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发布时间:2017-02-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Unit 3




  1.Sun Tao was an excellent student in his school and he won s


  【答案】 scholarship

  2.—Jack,I’m so happy because I have passed the important exam.


  to you!

  【答案】 Congratulations

  3.On her birthday Kate d

  her room with nice flowers and balloons,which made it very beautiful.

  【答案】 decorated

  4.The pills are too big and bitter so I don’t think I can s

   them.

  【答案】 swallow

  5.I’m very happy to have the o

  to talk to you.

  【答案】 opportunity

  6.Mr.Smith will marry Miss Jones.We have received their


  【答案】 invitation

  7.It’s good for us to drink

  (开) water.

  【答案】 boiled

  8.All of us should make a

  (贡献) to humans.

  【答案】 contribution

  9.Please bring me some soft drink with no


  【答案】 alcohol

  10.He turned off the light and the room was in complete


  【答案】 darkness


  put up

  agree on

  take part in

  depend on

  a symbol of

  go through

  thank for

  at the bottom of

  decorate with

  turn off

  1.Most of the students like to

  outdoor activities.

  【答案】 take part in

  2.Lanterns used to be lit by candles and

  pictures of birds,animals and flowers.

  【答案】 decorated with



  attending her birthday party.

  【答案】 thanked;for

  4.Mary is too fat to

  the narrow door.

  【答案】 go through

  5.The crown is

  a long and happy life for the new couple.

  【答案】 a symbol of


  the river live many different kinds of fishes.

  【答案】 At the bottom of

  7.What programmes make you want to

  or try another channel?

  【答案】 turn off

  8.My mum and sister didn’t

  anything about the wedding.

  【答案】 agree on

  9.The boy

  his hand so that he could catch the teacher’s attention.

  【答案】 put up

  10.—When will we go out?


  the weather.

  【答案】 depends on


  1.—Are all telephone numbers

  in the directory?






  D.being listed;being included

  【解析】 listed与句首”are”一起构成被动语态;including Jane’s=Jane’s included。句意:——所有的电话号码都被列入电话号码簿了吗?——是的,其中包括简的号码。

  【答案】 C

  2.In some parts of the world,tea

  with milk and sugar.

  A.is serving

  B.is served

  C.serves D.served

  【解析】 本题考查动词的时态和语态。句意:在世界的某些地区,茶是和牛奶、糖一块上的。 tea和serve之间为动宾关系,故须用被动语态。

  【答案】 B

  3.Will you

  us in the discussion about the students’ burden of studies?

  A.attend B.join in

  C.take part D.join

  【解析】 join sb.in sth.为固定搭配,意为”加入某人的行列做某事”。

  【答案】 D

  4.(2017安徽省城名校联考)—Do you think our national women’s volleyball team will win the gold medal at the 2017 London Olympic Games?


  .After all,ours is no longer the strongest in the world.

  A.Of course B.It depends

  C.Don’t mention it D.I hope so

  【解析】 考查交际用语。句意:——你认为我们国家的女排在2017伦敦奥运会上能获得金牌吗?——很难说,毕竟,我们的球队现在不再是世界上最强的了。由答语可以推知我们球队在奥运会上能否夺得金牌,要视情况而定,不太有把握。

  【答案】 B

  5.Eating too much fat can

  heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

  A.result from B.contribute to

  C.attend to D.devote to

  【解析】 本题考查动词词组意义的区别。A项意为”由于……的结果”;B项意为”有助于……,促进……发生”;C项意为”照顾,照料”;D项意为”投身于……”。根据句意”吃太多的脂肪能导致心脏病并引起高血压”可知,应选B项。

  【答案】 B

  6.Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and


  A.turning up B.putting up

  C.making up D.showing up

  【解析】 本题考查动词词组意义的区别。turn up 出现,露面;put up 建立,搭起;make up 编造,组成;show up 使显眼,显现。根据句意,空白处应选表示”编造”的词组make up。

  【答案】 C

  7.—Would you mind my opening the window?



  A.Not a bit B.Not a little

  C.Yes,help yourself D.Never mind

  【解析】 本题考查情景交际以及a bit与a little的区别。因为句中mind 有”介意”之意,语气较委婉,B项not a little=very much,意为”十分,相当,极其”,不符合题意;C项前后矛盾;D项是对道歉的答语,A项not a bit=not at all,意为”一点也不”,故选A项。

  【答案】 A

  8.—Is Bob still performing?

