2017版【高考一本解决方案】高考英语(新课标版)考点题组训练:专题5 情态动词和虚拟语气(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017版【高考一本解决方案】高考英语(新课标版)考点题组训练:专题5 情态动词和虚拟语气(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1.(2016·新课标Ⅱ)Some classmates suggest we can go to places of interest nearby.

  can→should或去掉can 句意:一些同学建议我们去附近的名胜古迹。suggest作动词表示“建议”时宾语从句的谓语通常用虚拟语气“(should+)动词原形”故此处可把can改为should也可去掉can。

  (2015·新课标Ⅰ)We must found ways to protect our environment.

  found→find  句意:我们必须要找到保护环境的方法。情态动词must后接动词原形。

  (2015·四川)If you are me

  3.are→were 句意:如果你是我你会跟他们谈吗?根据句子可知此处为虚拟语气与现在事实相反动词应用were。

  (2016·浙江)________(have)the governments and scientists not worked together,AIDS­related deaths would not have fallen since their highest in 2005.

  1.Had 句意:如果政府和科学家不共同努力与艾滋病相关的死亡就不会从2005年的最高点下降。这是一个省略了从属连词if的虚拟语气句使用了倒装句式。根据主句的would not have fallen可知这里是表示过去的虚拟语气所以用had。

  (2016·浙江)George can't ________(go)too far.His coffee is still warm.

  2.have gone 句意:乔治不可能走得太远了。他的咖啡仍然是温的。can't have done是对过去的否定推测。

  (2016·北京)Why didn't you tell me about your trouble last week?If you ________(tell)me

  3.had told 句意:上个星期你为什么不告诉我你的have done”形式。

  (2015·北京)—Can't you stay a little longer?

  —It's getting late.I really ________go now.My daughter is home alone.

  4.must 句意:——你不能再多待会儿吗?——太晚了。我必须要走了我女儿一个人在家呢。由“时间不早了”和“女儿一个人在家”这两个条件可以推断出“我”必须要走了。所以填must。

  (2015·福建)—Sorry,Mum!I failed the job interview again.

  ull preparations.

  5.should 句意:——对不起妈妈。我面试又失败了。噢太糟糕了。你本应该做充分准备的。should have done形式表示对过去的推测意为“本应该……”。

  (2015·陕西)Ellen is a fantastic dancer.I wish I ______(dance)as well as her.

  6.danced 句意:艾伦是个极好wish从句中与现在事实相反的虚拟语气用一般过去时表达。

  (2015·天津)I ________ have worried before I came to the new school,for my classmates here are very friendly to me.

  7.needn't 句意:在来到新学校之前我本不必担心因为这儿的同学对我非常友好。needn't have done 表示“本没有必要做某事但是做了”。

  (2015·天津)I wish I ________(be)at my sister's wedding last Tuesday,but I was on a business trip in New York then.

  8.had been 句意:我多么希望上周二我去参加了妹妹的婚礼但是当时我正在纽约出差。wish 引导的虚拟语气与过去事实相反had done形式表达。

  (2015·重庆)You ________ be Carol.You haven't changed a bit after all these years.

  9.must 句意:你一定是卡罗尔这么多年来你一点都没有变。表示肯定推测要用must。

  (2017·湖南)—I've prepared all kinds of food for the picnic.

  —Do you mean we ________ not bring anything with us?

  10.need 句意:——我已经为这次野餐准备好了各种食物。你的意思是我们不需要再带任何东西吗?根据prepared all kinds of...可知此处为“不需要再带任何东西”故填need。

  (2017·福建)______(be)there no modern telecommunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world.

  11.Were 句意:如果没有现代通信手段我们需要等待数周才能获得来自世界各地的资讯。由句意和主句中的“would+动词原形”可知逗号前是一个表示与现在事实相反的从句应为if there were...。此处if省略把were提到主语前故填Were。

  (2017·陕西)We would rather our daughter ________(stay)at home with us

  12.stayed 句意:我们宁愿让女儿和我们一起待在家里可那是她的选择而且她也不再是个孩子了。would rather后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气用一般过去时表示与现在或将来相反的事实。

  (2017·重庆)It was John who broke the window.Why are you talking to me as if I________(do)it?

  13.had done 句意:是约翰打破了窗户。你为什么以好像是我打破了的语气对我说话?as if 引导的状语从句中谓语动词与wish 引导的宾had done。

  (2017·陕西)My book,The House of Hades,is missing.Who ________ have taken it?

