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发布时间:2017-03-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  【2017·石家庄市高三模拟考试If you want to stand out,there is no alternative but hard work.

  Once a boy in__1__clothes full of patches ran to ask a successful building contractor (承包商) in a construction site,“How could I become as __2__as you when I grow up?”

  With a__3__at the boy,the contractor replied,“There is a story about three diggers.The first digger liked holding a spade without doing anything but saying that he wanted to be a(n) __4__in the future.The second always liked__5__about the work and his low__6__.The third digger liked__7__devoting himself to digging.Later,the first was still holding his spade in the__8__place and the second took an excuse for early__9__.Only the third became a boss.Do you understand the

  __10__of this story?Just go to buy a__11__shirt and work hard.”

  The little boy was__12__.So he asked the contractor to explain further.__13__the working builders,the contractor replied,“Look at my

  workers!I can’t remember all their names,and even I have no__14__of some of them.Most of

  them wear blue shirts.But if you look__15__,you will notice a sunburned man in red.He seems to be working harder than others.He is always the first one to work while the last one to leave.It is exactly his red shirt that makes him__16__.Soon he will be__17__to my assistant.You know,that is also how

  I got__18___I am now.I worked hard and wore a striped

  shirt.My boss __19__me.I also became a boss eventually.”

  Success can only__20__action.Working hard is all

  winners’ shared experience for achieving their dreams.

  1.A.spotted B.ragged


  2.A.creative B.strong

  C.rich D.responsible

  3.A.glance B.laugh

  C.wave D.shout



  C.boss D.assistant

  5.A.thinking B.learning

  C.explaining D.complaining

  6.A.spirit B.salary



  C.obviously D.freely




  9.A.arrival B.retirement


  D. payment

  10.A.ending B.people

  C.moral D.importance


  C.white D.blue

  12.A.puzzled B.disappointed



  13.A.Speaking to B.Referring to

  C.Coming to D.Pointing to




  15.A.frequently B.regularly


  16.A.stand out B.work out

  C.turn out D.give out

  17.A.employed B.elected

  C.admitted D.promoted

  18.A.which B.where

  C.who D.why

  19.A.praised B.ignored

  C.scolded D.noticed

  20.A.bring about B.lead to

  C.result fromD.get into

  语篇解读 本文讲述了成功的秘诀。一个人要想成功,只有辛勤劳动、与众不同才能出人头地,最终实现自己的梦想。

  1.解析: 根据空后的“full of patches”可知,这里表示一个“衣衫褴褛的”男孩儿。

  答案: B

  2.解析: “我”长大后怎样才能成为和你一样“富有的”人?

  答案: C

  3.解析: 根据下文可知,承商包应该是先“打量”这个男孩子,然后再回答他的问题。

  答案: A

  4.解析: 下文的“became a boss”是线索提示。

  答案: C

  5.解析: 第二个人总喜欢“抱怨”工作和“薪水”低。

  答案: D

  6.解析: 参见上题解析。salary薪水,符合语境。

  答案: B

  7.解析: 第三个人喜欢“安静地”工作。

  答案: A

  8.解析: 第一个人依旧拿着锹在“原来的”职位上,第二个人找了个借口提前“退休”,只有第三个人最终成了老板。

  答案: C

  9.答案: B

  10.解析: 你懂得这个故事的“寓意”吗?

