高考英语配套教学课件《Unit 2 Fit for life》译林版选修7-查字典英语网
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高考英语配套教学课件《Unit 2 Fit for life》译林版选修7

发布时间:2017-02-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  5.Some parents can't ________ their children,which

  often causes conflicts between two generations.

  A.find out

  B.make out

  C.turn to

  D.give in 解析:句意:有些父母不能理解孩子,这常常引起两代人之间的矛盾。find out “找出(事实真相)”;make out “理解”;turn to “转向”;give in “让步”。 答案:B

  6.Don't worry.I will ________ my trip to Hong Kong until

  you are well enough to look after yourself.

  A.put on

  B.put out

  C.put away

  D.put off

  解析:句意:不要担心,我将把香港之行推迟到你健康到 能够照料自己为止。put on“假装,穿上,上演”;put out“生产,熄灭”;put away“收拾,存钱”;put off “推迟”。 答案:D

  7.Yao Ming is very famous now.However,his basketball

  career ________ only after many years of hard work.

  A.took on

  B.took off

  C.took up

  D.took out 解析:动词短语辨析。take off除了常用的意思“脱衣, (飞机)起飞”外,还可以表示“(事业的)腾飞”。 答案:B

  8.His reliable words warmed her heart so that a strong

  feeling of thanks began to ________ her.

  A.put up with

  B.throw light upon

  C.take possession of

  D.break away from 解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:他的可信的话语温暖了她的心灵,一种强烈的感激之情占据了她的心。put up with“忍受,容忍”;throw light on“使了解,使……更清楚”;take possession of“获得,占有, 占据”;break away from“突然离开,脱离”。 答案:C

  Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.This river has a ________(long) of 100 kilometers. 答案:length 2.The heavy snow has ________(block) off the traffic on

  the motorways. 答案:blocked 3.You can change the ________(arrange) as you wish. 答案:arrangement 4.Doctors managed to break him of his ________(addict)

  to drugs. 答案:addiction 5.A teacher is ________(power) in a child's eyes forever. 答案:powerful Ⅱ.选词填空

  1.This book was produced __________________. in large quantities,split up,let out,put through,take down,decide on 答案:in large quantities 2.Tourists were ________________ into five groups. 答案:split up 3.The crowd ________________ a big laugh. 答案:let out 4.Your call has been ________________. 答案:put through 5.________ this ________ in your exercise books. 6.Did you ________________ a theme? 答案:Take;down 答案:decide on Ⅲ.易错绣场 1.(2010·江苏省如东高级中学模拟)We wanted to get

  home before dark, but it didn't quite________as planned.

  A.turn up B.turn out

  C.make up

  D.make out 解析:句意:我们想在天黑前到家,但结果完全不像计划的那样。turn out “结果”。turn up“出现,到场,把声音拧大”;make up“组成,编造”;make out“理解,辨认出”。 答案:B

  2.(2009·福建省厦门市杏南中学模拟)She's having a lot of

  trouble with the new computer, but she doesn't know

  whom to________.

  A.deals with

  B.turn to

  C.look for

  D.talk about 解析:句意:她在新电脑使用上遇到了难题,但她不知道向谁求助。turn to sb.“向某人求助”。deal with“处理,对付”;look for“寻找”;talk about“谈论”。故选B。 答案:B 3.(2010·江苏省江阴市祝塘中学模拟)She________his

  request, which made his heart broken.

  A.turned away

  B.turned down

  C.turned off

  D.turned on 解析:句意:她拒绝了他的要求,这使他很伤心。turn down“拒绝”。turn away“把……打发走”;turn off“关掉”;turn on“打开”。故选B。 答案:B

  4.(2010·安徽蚌埠二中模拟)Many Chinese airline

  companies had intended to get much of the business,

  but it______so bad.

  A.made out

  B.turned out

  C.went out

  D.carried out 解析:句意:许多中国的航空公司本打算从生意中多收益,但结果很糟。turn out“结果是”。make out“理解,辨认出”;go out“出去,(灯)熄灭”;carry out“执行,实施”。 答案:B 5.(2010·辽宁省东北育才中学模拟)Peter's sudden death

  was a great blow to Mary and it took her quite a while

  to________the grief.

