2017届高考英语广东版英语测试报高三上学期综合版训练:第11期 A4(外研版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语广东版英语测试报高三上学期综合版训练:第11期 A4(外研版)

发布时间:2017-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Into the Text

  I. 根据汉语或首字母提示,用Book 4 Module 4单词的正确形式填空。

  1. Jack enjoys reading abstracts more than reading the ______ (原著) reports and arts.

  2. The majority of people in the town strongly ______ (支持) the plan to build a bridge.

  3. Based on a certain exchange rate, foreign money can be ______ (转换)into the local currency at the bank.

  4. Although these cases are really complicated, we have great confidence in finding a ______(突破).

  5. During the 1950s, China e______ agricultural products to East European countries in return for manufactured goods.

  6. It is not the way to e______ a child by making him do things against his will.

  7. We now live a happy and comfortable life which needs a large q______ of energy.

  8. The old farmhouse the family lived in is to be r______ by a new $500, 000 home.

  II. 语法填空。


  The most important use of drifting bottles is to find ocean currents. When the position and direction of currents [1]__________ (know), ships can use the forward movement of a current or stay away [2]__________ currents that would carry them off their course. Benjamin Franklin was one of the first [3]__________ (use) bottles in the study of currents. He wondered [4]__________ British mall ships needed a week or two [5]__________ (long) than U.S. ships needed to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Franklin thought the Gulf Stream (墨西哥湾流) might explain this [6]__________ (different).

  Franklin talked with captains of U.S. ships. He

  [7]__________ (find) that they knew each turn of the Gulf Stream. They used the current in every possible way. From his talks with the captains, Franklin made the

  [8]__________ (one) map of the Gulf Stream in the world. Then he checked his map by using sealed (密封的) bottles. The map that he [9]__________ (eventual) made is still used, with only a few [10]__________ (change), today.

  III. 根据汉语意思,完成句子。

  1. 由于汽车污染,各主要城市的空气质量有所降低。

  ______ ______ ______ ______ automobile pollution, air quality in most major cities has lowered.

  2. 他一直希望什么时候有机会到中国去。

  He ______ ______ that he would have chances to go to China some day.

  3. 该车间本月的产值与上月相比,增加了百分之二十。

  This month the output of the workshop ______ ______ ______ 20 percent as compared with that of last month.

  4. 他执政10年了,但是仍然不想退位。

  He ______ ______ ______ ______ for ten years, but he still doesn’t want to give up the throne.

  5. 也许他仍然能够谋生,而不至于把饭店关了。

  Perhaps he would still ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ and not have to close his restaurant.

  IV. 根据所给提示翻译句子。

  1. 孩子被警告不要尝试这些危险药品。(experiment with)


  2. 史密斯教授在医学院当了两年的客座教授。(be attached to)


  3. 通过进行大量的实验,科学家们培育了一个新的水稻品种。(by doing)


  4. 直到她取下墨镜,我才意识到她是一位著名影星。(not until)


  5. 他可能是太忙了,以至于忘记了你的生日。(It was possible that)




  注:“英语听说”考试最终计入英语科总成绩的分值 = 卷面成绩(满分60分)×0.25,四舍五入取整数计分。

  Part A: Reading Aloud 模仿朗读 (20分)

  In this part, you are required to listen to the tape or watch a video clip, and read after the speaker.

  And this is it. The first ever 3D model of the inside of an active volcano. A unique snapshot in the life of this

  the world’s oldest lava lake. For the world’s science community it offers much more. It captures an apocalyptic, geological process that has never been observed in action before. The gradual fragmenting of the Earth’s crust, which will lead ultimately to the birth of a new ocean. It’s a drama that will play out over millions of years, forming the backdrop to the lives of the people here in the Rift Valley as it has since the dawn of mankind.

  Part B:Role Play 角色扮演 (16分)

  In this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to the conversation, ask three questions and then answer five questions.





  1. Please get ready to ask the following three questions in English.



  A1: Listen to answer1.



  A2: Listen to answer2.



  A3: Listen to answer3.

  2. Please get ready to answer the following five questions in English.

  Q1:Listen to question1.

  A1: _______________________________________

  Q2:Listen to question2.

  A2: _______________________________________

  Q3:Listen to question3.

  A3: _______________________________________

  Q4:Listen to question4.

  A4: _______________________________________

  Q5:Listen to question5.

  A5: _______________________________________

  Part C:Story Retelling 故事复述(24分)

  In this part, you are required to listen to a story in the tape twice, and then retell the story in your own words.


  1. Mrs. Brown 的猫失踪

  2. Mrs. Brown 报警,警方给出建议

  3. Mrs. Brown张贴猫的照片


  missing 失踪的; police 警察;


  put up 粘贴;

  billboard 布告板


  • 大家都在看
  • 小编推荐
  • 猜你喜欢