Art gets them excited about being there every day. And the arts use reading and math. The arts are a great way to tie together learning experiences.”

  1.We can know from the passage that summer school programs________.

  A.attract most of American school children

  B.can help overcome the summer learning gap

  C.help students reduce the high fee they pay for their schooling

  D.aim mainly at students who received poor grades

  2.What does Ron Oliver think about the students in summer school?

  A.They do well in the atmosphere of art.

  B.They learn to read aloud about communities better.

  C.They don't struggle on testing during the regular school year.

  D.They learn things that are different from what they study at school.

  3.From the last paragraph we know that the arts ________.

  A.can prevent learning loss

  B.help tie together learning experiences

  C.can make reading and math less difficult

  D.are more important than reading and math

  4.In which section of the newspaper can we most probably find the passage?

  A.Science.   B.Health.




  From a small warehouse in North Salt Lake City, Utah, a little­known company called Go Natural CNG is about to release a new home refueling system after more than two years of research.

  The system, backed by technology giant Parker Hannifin Corp, will fill up quicker than some models — about one gallon an hour — and last up to 20 years, according to Go Natural CNG Chief Executive Lucas Kjar. The unit, expected by the end of the year, will use hydraulic technology to compress (压缩) the gas for vehicle use, he said. He did not say how much the unit would cost.

  But Go Natural CNG may have a lot of competition. General Electric, Whirlpool and Eaton are all working on home refueling technologies expected to be launched in the next couple of years.

  General Electric, which received $1.8 million from the government to develop its system, aims to release a unit that will cool natural gas to minus 50 degrees Celsius to extract

  (提取) water and other contaminates before refueling. GE aims to sell the unit at $500, about a tenth of the cost of current models.

  General Electric said it was in the development phase and declined to comment on the program's progress.

  Honda, which makes the natural gas­fired Honda Civic GX, has contacted GE and Whirlpool to discuss their plans, according to Elmer Hardy, Honda's senior manager of alternative fuel vehicles.

  Eaton, which received $3.4 million from the government to develop the technology, is working on a unit at its labs in Southfield, Michigan, that would use liquids to compress the gas instead of the traditional metal pistons (活塞). It aims to make a unit available for $500 by 2015.

  “We are seeing if we can do it in a way that reduces the price point,” said Clark Fortune, who leads the program at Eaton. “The adoption will improve if the costs come down.”

  5.What might be the author's purpose in writing the text?

  A.To encourage car owners to use natural gas.

  B.To advertise some technology companies.

  C.To introduce a new home refueling system.

  D.To present some ways of saving energy.

  6.Which company may be the first to release the new refueling system?


  B.General Electric.


  D.Go Natural CNG.

  7.Which of the following is TRUE of the system to be launched by Go Natural CNG?

  A.It can be bought at $500 now.

  B.It has got into market this year.

  C.It can be used for twenty years.

  D.It is financed by Honda.

  8.What is the government's attitude to the new home refueling system?






  One day I saw an advertisement in a local newspaper. I ring up the company, and I was given the job immediately. They asked me to take a tour around the city next morning. The manager just told me to say anything which I could imagine about the city. My first tour was terribly. The old bus was not

  air­conditioned, but it was in the middle of summer, so that

  was really uncomfortable to be inside the bus. The tourist soon became very hot and bad­tempered. I had a very hard time calm them down. This was because I stayed there only for a few weeks. Then I left and joined in a better company.




  1.解析:but 考查连词。这里用but连接并列谓语,语境表示转折含义,所以填but。2.解析:that/it 考查代词。这里用代词it或that指代前面提到的父母的看法。3.解析:could 考查情态动词。这里表示“我几乎不能跟别人倾诉我的烦恼”,could表示“能够”。4.解析:shutting 考查非谓语动词。从句子结构看,这里用所给词的现在分词形式,作伴随状语。5.解析:surprised 考查词性转换。此处主语是表示人的词,因此用形容词化的过去分词作表语,表示“感到惊讶的”。6.解析:the most 考查形容词的最高级。语境表示“随后的45分钟是我一生中最宝贵的时刻”,the most precious表示“最宝贵的”。7.解析:change 考查名词。根据语境可知,这里表示老师说自己注意到了作者所发生的变化,故用change。8.解析:was falling 考查时态。语境表示当时作者的变化,学习在后退,应该用所给提示词的过去进行时表示当时正在发生的动作。9.解析:Then 考查副词。这里用Then与前面的“At first”呼应,此处表示“然后她拥抱我”。10.解析:the 考查冠词。定冠词修饰problem,表示作者面临的问题。B

  1.解析:get/should get 考查虚拟语气。在动词require之后的宾语从句中,谓语动词用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。因此填get/should get。2.解析:interested 考查词性转换。本句为主系表结构,含有词组be interested in“对……感兴趣”,因此填形容词interested。3.解析:when 考查定语从句。句中含有定语从句,先行词为funny moments,所填词在从句中作时间状语,因此填关系副词when。4.解析:as if/as though 考查状语从句。有时,摄影师在起重机后拍摄,而那些企鹅径直走过来,开始观看起重机,好像它们是观众一样。根据语境可知填连词as if/as though“好像”。5.解析:saw 考查虚拟语气。我们想让你们像企鹅那样观察世界。as though后的状语从句表示非真实情况,用虚拟语气,此处表示一般情况,谓语动词应用过去式。因此填saw。6.解析:What 考查疑问句。句意:靠近这些极少能见到的动物感觉怎么样?What is ...like?表示“……怎么样”。7.解析:that 考查表语从句。句中is后为表语从句,从句句意完整,不缺句子成分,故填连接词that。8.解析:amazing 考查词性转换。所填词在系动词后,填形容词作表语,句子主语为表示事物的What,因此填amazing“令人惊奇的”。9.解析:But 考查句子的逻辑。企鹅在陆地上非常笨拙,经常摔倒。但是一到海洋中,它们就非常灵敏。此处表示转折,故填But。10.解析:stealing 考查非谓语动词。本句为there be句式, ________ their eggs作后置宾语,birds与steal之间为主谓关系,且表示一般情况,故应用现在分词stealing。Ⅱ.1. 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第一段可知,学生在经过漫长的暑假之后会遗忘许多上一学年所学的知识,暑期课程能够克服这个问题。 2.解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The kids who always struggle on testing thrive in this kind of atmosphere.”可知,Ron Oliver认为学生们在这种艺术氛围下能够学得好。3.解析:选B 细节理解题。根据最后一段的最后一句“The arts are a great way to tie together learning experiences.”可知,艺术帮助学生把学习经历连接起来。4.解析:选C 文章出处题。本文介绍了在达拉斯的布什曼小学,老师们把艺术与阅读和数学相结合,从而使暑期课程更有趣,使学生更好地学习阅读和数学。由此可推知,本文最有可能出现在报纸的教育版块。5.解析:选C 写作意图题。文章第一段点明了主题,即一个鲜为人知的公司经过两年多的研究即将推出一个新型的家用加油系统。故选C项。

  6.解析:选D 细节理解题。根据文章第三段可知,Go Natural CNG面临众多的竞争,通用电器公司、惠而浦和伊顿公司都在研发家用加油技术,并有望在未来几年推出。因此Go Natural CNG可能是第一个推出这种技术的公司。故选D项。

  7.解析:选C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句中的“and last up to 20 years”可知,这个新型的加油系统可以使用长达20年。故选C项。

  8.解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第四段的第一句和第七段的第一句可知,政府对这一新的科技发明持支持的态度。故选D项。





  第六句:but→and; that→it





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