  A.run over

  B.take over

  C.turn over

  D.get over 解析:句意:彼得突然去逝对玛丽是个很大的打击,很久玛丽才不那么难过了。get over“克服,从疾病(或震惊等)中恢复常态”。run over“辗过”;take over“接管”;turn over“翻过来”。 答案:D

  No wonder it looks so terrible.


  that none of you were hurt. 奇怪的是你们谁也没受伤。 They stared at the strange sight in silent wonder.

  他们惊讶地默默凝视那奇景。 I wonder what happened.

  我想知道发生了什么事。 I was

  next month for the wedding. 我正寻思着下个月举行婚礼。 It is a wonder wondering about 4.(1)(2010·台州模拟)Zhang Yining has trained continuously

  for six hours.________she is tired out.

  A.There is no wonder

  B.There is no need

  C.It is no doubt

  D.It is no wonder 解析:it is no wonder (that)...“难怪……”,为常用句型。 答案:D (2)(2010·宁阳高三模拟)—I can't repair these until tomorrow,

  I'm afraid.

  —That's OK;there's________.

  A.no problem

  B.no wonder

  C.no way

  D.no hurry 解析:no problem“没问题,没什么”;no wonder“难怪, 不足为奇”,后面常接从句;no way“决不,不行,没门 儿”,表示强烈否定;(there‘s ) no hurry“不用着急”, 表示不用急于做某事。由答语中的“That's OK”可知D项正确。 答案:D

  pleasure n. [U]愉快,快乐;满足;娱乐[C]乐事 at one‘s pleasure

  根据某人的意愿;随意 for pleasure

  为了取乐(或消遣) have the pleasure of

  有……的荣幸 take pleasure in

  以……为乐,喜欢…… with pleasure 愉快地,高兴地;当然可以,很乐意(用以表示客气的接受或同意) It's a pleasure./My pleasure.

  不客气,不用谢。(“感谢”的应答语) It's a pleasure+不定式或从句

  (客套话)很高兴做…… [注意] pleasure本身为不可数名词,但指代具体某件事时,用作可数名词,即抽象名词具体化。类似用法的词还有failure,success,surprise等。 Are you here on business or for pleasure?

  你是有事来还是来玩玩? He seems to

  in doing such things. 他看来非常喜欢做这类事。 take great pleasure —Would you like to help me? —


  ——你愿意帮我吗? ——非常乐意,先生。 —Thank you for your timely arrival. —It's a pleasure./My pleasure. ——多谢你及时赶到。 ——不客气。 It is

  to meet you.

  和您见面是件愉快的事。 a pleasure With pleasure, 5.(2010·长春一模)—Would you take this along to the

  office for me?


  A.With pleasure

  B.That's right

  C.Never mind

  D.Don't mention it 解析:对别人提出的要求表示乐意效劳,用with pleasure.That‘s right.“对了”;Never mind.“没关系”;Don’t mention it.“别提了,没关系”。 答案:A

  point n.点,位置;尖端;时刻,地点;分数;要点

  v.用手指……;对着…… point at sb./sth.指着某人/某物 point to

  指向 point out

  指出,指明 point of view

  态度,观点,看法 on the point of doing...

  即将做…… at the point of...

  在……时刻 to the point

  中肯,扼要;切中要害 off the point

  离题,跑题 (3)There is no point in sth./doing sth.

  做某事没有意义,做某事没有必要 He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seeds in the soil. 他指出,在播种前先要清除杂草,这是非常重要的。

  the young plant,he asked me if that was the type of plant we had seen in the film.他指着那株小苗问我,那是否就是我们在电影中看到过的那种植物。 The film is on the point of completion. 电影制作即将完成。 He was at the point of going.他正要离去。 You are

  .你说到点子上了。 Pointing at to the point 6.(2010·福建师大附中质检)There is no ________ in

  trying to talk him into joining us.He enjoys being alone.




  D.point 解析:句意:竭力说服他加入到我们当中没有意义,他喜欢独处。there is no point in doing sth.“做某事没有意义”。 答案:D relieve vt.减轻,缓解;救济,救助;解除;使宽慰 relieve one's feelings 发泄感情 relieve sb.of sth.