  —I’m afraid not.He is said

  the stage already as he has become an official.

  A.to have left B.to leave

  C.to have been left D.to be left

  【解析】 本题考查It is said that...句型的转换形式,即sb.is said to do /have done句型。根据”as he has become an official “意为”他已从政”得知”他已经离开了舞台”,故应用不定式的完成式。

  【答案】 A

  9.(2011安徽皖南八校联考)—What happened to the ancient town?



  A.It destroyed in the flood

  B.The flood was destroying it

  C.The flood was destroyed it

  D.It was destroyed in the flood

  【解析】 考查时态语态。根据上文happened可知动作发生过了,所以不选B项。destroy与the ancient town之间是被动关系,所以选D项。

  【答案】 D

  10.Allow children the space to voice their opinions,

  they are different from your own.

  A.until B.even if

  C.unless D.as though

  【解析】 句意:允许孩子们有发表意见的空间,即使他们的与你的不同。even if “即使”,引导让步状语从句。

  【答案】 B



  1.(2011江苏南京一模)—Jack can’t concentrate on his lessons recently.

  —Yes,that might

  why he did so badly in the last test.

  A.answer for

  B.apply for

  C.account for D.call for

  【解析】 句意:——近来杰克不能集中精力在功课上。——确实如此,这也许能解释为什么上次考试他表现的不佳。answer for意为:对……负责;apply for意为:申请;account for意为:解释,说明;call for意为:需要。

  【答案】 C

  2.—John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.



  A.cheer up B.well done

  C.go ahead D.congratulations

  【解析】 交际用语中单词(短语)的区别,根据题意可知,这儿应用一个表示祝贺的词。故选D项。

  【答案】 D

  3.(2011浙江)He decided that he would drive all the way home instead


  at a hotel for the night.

  A.putting down B.putting off

  C.putting on D.putting up

  【解析】 考查动词短语的辨析。句意为”他决定一路驾车回家,而不是在旅馆留宿”。put down放下,平定,镇压,记下;put off推迟;put on穿上,戴上,上演,假装,增加;put up举起,建立,张贴,投宿。根据句意选D项。

  【答案】 D

  4.—Our holiday cost a lot of money.

  —Did it?Well,that doesn’t matter

  you enjoyed yourselves.

  A.as long as B.unless

  C.as soon as D.though

  【解析】 考查连词和具有连词作用的词组。as long as只要;unless 除非,否则;as soon as 一……就……;though虽然,后一句意为只要你玩得开心,花多少钱都不重要。

  【答案】 A

  5.With two children

  middle school in the nearby town now,the parents are working hard.

  A.to attend B.attending

  C.attended D.having attended

  【解析】 with独立主格结构的构成是:with+宾语+宾补,宾补可以由分词、不定式、形容词、副词、介词短语等来充当,其中用过去分词作补足语表示被动和完成;用现在分词作补足语表示主动和进行;用动词不定式作补足语表示未发生。由语境可知,要用现在分词作补足语,表示attend这个动作正在进行。

  【答案】 B

  6.I bought three books this morning,

  an English story book.

  A.containing B.contained

  C.including D.included

  【解析】 表示包括在其中,占其一部分应用include。including sth.相当于sth.included。

  【答案】 C

  7.Nowadays 75 percent of smokers

  men.Over 25

  percent of their salary

  spent on smoking.

  A.are;are B.is;is

  C.are;is D.is;are

  【解析】 percent of用以修饰名词,作主语时,谓语动词的数应和后面的名词保持一致。

  【答案】 C

  8.—Have you ever

  to New York?

  —Yes,of course.I’ve

  there several times.

  A.been;been B.gone;gone

  C.been;gone D.gone;been

  【解析】 两空均表示”曾去过”,应用have been to。

  【答案】 A

  9.Since the accident has happened,don’t be sad.It’s no use

  over the spilt milk.