  14.could 句意:我的书《哈迪斯之屋》不见了。是谁拿走了呢?结合语境可知此处表示对过去事实的推测用在疑问句中填could。

  (2017·四川)I still remember my happy childhood when my mother ________(will)take me to Disneyland at weekends.

  15.would 句意:我仍然记得我的幸福童年那时我母亲总会在周末带我去迪士尼乐园。would表示过去的一种习惯。


  3.把握句意寻找解题的特定信息词。英语中某些单词或短语往往暗示虚拟语气的使用如If it were not for/had not been for(要不是)(要不是)(要是……该多好)等考生解题时应留意是否有这些信息词然后根据时间关系来确定相关主、从句中的谓语形式该如何填写或更改。

  (2015·四川)You ________ be careful with the camera.It costs!

  【解析】 must 句意:你一定要小心使用这部相机。它花了不少钱呢!根据句意应该用must“一定”。

  (2017·广西)So real friendship should able to stand all sorts of tests.

  【解析】 should后加be 句意:真正的友谊应该能经得起各种考验。情态动词不能独立使用后面须接动词原形。根据able 可知须加be动词为固定短语意为“能能够”。

  (2015·安徽)It is lucky we booked a room,or we ________(have)nowhere to stay now.

  【解析】 would have 句意:幸运的是我们预定了一个房间否则现在我们就没有地方待了。由时间状语now可知主句是对现在的虚拟所以使用would have。

  (2016·湖南衡阳八中二模)It is true that no one should live without money in modern society.

  should→can 句意:的确在当代社会没有钱就不能生活。根据句意可知表示“能能够”须用can。

  (2015·河南洛阳第一次统考)The only thing that I ________ do was that I wished her a long life.

  could 句意:我唯一能做的事情是希望她能长寿。所填词表示能力此处要表达我唯一“能”做的而且根据wished判断句子应该用一般过去时所以填could。

  (2015·浙江温州八校高三联考)Since you have such good preparations________ not be any problem about passing the coming job interview.

  2.should 句意:既然你准备得很充分通过即将到来的工作面试应该没问题。根据since提供的原因“准备充分”可以判断出此处表示“按理说应该发生”的故本空填情态动词should。

  (2015·江西师大附中等五校联考)It has been accepted that all the students ________

  3.shall 句意:为防止学生感染病毒学生们在进校前要戴上口罩这一点大家都已接受。在第三人称作主语的陈述句中表示规定、规则用shall。

  (2015·山西太原高三二诊)There was a little mouse staying at home all day.I ________

  4.daren't 句意:一整天都有一只老鼠在家里我一天没敢出去即使是在晚上。根据even at night表示的递进意义判断此处表示“不敢”意义故填情态动词daren't。

  (2017·甘肃会宁五中第三次月考)I have her telephone number.You ________

  5.can 句意:我有她的电话号码如果你不介意你可以给她打电话。所填词表示允许意为“你可以给她打电话”故用can。

  (2017·河北衡水中学高三六调)I think something ________

  6.must 句意:我想在吉尔身上一定发生了什么事。根据I think...判断所填词表示一种非常有把握的肯定推测故用情态动词must。

  (2017·新疆师大附中12月月考)Some students prefer to consider majors first so that they ________

  7.can 句意:有些学生愿意首先考虑专业以便能够学到自己感兴趣的知识。所填词can。

  (2017·辽宁大连六校期末联考)His doctor told him not to smoke any more________ listen.

  8.wouldn't 句意:他的医生让他别吸烟了但是他不愿意听。根据but表示转折判断此处说的是“不愿意”听故填情态动词wouldn't。

  (2017·甘11月月考)Now I ________

  9.would 句意:如果你愿意的话现在我想让你看一些照片。I would like to do...是固定句式意为“我想做……”。

  (2017·安徽六校教研会联考)Anyone ________

  10.can 句意:任何人都会有困难的时候无论他是“白富美”还是“高富帅”。此处是情态动词用于陈述句中表示“一时的情况”故用情态动词can。

  一、 can

  情态动词 用法

  can/could 表示能力 can表示现在的能力表示过去的能力

  表示请求 could不表示过去只表示委婉、客气的语气但回can

  表示可能性 一般用在否定句及疑问句中也可用于肯定句

  Although he is only four

  Can I use your computer for a while?