  减轻某人的(负担等) relieve sb.from anxiety

  消除某人的忧虑 relief n.宽慰,轻松;缓和;救济金 To one's(great)relief (much)to one's relief 使某人(深感)欣慰的是 We played cards to relieve the boredom of waiting. 我们打扑克以缓解等待的乏味。 This

  part of our luggage. 这给我们减去一部分行李的负担。 Give the relief to others in greater need. We can manage. 把救济金发给更需要的人吧。我们能对付。

  he is safe now.

  他现在没事了,我大大松了一口气。 relieved us of Much to my relief, 7.Can you think of any practical ways to ________ his

  anxiety for the exams?




  D.reduce 解析:考查动词辨析。replace“代替,把……放回原 处”;recover “重新获得,恢复,痊愈”;relieve

  “减轻,缓解,救济”;reduce “(数量等)减少,缩 小”。 答案:C turn up出现;到场;到达;开大,调高(以增加速度、音量、强度或流量等) Please turn the radio up a little. 请把收音机开大一点。 He didn't

  until half an hour later. 半小时后他才出现。 turn

  up turn against 

  背叛;(情况等)对……不利 turn away

  走开,离开;把……打发走 turn down

  关小,调低;拒绝 turn off

  关(水源、煤气、电等);令……厌烦 turn on

  打开;使……感兴趣 turn out

  结果是;证明是;生产,制造;培养,造就 turn to

  转向,变成;求救于,求助于 turn in

  上交,提交 He turned away the beggar from his door. 他把乞丐从门口逐走。 We have

  four applicants already. 我们已拒绝了四位申请者。 When I'm in difficulty,I always turn to him for help. 我有困难时总是找他帮忙。 turned

  down 1.We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7∶30,but he

  failed to ________.

  A.turn on

  B.turn off

  C.turn down

  D.turn up 解析:句意:我们约好7∶30在影院见,但他没来。turn up “出现,到场”;turn on“打开”;turn off“关掉”;turn down“关小,拒绝”。 答案:D

  let out 放出,发出 let sth. out  

  泄露(秘密等);发出(叫喊等);放宽 let sb. out

  使某人解脱 let alone

  不管;更不用说 let go

  放开,松手 let down

  使失望 Someone has let the news out.



  a sudden scream.


  I cannot afford the time,

  the expenses. 我没时间,费用就更不必提了。 Please come and support me.Don't let me down. 请来支持我,不要让我失望。 let out let

  alone 2.He accidentally________that he had quarreled with his

  wife and that he hadn't been home for a couple of weeks.

  A.let out

  B.took care

  C.made sure

  D.made out 解析:句意:他偶然泄露了他和妻子吵了架,他好几周都没回家了。let out“泄露”。take care“小心”;make sure“确保”;make out“辨认出”。 答案:A Have you ever seen a doctor?If so,what happened? 你曾经看过医生吗?如果看过的话,发生了什么事? if so相当于一个省略句,补充完整为:If you have seen a doctor...。 英语中其他的省略结构: if any 如果有的话 if a day

  如果有一天 even so

  尽管如此;即使这样 if anything

  说起来嘛;要说呢 if ever

  即使,曾经 Why not?

  为什么不? If so, that will be wonderful. 果真如此,那太好了。 Correct errors,

  . 如有错误,请改正。 Why not have some vegetables?

  为什么不吃点蔬菜呢? if

  any Although she believed that she had a good chance of recovering,the doctors said that few,________could come back to normal after getting this disease. A.if any

  B.if so C.if not

  D.if ever 解析:考查省略。句中的if any是插入语,是if there were

  any的缩写形式。后三项分别表示“如果这样”“如果不”, “即使,曾经”。 答案:A

  Ⅰ.完成句子 1.The idea seems good,but it needs to be _________(试验) 答案:tried out 2.The shop ________________(闯入)by thieves last night. 答案:was broken into 动词短语 3.We must ________________(调查) it immediately. 答案:look into 4.I will not ________________(忍受) all this. 答案:put up with 5.Don't ________________(取笑)others in public. 答案:make fun of Ⅱ.单项填空 1.(2009·天津高考)—Sorry,I have to________now.It's time

  for class.

  —OK,I'll call back later.