  A.cry B.to cry

  C.crying D.having cried

  【解析】 第二句是英语谚语,意为”覆水难收”。动名词作主语时,可以用it作形式主语,但只限于以下几个句型:It is no use(no good/senseless/useless等)+doing sth.。

  【答案】 C

  10.Though it was noisy here,he


  A.got on B.carried out

  C.went on with D.carried on

  【解析】 get on”上车”;carry out”进行”;go on with”继续”,后跟名词或代词;carry on”继续”,后跟名词、代词或动词ing形式。此题含有though引导的让步状语从句,后面所填词应表示”继续”,因reading为动词ing形式,故用carry on。

  【答案】 D

  11.The latest English magazines are very attractive.They

  well and


  A.sell;have been sold out

  B.sold;had sold out

  C.sell;sell out

  D.are sold;have been sold out

  【解析】 前一空用sell,是不及物动词,表示被动意义,后一空sell out表示”卖完”,是及物动词短语,应用被动形式。

  【答案】 A

  12.They missed the last bus and

  walk home at last.

  A.had to B.must

  C.should D.ought to

  【解析】 根据前一句说明他们没能赶上最后一班车,由于这一客观条件的限制,他们不得不步行回家,应用have to,根据missed可知应用过去式had to。

  【答案】 A


  for months to find a job as a waitress,finally took a position at a local advertising agency.

  A.struggling B.struggled

  C.having struggled D.to struggle

  【解析】 考查非谓语动词。分词短语作时间状语,其逻辑主语Dina与struggle为主动关系,故排除B项。由句中的finally可知非谓语动词表示的动作发生在句中谓语took a position之前,故用现在分词的完成式。

  【答案】 C

  14.Frank really doesn’t know how to

  the matter.

  A.do with B.deal with

  C.solve with D.settle with

  【解析】 do with和deal with都表示”处理”,但do with和what搭配,而deal with和how搭配。

  【答案】 B

  15.—Jim,are you

  this Saturday?

  —Oh,sorry.I need to go to the bookshop

  the bank on Saturday.

  A.convenient;and B.convenient;as well as

  C.available;with D.available;as well as

  【解析】 考查形容词及词组的用法。convenient的主语不能为人,常用于It is convenient for/to sb.结构,先排除A和B两项。根据答语意思”既要去书店又要去银行”可知,第二空要用as well as。

  【答案】 D


  The first time I remember noticing the crossing guard was when he waved to me as I drove my son to school.He 


  me with a puzzle—all because he waved to me like someone does


  seeing a close friend.A big,


  smile accompanied his wave.For the next few days I tried to


  his face to see if I knew him.I didn’t.Perhaps he had


  me for someone else.By the time I contented myself with the


  that he and I were strangers,we were greeting each other warmly every morning like old friends.

  Then one day the


  was solved.As I


  the school he was standing in the middle of the road


  his stop sign.I was in line behind four cars.


  the kids had reached the safety of the sidewalk,he lowered his sign and let the cars 


  .To the first he waved and


  in just the same way he had done to me over the last few days.The kids already had the window down and were happily waving their reply.The second car got the same


  from the crossing guard,and the driver,a stifflooking(表情刻板的)businessman,gave a brief,almost


  wave back.Each following car of kids on their way to school


  more heartily.

  Every morning I continued to watch the man with 


  .So far I haven’t seen anyone


  to wave back.I find it interesting that one person can make such a(n)


  to so many people’s lives by doing one simple thing like waving and smiling warmly.His


  armed the start of my day.With a friendly wave and smiling face he had changed the


  of the whole neighbourhood.

  1.A.hit B.disappointed

  C.presented D.bored

  【解析】 考查动词。根据下文,”he and I were strangers”,但是”he waved to me like someone does


  seeing a close friend”所以这不合常理,”present(呈现,呈送)me with a puzzle”。

  【答案】 C

  2.A.on B.from

  C.during D.about

  【解析】 考查介词。根据常识,人们一见到亲密朋友就会挥手问候,on doing sth.”一……就”,故选”on”。

  【答案】 A

  3.A.false B.shy

  C.apologetic D.bright

  【解析】 考查形容词。和上文a close friend相照应,人们见到朋友会呈现”灿烂的”笑容,故选bright”欢快的,兴高采烈的,灿烂的”。

  【答案】 D

  4.A.research B.study

  C.recognize D.explore

  【解析】 考查动词。因为作者不认识他,所以作者想努力观察他的脸以确定是否认识他。study”仔细端详/察看”。

  【答案】 B

  5.A.praised B.blamed

  C.mistaken D.respected

  【解析】 考查动词短语。the crossing guard的热情与陌生人的身份不符,所以作者认为他是误把自己当成别人。

  【答案】 C

  6.A.conclusion B.description

  C.evaluation D.introduction

  【解析】 考查名词。作者虽然不理解,但还是高兴地接受了这一”结果”,conclusion”结论,结果”,description”描述”,evaluation”评估,评价”,introduction”介绍,引言”。