  —Could I borrow your bicycle?

  —Yes,you can./No,you can't.

  That can't be Mary,for she is in hospital.


  In general Tom is a good man,but he can be very hard sometimes.

  can与be able to

  (1)表示能力时与be able to意义相同但是can仅用于一般现在时及一般过去时可用于更多时态。

  (2)过去形式的could与was/were able to相比仅说明具备某种能力而was/were able to则侧重通过某种努力达到某种结果常译为“成功做到了”。

  n operate the computer skillfully.

  He was able to get out of the room when the fire broke out.

  二、 may

  情态动词 用法

  may/might 表示请求、允许 might不表示过去仅表示语气更加委婉、客气

  表示可能性 表示把握性不大的推测不用于疑问句中;might表示的可能性比may更小

  表示祝愿 may可以用来表示祝愿但句子要用部分倒装

  固定用法 may/might as well do sth.“不妨做某事;还是做某事为

  Might I make a suggestion?

  This coat may be Peter's.

  He might be doing his homework now.

  May you succeed!

  may表示请求许可时其否定回答一般用mustn't。may not意为“可能不”而can't意为“不可能”。

  —Yes,you may.(No,you mustn't.)


  情态动词 用法

  will/would 用于第二人称作主语的疑问句表示请求





  Will you help me with the luggage?


  They asked if we would do that again.

  Oil will float on water.

  would与used to

  表示过去的习惯时仅指动作而且不与现在作对比;used to表示过去的习惯动作或状态而且与现在作对比说明现在这种动作或状态已经不存在。

  days he would sit silently at the door for hours.

  He used to swim in the little river when he was a boy.


  情态动词 用法

  shall 用在第一、三人称作主语的疑问句中表示征求对方的意见或请示



  should 表示义务、责任、劝告或建议ought to基本相同;should表示主观表示客观



  Shall he come in or wait outside?

  You shall remain in your seats until all papers have been collected.

  You should be careful when doing your job.

  We should arrive home before dark.

  How should I know it?



  You must be tired after the long journey.


  The children must be back by 4 o'clock.


  If you must leave,please do it quietly.The baby is sleeping.

  在回答must的问句时否定回答通常用needn't或don't have to。



  —Need he go yesterday?

  She dare not go out alone at night.

  七、“情态动词+have done”的用法

  “情态动词+have done”表示推测


  There is nowhere to find them.Where can they have gone?

  ;she's been out of town for two weeks.

  He is upset.He must have been punished.

  Tom may have passed the driving test

  “情态动词+have done”表示虚拟语气


  Considering his ability

  He might have given you more help,even though he was busy.

  You should have told me earlier.

  I'm sorry.I shouldn't have been so rude to you.

  He needn't have gone to the station yesterday.



  情况 从句谓语动词 主句谓语动词

  与现在事实相反 动词的过去式(be的过去式用were) should/would/could/might+动词原形

  与过去事实相反 had done should/would/could/might+have done

  与 动词的过去式、


  +动词原形 should/would/could/might+动词原形

  If I were you

  If I saw her now,I would be very happy.

  If he had taken my advice,he would have succeeded in the competition.

  If he should come here tomorrow,I should/would talk to him.

  If it were to rain tomorrow,the football match would be put off.



  If he had worked hard at his lesson,he would be in college now.



  I couldn't have finished the work on time without your help.

  But for your timely warning



  Had he taken my advicee would not have made such a mistake.

  Should it be sunny tomorrow,we would go hiking.

  Were there no air or water,there would be no living things on the earth.



  The doctor suggested that she(should)come another day.

  Her suggestion is that we(should)give up the plan.

  He insisted that we(should)accept these gifts.

  The boss ordered that the job(should)be finished in three days.

  在“It is/was+某些形容词/过去分词+that从句”句型中从句常用虚拟语气即谓语动词为“should+动词原形”。这些形容词有strange过去分词有desired等。

  It is strange that she shouldn't have been invited.

  在由for fear thatase等引导的状语从句中用“should+动词原形”表示“唯恐……”。

  He handled the instrument with care for fear that it should be damaged.

  在“It is(about/high)time+that从句”中谓语动词常用过去式或“should+动词原形”表示虚拟语气。

  It is high time that people learnt/should learn English.