  A.hang up

  B.break up

  C.give up

  D.hold up 解析:考查动词短语辨析。由空后的“该上课了”和答语中的call back later可知这里表示“我得挂电话了”,故选A。hang up“挂掉电话”。break up“结束,散开,拆开,分解”;give up“放弃”;hold up“举起,阻碍,延迟”。 答案:A

  2.(2009·四川高考)—Have you________?

  —No.I had the wrong number.

  A.got in

  B.got away

  C.got off

  D.got through 解析:考查短语动词的辨析。get through“接通电话,完成,到达,通过”。get in“进入,收割,插入(讲话)”;get away“逃脱,离开”;get off“(从……)下来,出发,下班,逃脱惩罚”。由答语“没有,号码有误”可知选D,表示“电话接通了吗?”。 答案:D

  3.(2010·苏锡常镇四市教学调查)—Any advice on how to

  protect pupils' eyesight?

  —It's helpful for them not to ________ bright light.

  A.look on

  B.look into

  C.look for

  D.look through 解析:考查动词短语。look into表示“向……里面看”, 这里与bright light连用表示注视强光(刺眼的光线)。look on“旁观”;look for“寻找”;look through“仔细查 看”。只有B项符合句意。 答案:B 4.(2010·石家庄毕业班教学检测)—Look,John's fallen

  asleep at work!

  —Oh,he must have ________ late last night.

  A.waken up

  B.put up

  C.taken up

  D.stayed up 解析:考查动词短语辨析。答句句意:哦,昨天他一 定是熬夜到很晚。stay up“熬夜,挺住,站立”。 wake up“醒来”;put up“建造,搭起,张贴,挂起,举起”;take up“占去,占据,开始从事,拿起”。 答案:D



  参考词汇:沼气marsh gas

  During the Spring Festival,I together with my parents,went to the mountain village where my grandparents live. It is five years since I last went there. Great changes have taken place in the past five years. It is far better than I expected.

  Hardly had I got off the bus when a high water tower came into my eyes.Now every

  family can drink fresh running water.Villagers no longer use firewood for cooking.Marsh gas,a new cheap clean energy,makes it very convenient to cook and light.All families have color TV sets.Their pastimes are enjoyable and colorful.What impressed me most was that the best building in the village is the school ,where all children can receive good education.

  I was greatly shocked to have seen all the changes in the countryside.I believe they'll make even greater achievements with the new countryside policy. Ⅰ.高频单词点击 1.He tried to apply for the patent.But his


  )was not accepted at all. 2.The factory turns out a large

  (数量) of paper

  products. 3.They realized there was some


  behind the case. 4.Overeating makes him

  (不能的)to live a normal life. 5.The full

  (细节) of the agreement haven't been

  made public. application quantity potential unable details 6.He listened with

  (愉快) to the beautiful music. 7.I'm in a hurry, so come to the

  (要点). 8.This medicine will

  (缓解) your headache. 9.There was a high

  (可能性)that the murderer

  just hid in the hill. 10.The boy likes to keep his pencil

  (尖的). pleasure point relieve probability sharp Ⅱ.重点短语回顾 1.

  打开 2.

  大量地 3.

  接通(电话) 4.

  对……做出确定 5.

  参观,四处看看;环顾 6.

  推迟,推延 7.

  出现,到场,到达 8.

  填写(表格、空格等) open up in large quantities put through decide on look around put off turn up fill in 9.

  划分开来,分割(成部分);分裂,分离,分手 10.

  少数的,少量的 11.

  记下,记录 12.

  放出;发出 split up a handful of take down let out Ⅲ.常用佳句必备 1.Have you ever seen a doctor?If so,what happened? [信息提取] If so 相当于一个省略句,补充完整为: If you have seen a doctor。 [例句仿写] ——汤姆,我替你找了一辆车! ——真的吗?如果那样的话,我们明天就能动身了。 —Tom,I've found a car for you! —Really,

  ,we can set off tomorrow. if so 2.If you open up any medicine cupboard in the world,

  there is a high probability that you will find aspirin and

  penicillin. [信息提取] probability后跟that同位语从句。 [例句仿写] 他不可能成功。 There is no probability

  . that he will succeed 3.When you are a child,it is likely that you will get diseases

  such as the measles and chickenpox. [信息提取] it is likely that很可能…… [例句仿写] 他很可能明天到达。

  he will arrive tomorrow. It is likely that 4.Will you need to change the information or will you use

  it as it is? [信息提取] as it is此处意为“照现在的样子”。 [例句仿写] 不要再说了,你现在已经够麻烦的了。 Don't say anything else;you're in enough trouble

