湖南高考英语复习课件牛津译林版模块选修7《Unit 1 Living with technology》与技术同在-查字典英语网
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湖南高考英语复习课件牛津译林版模块选修7《Unit 1 Living with technology》与技术同在

发布时间:2017-02-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  be capable of be capable of+名词/代词/动名词,表示“能够做……,有……的能力”。 You are capable of better work than this. 你有能力做比这更好的工作。 The company isn’t capable of handling an order that large. 这家公司没有能力处理大宗的交易。

  be able to do(仅用于有生命的人或动物) Do you think you’ll be able to go to sleep right away? 你以为你马上就能睡着吗? be capable of doing (有生命或无生命的均可) The situation is capable of improvement. 这种情况能够得到改善。

  12.Today the successful general manager must be a highly________person,capable of________a complex business enterprise. A.train;direct

  B.trained;directing C.training;directed

  D.being trained;being directed 【解析】 句意为:如今成功的总经理必须是受过良好训练的人,并能够领导复杂的企业。trained为过去分词作定语;capable of doing 表示“能做某事”。 【答案】 B

  stand for代表,象征;主张,支持,为……而奋斗;容忍,忍受,允许 (常用于否定句) PC stands for personal computer. PC表示个人电脑。 They stood for equality between the sexes. 他们主张两性平等。 I’m not going to stand for that kind of behavior. 我不打算支持这种行为。 I won’t stand for hearing any more of your complaints. 我无法再忍受你的抱怨了。

  stand by在场;靠近;袖手旁观;(无线电台或军事方面)待命,准备行动;试图援助;极力支持;忠于;信守 to stand by one’s promise遵守诺言 stand out明显;醒目;突出;杰出;坚持;支撑 stand up耐久;耐用;成立 stand up for 维护;拥护;支持 Will the charge stand up in court? 这个指控在法庭上能成立吗?

  13.I can’t stand________with Jane in the same office.She just refuses________talking while she works. A.working;stopping

  B.to work;stopping C.working;to stop

  D.to work;to stop 【解析】 句意为:我无法忍受简和我在同一个办公室工作,她工作的时候总是说个不停。stand意为“忍受”,后接动词+ing形式作宾语,表示忍受做某事。refuse意为“拒绝”,后接不定式作宾语,表示拒绝做某事。 【答案】 C 14.The flowers “roses”________love,so everyone likes them very much. A.stand for

  B.stand with

  C.stand out

  D.stand by

  【解析】  句意为:玫瑰花代表爱,因此每个人都喜欢。stand for 表示“代表”。 【答案】 A

  be associated with与……有关系,与……有联系 Whisky is usually associated with Scotland. 人们常把威士忌同苏格兰联系起来。 We associate China with the Great Wall. 我们想起中国,就联想到长城。 What do you associate with such a heavy snow? 这样一场大雪你有什么联想? associate sth./sb.with sth. I always associate Egypt with the pyramids. 我总是把埃及和金字塔联系在一起。

  association n.联系,联想;交际,交往;协会,社团 China German History Association中国德国史研究会 I benefited much from my association with him. 我和他结交受益非浅。

  15.People wouldn’t normally________the two writers because their styles are completely different. A.combine

  B.associate C.separate

  D.classify 【解析】 句意为:人们一般不把这两个作者联系在一起,因为他们的风格完全不同。associate 表示“把……联系起来”。 【答案】 B

  have faith in信任,相信 I still have faith in John despite his shortcomings. 他仍然很有天赋,但是他已经丧失了信心。 Can we have faith in them and believe that they are being honest?我们还能相信他们是诚实的吗?

  faithful adj.守信的,忠实的;如实的,可靠的 He entrusted his children to a faithful friend. 他把他的孩子嘱托给一位忠实的朋友照料。 You have sworn to be faithful to me.你已立誓对我忠实。 lose faith in对……失去信心 keep faith with遵守与……的诺言 break faith with违背与……的诺言 give one’s faith to向……保证/许诺