  在as if/as though引导的从句及wish引导的宾语从句中与现在情况相反从句谓语用过去式;与过去情况相反从句谓语用“had+过去分词”;与将来情况相反从句谓语用“would/could+动词原形”。

  He works with such enthusiasm as if he were never tired.

  He speaks English as though he were an American.

  在if only...句子中谓语动词的形式与wish后的宾语从句相同。

  If only the driver didn't drive so fast!


  __1__ has killed many people and ruined the lives of many others.At present,traffic accidents become “the world's first harm”.

  Two months ago,after __2__(drink) a lot of alcohol,my friend's uncle drove his car home.He was __3__(heavy) drunk,but he still drove home by __4__.On the road near his home,an old lady was going across the road,__5__ his uncle didn't notice her and he was still moving on under the influence of alcohol.And the old lady didn't see his uncle,either.In the end,the lady died.

  __6__ it not been for his uncle's drunkenness,the terrible accident would not have happened.If the lady hadn't died,she __7__ live a happy life with her daughters and sons.And his uncle's home was also destroyed by his uncle.Therefore,two __8__(family) were destroyed.

  I wish more people __9__(can) realize the seriousness of drunk driving and obey the traffic regulations faithfully.Always remember: refuse __10__(drink) and drive,and give a safe world to you and me!

  1.which 所填词引导非限制性定语从句在从句中作主语;先行词是drunk driving故用which。

  drinking after在此是介词后跟动名词。

  heavily 修饰was drunk用副词。

  himself by oneself是固定短语此处所用he一致故填himself。

  but 此处表示“但是他的叔叔没有注意到她”故填表示转折的连词but。

  Had 根据主句中的would not have happened判断逗号前面是一个虚拟语气的条件句句子的谓语应用had done形式;但是因为省略了if所以要把had提到句首由此可判断该空填Had。

  would/might/could 根据句意可知此处表示一种与现实情况相反would/might/could。

  families family在此是被看作整体的集体名词表示多个这样的整体时用复数形式;此处前面有two故填families。

  could wish后的从句用虚拟语气此处表示与现在的事实相反所以本空填could。

  to drink refuse后用动词不定式作宾语拒绝


  seize those opportunities,thus feel upset.Although we do know regretting the past is no benefit,yet we still shouldn't help doing it.

  To avoid the problem below,we need to pay more attention to what you are doing now,making us busier and having no time to recall the past.Moreover,we'd better set reasonable goals one by one.Only by doing so must we struggle for our future better.

  In our life,we often regret what we did and what we couldn't .Actually,it doesn't benefit us at all.As for most of us,we missed many

  to earn more money,to get a

  position and to realize our dreams.We often regret that we

  seize those opportunities,thus

  upset.Although we do know regretting the past isno benefit,yet we still

  help doing it.

  To avoid the problem ,we need to pay more attention to what

  are doing now,making us busier and having no time to recall the past.Moreover,we'd better set reasonable goals one by one.Only by doing so

  we struggle for our future better.






  6.of no benefit=not beneficial“没有好处的”。

  根据句意可知此处意为“情不自禁禁不住”英语习惯表达为can't help doing。


  根据前文“We need to...”可知此处应是we。



  s a teenager who lives in Africa.When he was young,he had polio(小儿麻痹症).Although he wants to go to school__1__ work.

  Tasui is only one of millions of children __2__ can't go to school.Many must work to support their __3__(family).Therefore?Global Campaign for Education(GCE) thinks so.It was formed __4__(solve) this problem.The government aims to give every person__5__(especial) those in poverty,an opportunity to get an education.

  __6__(establish) in 1999,GCE is made up of 120 organizations with members in almost 100 countries.Education is a basic human right,__7__ GCE campaigns to realize this right.It works with governments to improve education in each country.

  Today,nearly 1 in 6 people around the world __8__ read or write.Not being able to read impacts a person's job opportunities and __9__(increase) poverty.GCE seeks to provide teaching materials in primary students' mother tongues.Around the world,many girls are often denied an education.GCE aims to give women the same opportunities as men.GCE believes that education __10__ change lives.