  答案: C

  11.解析: 根据下文可知,他让男孩买件“红色的”衬衫,并且努力工作。

  答案: B

  12.解析: 根据下文男孩要这个承包商进一步解释原因可知,开始他是“困惑的”。

  答案: A

  13.解析: 根据后文的“Look at my workers!”可知,当时承包商是“指向”那些在干活的建筑工人们。

  答案: D

  14.解析: “我”不能记住他们所有人的名字,甚至对一些人没有什么“印象”。

  答案: A

  15.解析: 但是如果你“仔细地”看,你就会注意到一个晒伤的穿红色衣服的人。

  答案: C

  16.解析: 正是他的红色衣服使他“显眼”。

  答案: A

  17.解析:  很快他将被“提升”为“我”的助手。

  答案: D

  18.解析: 那也是“我”如何走到现在这个位置的原因。where在某个地方,引导地点状语从句,符合语境。

  答案: B

  19.解析: “我”穿条纹衬衫努力工作。“我”的老板因此“注意”到了“我”。

  答案: D

  20.解析: result from...因……产生,由……造成,符合语境。

  答案: C

  , 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。


  The owner of a missing cat is asking for help. “My baby has been missing for over a month now, and I want him back so badly,” said Mrs. Brown, a 56yearold woman. Mrs. Brown lives by herself in a park near Clovis. She said that Clyde, her 7yearold cat, didn't come home for dinner more than a month ago. The next morning he didn't appear for breakfast, either. After Clyde missed an extraspecial lunch, she called the police. When the policeman asked her to describe Clyde, she told him that Clyde had beautiful green eyes, had all his teeth but was missing half of his left ear, and was seven years old and completely white.

  ?Is Clyde your child or your pet?” the officer asked. “Well, he's my cat.” Mrs. Brown replied. “Lady, you should report missing PERSONS, not missing CATS!” said the annoyed

  policeman. “You can ask around your neighborhood or put up flyers.” Mrs. Brown figured that a

  billboard would work a lot better than an 8?11 piece of paper on a telephone pole. There was an

  empty billboard at the end of her street just off the highway, with a phone number on it.

  She called that number, and they told her they could put up a picture of Clyde on the billboard for all to see. They told her it would cost only ¥3 000 a month. So she took most of the money out of her savings account and rented the billboard for a month.

  The month has passed, but Clyde has not appeared.

  Because she has almost no money in savings, Mrs. Brown called the local newspaper to see if anyone could help her rent the billboard for just one more month. She is waiting but, so far, no one has stepped forward.


  1.The underlined word “flyers” in the second paragraph probably means ________.





  答案:A 词义猜测题。警察建议Mrs. Brown “put up flyers”,再根据文章第二段倒数第二句“Mrs. Brown figured that a billboard would work a lot better than an 8×11 piece of paper on a telephone pole.”可推知,flyer指的是“an 8×11 piece of paper on a telephone pole”,故答案A海报,符合文义。

  2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.The police officer thought that Clyde was Mrs. Brown's child.

  B.Mrs. Brown put up an 8×11 piece of paper on a telephone pole.

  C.Clyde had kept Mrs. Brown company for seven years in total.

  D.Someone rented the billboard for Mrs. Brown for one month.

  答案:A 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第三句“‘Lady, you should report missing PERSONS, not missing CATS!’ said the annoyed policeman”可知,答案A符合文义。should此处表示惊讶。

  3.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

  A.the billboard off the highway costs $ 3 000 a month

  B.the neighbors helped Mrs. Brown to put up flyers

  C.Mrs. Brown doesn't give up the hope of finding Clyde

  D.Clyde only had half of his left ear but had all his teeth

  答案:C 推理判断题。根据文章第一段第一句“The owner of a missing cat is asking for help.”和对文章最后两段的整体理解可以推断出,Mrs. Brown并没有放弃寻找宠物猫,故答案C符合文义。

  4.What is probably the best title for the passage?

  A.A Nearby Billboard

  B.Clyde and Mrs. Brown

  C.A Missing Cat

  D.Persons or Cats

  答案:C 标题概括题。根据文章第一段第一句“The owner of a missing cat is asking for help.”的开篇点题和对全文的整体理解可知,本文主要讲的是一个老太太寻找一只丢失的猫的相关信息,故答案C符合文义。


  TODAY, Friday, November 12

  JAZZ with the Mike Thomas Jazz Band at The Derby Arms.Upper Richmond Road WestSheen.

  DISCO Satin Sounds Disco.Free at The Lord Napier, Mort lake High St., from 8a.m.to 8p.m.Tel: 682158.

  SATURDAY, November 13

  JAZZ Lysis at The Bull' s Head, Bames.Admission 60p.

  MUSICAL HALL at The Star and Garter, Lower Richmond Road, Putney, provided by the Aba Daba Music Hall company.Good food and entertainment fair price.Tel: 789749.

  FAMILY night out? Join the sing-along at The Black Horse.Sheen Road, Richmond.