  16.We’ve lost faith________the government’s promises. A.for

  B.on C.to

  D.inng 【解析】 句意为:我们已经不相信政府的承诺了。lose faith in 对……失去信心。 【答案】 D

  expose vt.暴露,显露;使暴光;使处于……作用或影响下 The melting snow exposed the spring flowers. 融化的雪使春天的花露出来了。 Many of the soldiers have been exposed to radiation. 许多战士已处于辐射的影响下。 Why do they still sunbathe when they know the danger of exposing their skin to the sun ? 他们知道皮肤暴露于太阳下有危险时,为什么还要沐日光浴?

  expose...to...;be exposed to...暴露于 exposure n.暴露,曝光,揭露

  17.________to the sun for a long time does harm to one’s health.


  B.Being exposed C.Having exposed

  D.Exposed 【解析】 句意为:暴露在太阳光下很长时间会伤害一个人的身体的。所填部分作主语,所以要用动名词,又要体现被动形式,所以选B。 【答案】 B


  adj.明确的,清楚的;一定的,肯定的 It’s definite that he will come.很明显他会来的。 I was definite about my plan.我对我的计划没有怀疑。

  define vt.解释,给……下定义


  n.定义,释义 definitely


  18.—Is he coming? —________ A.Definitely!

  B.I don’t know. C.What’s up?

  D.I hope so. 【解析】 句意为:“他会来吗?”回答是“肯定(来)”,这里的A解释为“当然,肯定地”。而其他三个选项都是汉语式的回答。 【答案】 A

  profit n.利润;益处

  v.得益 They kill whales for profit.他们杀鲸鱼为了获利。 They made a 16 % profit in just 3 months. 仅仅3个月时间他们就获得了16 %的利润。 We have reached an agreement which not only profits management but also labour.我们达成了一个对劳资双方都有益的协议。 She hopes to profit from the experience. 她希望从这次经历中受益。

  make a profit获/盈利 profit sb./sth.使……得益 profit from/by sth.从……中得益

  19.I believe I can profit a lot________the activity. A.through



  D.to 【解析】 句意为:我相信我能从那次活动中获益很多。profit/benefit from/by sth.都解释为“从……中得益”。 【答案】 C 20.The new policy will________the elders a lot that people over 65 can take buses free of charge. A.discount

  B.support C.approve

  D.benefit 【解析】 句意为:65岁以上的人能免费乘车的这个新政策会使老年人受益不少。 benefit sb.使某人得益。 【答案】 D

  Can you have faith in them and believe that they are being honest? 你能相信他们并且相信他们是诚实的吗? be动词的进行时态: be的进行时态(be being)后面接行为形容词,如 brave,careful,stupid,clever,foolish,polite,kind和shy等时为主语所表现的非一贯性特点或故意的、暂时的行为。 You are being very clever today. 你今天表现得很聪明。(表明这是例外)

  He is being polite.他装模作样地客气起来了。(故意行为)

  21.Little Jim________a lot of noise.But I wonder why________so quiet today. A.is always making;he is being

  B.is always making;is he

  C.always makes;is he

  D.always made;is he being 【解析】 句意为:小杰姆老是很吵闹。我想知道今天他为什么如此安静。is always doing sth.表示“老是做某事”;is being...表示“暂时……”。 【答案】 A

  It was found that people who used mobile phones were two and a half times more likely to have a brain tumor...

  据发现使用人们的人们会有两倍半多的可能在得脑部肿瘤…… 这是It is v.+ed that...句型。常用于该句型的结构有:

  It is said that...据说…… It is believed that...人们相信……

  It is hoped that...人们希望……

  It is thought that...人们认为……

  It is reported that...据报道…… It is(well)known that...众所周知…… It is supposed/considered that...人们认为…… It is agreed that...人们一致同意…… It is said that he died 3 years ago.据说他死了三年了。 It is reported that 6 people were killed in the accident. 据报道有6个人死于那场事故中。

  这种结构常和Sb./Sth.be said/hoped...+to do/to have done...,也可以和People say/hope...+ that...相互转换。既:It is v.+ed that...这种结构中,只要把that后的主语提出来,后面必须要用不定式。

  It is said that he has been dead for 3 years. =He is said to have been dead for 3 years. 据说他死了三年了。

  22.It is said________was all________he said.