  1.must 根据表示让步的连词although及后面的Many must work判断此处填must意为“必须”。

  who/that 所填词引导定语从句在从句中作主语指人故填who或that。

  families 集体名词family在此被看作整体表示“家庭their修饰故用其复数形式。

  to solve 动词不定式表示目的。

  especially 表示强调作状语意为“尤其”故填副词especially。

  Established establish与GCE是被动关系故用过去分词作状语。

  and 前后两句之间是并列关系故填连词and。

  cannot/can't 根据后一句的Not being able to read判断本空填cannot或can't。

  increases 与前面的impacts是并列谓语故用第三人称单数形式。

  can 句意:GCE认为教育能够改变生活。由句意可知填情态动词can“能够”。


  s think in Chinese and tried to translate into English everything which I came across.My teacher advised I kept a diary.I followed his advice and put down 100 words or so each day.

  Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself and I can express myself in simple English.One day I wrote a story and showed to my teacher.He liked it very much that he read it to the class.All said that the story was a good one.Their words were an great encouragement to me.

  When I first

  to write in English,I ran into

  difficulties.The main problem was that I always

  in Chinese and tried to translate into English everything或 I came across.My teacher advised I

  a diary.I followed his advice and put down 100 words or so each day.

  to myself and I

  express myself in simple English.One day I wrote a story and showedto my teacher.He liked it

  much that he read it to the class.All said that the story was a good one.Their words were

  great encouragement to me.








  是及物动词后跟双宾语根据前文的a story判断加it。




  __1__(begin) at 7:30.All the seats were taken.We were so __2__(excite) by the special sound of heavy metal that we __3__ng and jumping.Suddenly I heard the sharp sound of an ambulance __4__ saw a young man being taken out of the hall quickly.He

  __5__ have been injured in the excitement,but this didn't stop the concert.It still went on __6__(smooth).When the concert was over__7__(cheer) for some time.To tell the __8__(true),I'm really crazy about the singing with heavy metal.I wish I __9__(be) a singer of this type of popular music.And I think more and more people will become interested __10__ it very soon.

  1.began 根据文章开头的Last Sunday判断本句也要用一般过去时填began。

  excited 主语是指人的we所以表语要用表示人的感受的形容词excited。

  couldn't can't help doing“禁不住做某事”是固定短语;文章讲述过去的事情故本空填couldn't。

  and 结合语境可知此处要由and连接两个并列句表顺接关系。

  must 根据语境判断这个句子表示的是对过去情况有把握的肯定推测所以此处must,意为“一定”。

  smoothly 修饰动词短语went on用副词。

  cheering keep后用动名词作宾语“持续做某事”。

  truth to tell the truth是固定短语意为“说实话”。

  would be wish后的从句用虚拟语气由上下文语境判断此处表示对将来情况的假would be。

  in become interested in“变得对……感兴趣”是固定短语。


  te on,I often watched him carefully to learn their techniques.I kept practicing until I felt sure I can challenge the good players in my class.In middle of the term,I became one of the best players in my school.

  I take great pride of this experience because it not only helps me realize that I need achieve my potential through hard work,but makes me to know the proverb “Practice makes perfect”.

  How I

  become a good badminton player is fresh in my mind.The first day I

  to school,I found some of my classmates playing badminton. at how skilful they were,I made up my mind to be good at it. on,I often watched

  carefully to learn their techniques.I kept practicing until I felt sure I

  challenge the good players in my class.Inmiddle of the term,I became one of the best players in my school.

  I take great pride

  this experience because it not only helps me realize that I

  achieve my potential through hard work,but makes me

  know the proverb “Practice makes perfect”.


  根据语境和the first day说明go的动作发生在过去应用一般过去时。










  learning habits influence learning results?It's useful and necessary to discuss learning habits.There is a famous

  __1__(say)“Good habits lead to good endings”

  “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” also __2__(show)a healthy everyday habit helps to build up our body.Thus,good learning habits can help us gain great learning results,high scores and abundant knowledge __3__(include).At first__4__(attitude)to the content of our learning.Obviously,a good habit __5__ help us to speed up to reach our destinations.As we can see,developing a good habit is so important that I __6__(will)like to introduce one kind of good learning habits—keeping a learning diary every day.We can start the habit by

  __7__(write)a learning summary and remember to record something impressive and meaningful.Keep it in mind,and gradually we __8__ gain this good learning habit and benefit from it.

  What's __9__(much),I find out that I still have some bad learning habits __10__ well.I can only concentrate on reading for a short time,and I will conquer this problem by spending more efforts on concentration practice.