  . as it is 5.破解疑难句 典 句 The first trials of this medicine took place in 1899 when the company Hoffmann worked for began giving the medicine in power form to physicians to use with patients. 分 析 when引导定语从句修饰1899。定语从句中Hoffmann worked for(定语从句)修饰从句中的主语the company。 试 译 1899年该药物开始首次试用,当时是由霍夫曼所在的公司将此药物做成粉末状,交给医生对病人进行试用。 Ⅳ.交际用语必背 1.First,

  thank you for agreeing to this


  首先,感谢您同意这次采访。 2.

  that you apply for that position.

  我们强烈建议你申请那个职位。 I'd like to We strongly suggest 3.Parents

  their children are safe.

  父母应保证孩子的安全。 4.Students

  read in bed.

  学生不要躺在床上看书。 5.

  some specific things about it?

  请您告诉我有关此事的细节好吗? should make sure should not Could you tell me note vt.发现,注意到;记录

  n.短笺;便条;记录;注释;笔记;纸币 note sth./that(从句) 注意到……note down

  记录;记下 compare notes

  交换意见 take note of=pay attention to

  注意 of note

  著名的;重要的 noted adj. 著名的,知名的 be noted for

  因……见称/闻名 He takes notes in class.他上课记笔记。 Please note that the movie starts at 7 o'clock. 请注意, 电影七点开映。 The guest is a singer

  . 这位客人是位著名的歌唱家。 Note down her telephone number in case you forget. 把她的电话号码记下来, 以防忘记。 Of note 1.He glanced over at her,________that though she was

  tiny,she seemed very well put together.

  A.noting B.noted

  C.to note

  D.having noted 解析:句子的主语he与非谓语动词是主谓关系,故用v.­ing形式作结果状语,虽然不定式也可作结果状语,但它通常表示出人意料的结果,不合题意。 答案:A name vt.命名,给……取名;任命 by name

  凭名字;用……的名字, by the name of

  名叫……的, under the name of

  用……名字, in name

  名义上的, in the name of

  以……的名义, call sb. names

  谩骂某人 name after  以……命名, name sb.for...

  提名某人担任(某职务) (3)namely adv. 即,也就是 Have you named the new baby yet? 你给新婴儿取名了吗? We have reservations in the name of Jim.

  我们是以吉姆的名字预定的。 Do you know the young actor by the name of Tom Rees? 你认识那位名叫汤姆·里斯的年轻演员吗? It is not polite to


  骂人是不礼貌的。 Call a person names 2.(2010·泉州调研)The bridge was named________the hero

  who gave his life for the course of the people.




  D.from 解析:name after...“根据……命名,以……而命名”。 答案:A mass adj.批量的,大量的n.团;块,堆;较大部分;体积;人群,群众 mass production 大量生产;批量生产 a mass of...

  大量的 masses of

  大量的 the mass of...

  大部分,大多数 in the mass

  总体上;总的说来 be a mass of

  充满,布满 The hillside was



  There are

  people in here.


  There are masses of work to do.

  有大量的工作要做。 The reforms are unpopular with the mass of teachers and parents.大多数老师和家长并不赞成这些改革。 a mass of masses of 3.The young dancers look so charming in their beautiful

  clothes that we took________pictures of them.

  A.many of

  B.masses of

  C.the number of

  D.a large amount of 解析:masses of/a mass of“许多的,大量的”,既可修饰可数名词复数,又可以修饰不可数名词;many of“……中很多”,后面接可数名词复数,名词前应有these,those,the等限定词。此处应当直接用many才对。“the number of+复数名词”表示“……的数量”,在此不合题意;a large amount of“大量的”,修饰不可数名词。 答案:B

  wonder adj.非凡的,奇妙的,奇特的,神奇的n.奇迹,神奇;奇观;惊奇,惊讶v.想知道;感到奇怪;感到疑惑 (It is)No wonder(that)...难怪……;并不奇怪…… It is a wonder that...

  令人惊奇的是…… wonder

  +at/about +wh­从句+wh­+to do 奇怪;想知道


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