  A.that that;which

  B.that that;that

  C.what what;what

  D.that which;what 【解析】 句意为:据说那就是所有他所说的话。第一个 that 是It is said that中的that,引导主语从句;第二个that 是在从句中作主语;第三个that引导定语从句,修饰all。 【答案】 B

  23.________was known to them all that Jack had broken his promise________he would give them a tall building.




  D.It;that 【解析】 句意为:大家都知道杰克没有遵守给他们一幢高楼的诺言。易混淆的几个结构是:It’s known (to all)that.../As we all know,.../What is known (to all) is that...这里考查的是第一个结构,所以第一空填it;第二空填that,是同位语从句。 【答案】 D

  24.(2007年重庆卷)Leonardo da Vinci (1452~ 1519)________birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free. A.is said to be buying

  B.is said to have bought

  C.had said to buy

  D.has said to have bought 【解析】 句意为:句意:据说达芬奇为了有释放鸟的乐趣,他买鸟养在鸟笼里。这里考查的是这个sb.is said to have done...结构。 【答案】 B

  Cable TV began in 1948 in the USA,but it took 50 years before 66 percent of American households had it.电缆电视在美国开始在1948年,但是花了50年66%的美国家庭菜拥有它。 before作连词引导时间状语从句时,通常有以下含义: 在……之前;……之后才……;不多久就……;宁可……也不……;不等……就……;没来得及……就……;趁着……未……,以免 (1)Just before I left London I sent him a telegram. 就在我离开伦敦之前我给他发了一封电。 (2)It was a long time before I got to sleep again. 过了好长时间我才又睡着了。 (3)I hadn’t waited long before he came. 我没等多久他就来了。

  (4)He would die before he gave in.他宁愿死也不屈服。 (5)Before I could stop her,she slipped out.

  我还没来得及阻止她,她就溜出去了。 (6)I’ll do it now before I forget it. 我还是趁着现在没有忘时做吧。

  It won’t be...before...用不了多长时间就会……(before从句用一般现在时)

  It will be...before...得过多长时间才……(before从句用一般现在时)

  It wasn’t...before...没过多长时间就……(before从句用一般过去时)

  It was...before...过了多长时间才……(before从句用一般过去时) It will be a long time before we finish the task. 我们还需要很长时间才能完成这项工作。 It was not a long time before he learned to use the computer. 没过多久他就学会使用计算机了。

  【友情提醒】 容易混淆的几个结构是: a.It was 6 o’clock when I came back. b.It was at 6 o’clock that I came back. c.It was a long time before I got to sleep again. d.It is/has been 2 years since I last saw him.

  25.Medical scientists said it would be two weeks________the two Chinese astronauts,Nie and Fei,could really go back to their home. A.before

  B.since C.after

  D.when 【解析】 句意为:医学专家说两个中国宇航员,聂和费,要过两个礼拜才能回到他们的家。本题考查的是这个句型It will be...before...“得过多长时间才……”,用于过去时的用法。 【答案】 A 26.How long do you suppose it is________he arrived there? A.when



  D.since 【解析】 句意为:你认为自从他到达那里有多长时间了?如果还原句子的话,应该考查的句型是: It is...since...。 【答案】 B

  27.(2008年北京卷)I’m sorry you’ve been waiting so long,but it’ll still be some time________Brian get back. A.before



  D.after 【解析】 句意为:对不起你已经等得太久了,但是Brian回来还要一段时间。 It will be...before...得过多长时间才……。 【答案】 A ?