  【答案】 A

  7.A.argument B.disagreement

  C.mystery D.task

  【解析】 考查名词。作者之前只能猜想,认为是神秘的事。本题可用排除法,文中不存在argument(争论、辩论),也没有意见上的分歧(disagreement),也不是任务(task)。

  【答案】 C

  8.A.visited B.approached

  C.passed D.left

  【解析】 考查动词。根据下文”Each following car of kids on their way to school


  more heartily,”可知是作者送儿子前往学校的路上。approach”靠近,接近”。

  【答案】 B

  9.A.drawing back B.putting on

  C.handing in D.holding out

  【解析】 考查动词短语。根据常识,交警指挥交通会举出他的标志牌。draw back”撤退,撤回”,put on”穿上”,hand in”上交”,hold out”伸出,拿出,举出”。

  【答案】 D

  10.A.Once B.Before

  C.Unless D.While

  【解析】 考查连词。他放下标志牌的前提是孩子们到达马路的安全区域,所以选once 引导条件状语从句。

  【答案】 A

  11.A.in B.through

  C.out D.down

  【解析】 考查介词。车辆是从马路中间穿过,只有through 有此意。

  【答案】 B

  12.A.cried B.cheered

  C.smiled D.gestured

  【解析】 考查动词。和上文”A big,


  smile accompanied his wave”相照应。

  【答案】 C

  13.A.idea B.replyC.notice D.greeting

  【解析】 考查名词。向别人微笑和挥手都是一种问候。

  【答案】 D

  14.A.awkward B.angry

  C.elegant D.patient

  【解析】 考查形容词。根据上文对businessman的描述stifflooking(表情刻板的),所以他的挥手是awkward”笨拙的,不灵活的”。angry”生气的”,elegant”优雅的”,patient”耐心的”。

  【答案】 A

  15.A.came B.responded

  C.hurried D.appeared

  【解析】 考查动词。后面的车辆对交警的”反应”更加开心快乐。本题heartily 是副词,故排除A、D两项,再根据题意排除C项。

  【答案】 B

  16.A.surprise B.frustration

  C.interest D.doubt

  【解析】 考查名词。作者对其产生了好感,故会以感兴趣的眼光来观察他。

  【答案】 C

  17.A.fail B.try

  C.wish D.bother

  【解析】 考查动词。此句是双重否定,作者没见到任何不向这个交警回以挥手的人。前已有否定词,只有A项表否定,fail to do sth.”未能做某事”。

  【答案】 A

  18.A.offer B.sacrifice

  C.promise D.difference

  【解析】 考查名词在固定短语中的意思辨析。”make a difference” means “to have an important effect on a thing or a situation”(有影响,使不同)。sacrifice(牺牲)不合题意。

  【答案】 D

  19.A.effectiveness B.cheerfulness

  C.carefulness D.seriousness

  【解析】 考查名词。effectiveness”有效性”,cheerfulness”快乐,开朗,欣然热情”,carefulness”细心”,seriousness”严肃”。

  【答案】 B

  20.A.trends B.observations

  C.regulations D.feelings

  【解析】 考查名词和动词搭配。他改变了邻里之间的”感情”,考查动宾搭配,其他三项不能作”改变”的宾语。

  【答案】 D







  In recent years,more and more high school students choose to study abroad...


  In recent years,more and more high school students choose to study abroad.And the hottest countries they go are the USA,the UK and Australia.Besides,Canada is also a popular country.

  Those who go to study abroad vary from strong students to weak ones.It is said the admission process for universities abroad is quite different from ours.They don’t have examinations like Gaokao,which is almost the only bridge leading to universities in China.What the universities see important in an applicant is not only their academic performance,but also their social skills.Of course,for some students,applying for an overseas school is a way for them to avoid Chinese Gaokao,which to a large extent will bring them failure rather than success.Due to this,I feel concerned about their being successful abroad.

  Anyway,everyone has their rights to choose where to have their university education,abroad or not.If it’s a good choice for you,go for it.


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