  JAZZ The John Bennett Big Band at The Bull' s Head, Barnes.Admission 80p.

  THE DERBY ARMS, Upper Richmond Road West, give you Joe on the electric accordion ().Tel: 789536

  SUNDAY, November 14

  DISCO Satin Sounds Disco, free at The Lord Napier, Mort Lake High Street, from 8 a.m.to 8 p.m.

  FOLK MUSIC at The Derby Arms.The Short Stuff and residents the Norman Chop Trio.Non -remembers 70p.Tel: 688626.

  HEAVY MUSIC with Tony Simon at The Bull, Upper Richmond Road West, East Sheen.

  THE DERBY ARMS, Upper Richmond Road West, give you Joe on the electric accordion.

  66.Where and when can you hear the Norman Chop Trio?

  A.At the Bull' s Head on Sunday.

  B.At the Derby Arms on Sunday.

  C.At the Bull on Saturday.

  D.At the Black Horse on Saturday.

  67.Where and when can you hear the Mike Thomas Jazz Band?

  A.At the Derby Arms on Friday.

  B.At the Black Horse on Friday.

  C.At the Star and Garter on Saturday.

  D.At the Derby Arms on Sunday.

  68.Which telephone number do you have to dial if you want to enjoy the electric accordion on Saturday?





  69.Where should you go if you want to spend the Saturday by joining the entertainment with your family?

  A.Disco at The Lord Napier.

  B.The sing - along at The Black Horse.

  C.The electric accordion at The Derby Arms.

  D.Jazz at The Bull's Head.,

  70.Which of the following is your best choice if you want to spend the same day at two different places and don't want to cross any street?

  A.The sing-along at the Black Horse and Jazz at The Bull' s Head.

  B.The sing - along at The Black Horse and Folk Music at The Derby Arms.

  C.Folk Music at The Derby Arms and Heavy Music with Tony Simon at The Bull.

  D.Musical Hal lat The Star &Garter and Disco at The Lord Napier.


  How often do you sit still and do absolutely nothing The usual answer these days is " never", or "hardly ever".As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation.Once you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down.But relaxation is essential for a heahy mind and body.

  Stress is a natural part of everyday life.There is no way to avoid it, since it takes many and varStress, in fact, is not the "baddy" it is often reputed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life.It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.

  The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual.Some people are not afraid of stress, and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities.Others lose heart at the first signs of unusual difficulties.When exposed to stress, in whatever form, we react both chemically and physically.In fact we make a choice between "fight" or "fright" and in more primitive days the choice made the difference between life and death.The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme, but however little the stress, it involves the same response.All the energy is diverted to cope with the stress.It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress, that health becomes endangered.Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart disease have established links with stress.

  Stress in some people produces stomach disorders, while others succumb to tension headaches.Since we cannot remove stress from our Jives, We need to find ways to cope with it.

  71.People are finding less and less time for relaxing themselves because _______.

  A.they are working harder than they used to be B.they are often too busy to find the time C.they are not clear of how to relax by themselves

  D.they are suffering from the effects of stress

  72.What is implied but not stated in the passage ?

  A.How much stress one can bear depends greatly on whether he knows the art of relaxation.

  B.People in primitive days survived from stress because they found certain ways to deal with it.

  C.If one gets into the habit of relaxing every day he can overcome stress easily.

  D.Stress can lead to serious health problem if one is exposed to it for.too long.

  73.The underlined sentence in paragraph 2 suggests that_______.

  A.Stress is not always a bad thing for people

  B.Stress has a bad reputation of causing ill health C.Stress is not so terrible as people often believe it to be D.Stress is always harmful to people all the time74.According to this passage, which is TRUE?

  A.Relaxation in life only benefits us mentally.

  B.Different people can stand different amounts of stress.

  C.All the stress can lead to poor performance.

  D.Large amounts of stress is important to people's life.75.What is the writer' s attitude to stress according to the passage?

  A.Stress as well as relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.

  B.Stress should not be eliminated completely from the life.

  C.Stress produces both positive and negative effects on people.

  D.People usually work better under stress if they are healthy.


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