  模块七 Units 1~2 (2009年广东卷) 你是校报小记者,最近进行了一次采访。以下是这次采访的情况: 时间:上周末 对象:眼科医生(eye-doctor)王教授 主题:我国中小学生近视(short-sightedness)问题 基本信息:(1)发生率:略高于50%

  (2)人数:世界第一 专家解读:(1)原因:很复杂 (2)治疗:没有哪一种药物能治愈近视 (3)建议:不要过度用眼;多参加户外活动 (4)特别提示:如何握笔也和近视有关 [写作内容] 根据以上情况写一篇采访报道,并包括如下内容: 1.采访的时间、对象和主题; 2.中小学生近视的发生率及人数; 3.专家解读。

  [写作要求] 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。 Last weekend,I had an interview with eyedoctor Professor Wang about our country primary and middle students’ shortsightedness.It is said that slightly more than 50% students,which ranks the No.1 in the world,are shortsighted.Professor Wang said the reason of shortsightedness is complicated and three is still no cure for shortsightedness.He suggested that we should not overuse our eyes and do more outdoor exercises.What’s more,since the holding of pen has something to do with the shortsightedness,we need to pay attention to using the pen. Ⅰ.重要单词聚焦 1.


  回顾,综述 2.


  播送,广播 3.___________adv.

  总共,一共;完全,全部 4._________ n.

  消费者 5._________n.

  信号 6._______n.

  专利 7.________vt.& vi.

  应用,运用;申请 8.__________adj.

  便携的,手提的 9.__________vt.,vi.& n.


  review broadcast altogether

  consumer signal patent apply portable demand


  程度;度,度数,学位 11._______________n.

  公司,企业 12._____________ adv.

  从个人角度,主观地;亲自 13._________n.vt.& vi.

  喜悦,快乐,高兴;(使)高兴(使)欣喜 14.___________ vt.

  假设,设想,以为 15. ___________ n.

  方便,便利 16. ___________ adv.

  仅仅 17. ___________ vt.

  陪伴,陪同 18. ___________ adv.

  无论如何,不管怎样 19. ___________ n.

  预算 20. ___________ n.


  degree corporation personally delight assume convenience

  merely accompany anyhow budget translation 21.__________vi.& vt.

  重量为……;称……的质量,称 22. __________ vt.& vi.

  测量,度量 23. __________ vt.

  使形成;塑造,制造 24. __________ adj.

  合适的,适合的 25.___________ adj.& n.


  终端,末端;终点 26. ___________ vt.


  (或影响)之下,使遭受 27. ___________ adj.

  明确的,确切的,一定的,肯定的 28. ___________ adj.

  有根据的,有理的,有效的,令人信服的 29. ___________ n.

  理论,原理,学说;意见,看法,推测,假说 weigh

  measure shape suitable terminal expose definite valid theory

  30. ___________ n.

  利润,利益,盈利 31.___________adj.

  不愿意的,不情愿的 32. ___________ n.& adj.


  类似 的,相同的 33. ___________ vt.

  承认,认可 34. ___________ adj.

  诚实的,真诚的 35. ___________ n.

  会议,研讨会 profit unwilling parallel

  acknowledge honest


  Ⅱ.重点短语扫描 1. ________________

  彩色的 2. ________________ 比……优越,超过…… 3. ________________

  上市 4. ________________

  电唱机 5. ________________

  给……上发条 6. ________________

  电流 7. ________________ CD,光盘 8. ________________突然出现,涌现,迅猛发展 9. ________________

  各种各样的 10. ________________
















  curren compact

  disk spring

  up a


  of in


  case 11. ________________

  代表,象征 12. ________________能够 13. ________________ 最新的,最近的 14. ________________ 由某人决定,取决于某人 15. ________________

