The United States has publicly accused Russia for the first time of deploying a cruise missile in violation of a 30 year-old arms control agreement.
Joint Chiefs of Staff Vice Chairman General Paul Selva confirmed on Capitol Hill the deployment of the land-based missile violates the "spirit and intent" of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty.
Selva's remarks Wednesday before the House Armed Services Committee were the U.S. military's first public confirmation of reports last month that Russia had secretly positioned them.
Selva testified the deployment poses "risk to most of our facilities in Europe." He added the move is an attempt by Russia to threaten the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
美国参谋长联席会议副主席保罗· 萨尔瓦上将在国会山证实,俄罗斯部署的这枚陆基导弹,违反了1987年签署的《中程核力量条约》的“精神和意图”。
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