  I believe that through my efforts,I can gain good learning results by having good habits.

  1.saying a famous saying“名言”。

  shows 句子的主语是“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”谓语动词应用第三人称单数。

  included knowledge是include的动作承受者应用过去分词。

  attitudes 根据前文的ways与后面的help可知这里需要用复数形式。

  can 分析句意可知指a good habit可能产生的作用。

  would 根据句意及后面的like可知此处用would与like 一起意为“想要”。

  writing by后加动名词意为“通过……”在句中作方式状语。

  can 根据句意可知此处指“我们”所能做的

  9.more what's more“更重要的是”常作插入语。

  as as well“也”常放在句尾。


  On behalf for our school,I shall like to express our warm welcome to you.We are lucky to have us here in the middle of our English Week activities.

  As scheduled,we had English Talent Show today.The purpose of this programme is develop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and spoken.The students are required that they will follow the activities: recitation,singing,word spelling,story told and so on.The Show will begin at two o'clock this afternoon at the Student Center.Dear guests,you are welcome to take part in our activities.I hope we students will benefit great from your presence.

  Can you have a pleasant time with us.Thank you.

  Dear American guests,

  On behalf

  our school,I

  like to express our warm welcome to you.We are lucky to have

  here in the middle of our English Week activities.

  As scheduled,we

  English Talent Show today.The purpose of this programme isdevelop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and .The students are required that they 或 follow the activities: recitation and so on.The Show will begin at two o'clock this afternoon at the Student Center.Dear guests,you are welcome to take part in our activities.I hope we students will benefit

  from your presence.

  you have a pleasant time with us.Thank you.

  1.on behalf of “代表”是固定搭配。

  根据句意可知指“我”的想法用would like。

  逻辑错误;这儿应当用you代指American guests。





  与word spelling并列应为同一形式讲故事”。




  y of saying things and his own special expressions.Many everyday American expressions are based __1__ colors.Red is a hot color.Americans often use it to express heat.They __2__ say they are red hot about something unfair.When they are red hot they __3__be very angry about something.The small hot tasting peppers found in many Mexican foods __4__(call)red hots for their color and their spicy taste.Fast loud music is popular with many people.They __5__ say the music is red hot,especially the kind called Dixieland jazz.Pink is a __6__(light)kind of red.People sometimes say they are in the pink

  __7__ they are in good health.The expression was first used in America at the beginning of the __8__(twenty)century.It probably comes from the fact that many babies are born with a nice pink color __9__

  shows that they are in good health.Blue is a cool color.The traditional blues music in the United States is __10__ opposite of red hot music.Blues is slow,sad and soulful(深情的).Someone who is blue is very sad.

  on be based on“以……

  2.may 根据上下文意思可知此处指他们可能会做的事情故填may。

  must 根据句意可知此处指肯定的推测应填must。

  are called peppers与call之间为被动关系且为陈述事实故用一般现在时的被动语态。

  may 根据句子语境

  6.lighter 粉红色是比较浅一点的红色;所以用light的比较级形式。

  when when引导时间状语从句。

  twentieth 空格前有定冠词表示“20世纪”应用序数词。

  that/which 本句是定语从句引导词color,表示物故用which或that引导。

  the the opposite of “在……的对立面”。


  in high spirit.We supported each other to pass the rocky areas on the course of the climb.Laughing and cheering,we eventually reached the summit,there we were greeted by the bright sunshine and fresh air.Viewing from the top,the city was extremely beautiful.Such an event is very beneficial for not only we take a break from our heavy school workload,but we can also learn what to cooperate.Therefore,we strongly suggest that similar events are held every year!

  In order that we

  promote participation in outdoor exercise,our school

  organized an activity to climb the West Mountain on April 10.The moment we arrived at the foot of

  mountain,we set out for the top in high .We supported each other to pass the rocky areas

  the course of the climb.Laughing and cheering,we eventually reached the summit, we were greeted by the bright sunshine and fresh air. from the top,the city was extremely beautiful.Such an event is very beneficial for not onlywe take a break from our heavy school workload,but we can also learn

  to cooperate.Therefore,we strongly suggest that similar events

  held every year!






  6.先行词the summit“顶峰”指地点故用where引导非限制性定语从句。

  句意:从山顶遥望城市非常美丽。view“观察”这里主语the city与view之间为被动关系应用过去分词形式。





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