  对……熟悉,与……熟悉 16. ________________

  以……为基础,基于……之上 17. ________________ 未必,不一定 18. _______________


  与……有联系,与……有关联 19. ________________

  相信,信任;信仰 20. _______________

  _目前,暂时 stand



  capable of
















  faith in








  Ⅲ.课文原句突破 1.This is like a mini CD player but can also record music and is very easy to carry,being very small,________ ________ ________________ ________(正如它的名字“迷你”所指出的那样). 【答案】 as the name “mini” indicates 2.In fact,another study________ ________ ________(在澳大利亚进行) has suggested that digital mobile phones are an actual danger. 【答案】 conducted in Australia 3.The amount of radiation was________ ________(相当于) using a mobile phone for two half-hour periods per day. 【答案】 equal to 4.Can you________ ________ ________(相信) them and believe that they are being honest? 【答案】 have faith in superior (1)adj.优越的,占优势的,高级的 be superior to优于……,比……高级的(可以指职位,也可以指质量,有比较级的含义) He is superior to his brother in mathematics. 他的数学比他兄弟好。 A book superior to his others. 一本比他其它的书写得好的书。 A superior court may review decisions of a lower court. 高级法院可复审下级法院的判决。 (2)n.上级,长者 All of us should show respect for our superiors. 我们应该尊重长者。 He tried hard to be in his superior’s good graces in order to hold on to his job.他想方设法讨上司的欢心,以保住自己的饭碗。

  1.________their surprise,this kind of product is superior________that kind. A.For;that B.To;than C.To;to


  【解析】 句意为:出乎他们的意料,这种新产品优于那种。短语be superior to优于……,比……高级的。 【答案】 C

  2.Lang Lang is my favorite pianist.I regards him as________other pianists. A.superior to

  B.more superior to C.superior than

  D.more superior than 【解析】 句意为:朗朗是我最喜欢的钢琴家。我认为他比其他钢琴家好。be superior to 表示“优于”,superior 无比较级。 【答案】 A

  apply v. (1)应用,运用 apply sth.to sth./sb. You cannot apply the rule to everyone. 你不能把这项规定运用于每个人。 The new technology was applied to farming. 这项新的技术被运用于农业了。

  (2)申请 apply (to sb.) for sth. Miss Green is applying for a job as a secretary. 格林小姐正在申请秘书的工作。 He has applied to the banker for a loan. 他向银行家申请一项贷款。

  application n.应用;申请,志愿书 Freedom is a word of wide application. “自由”一词可用于多种场合。 The manager received ten applications for the position. 经理收到十位求职者的申请书。 3.I have seen the method________by many different people. A.apply

  B.apply to C.applied

  D.applied to 【解析】 句意为:我看到这种方法被许多人应用。单词apply为vt.“应用”,see sth.done。 【答案】 C

  demand (1)n.要求,需求,需要 It is impossible to satisfy all demands. 有求必应是不可能的。 Teachers are in demand in this area. 在这个地区很需要教师。 (2)vt.要求,查询;vi.要求,查询 They demanded that the company (should) make compensation for the loss.他们要求该公司赔偿损失。

  demand to do sth.要求去做某事 demand sb.of/from sth.要求某人某事 demand that-clause 要求……,表示建议、命令、要求的动词接宾语从句时用虚拟语气,从句谓语动词用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略,该类动词还有order,suggest等。另外,这类词相对应的名词用于从句中时也用虚拟语气。 I demand that John (should) go there at once. 我要求约翰立即去那儿。

  4.The________boss demanded that everyone________get up before 5∶00 every day. A.demand;be

  B.demanding;be C.demand;should

  D.demanding;/ 【解析】 句意为:这个严厉的老板要求每个人都要在早上五点前起床。单词demand跟从句用虚拟语气。 【答案】  D

  5.He________the person referred to be put in prison. A.said



  D.thought 【解析】 referred to为过去分词作后置定语;be put in prison前省去了should,在宾语从句中作谓语,在四个选项中,只有demand后跟虚拟语气,结构为:(should)+动词原形。 【答案】 B

  delight (1)[C] 使人高兴的事或人;[U]

  快乐,高兴,愉快 Painting is one of her delights.画画是她喜欢的事情之一。 to one’s delight/to the delight of sb.使某人高兴的是…… To my delight,he won the first prize in the contest. 使我高兴的是,他在比赛中得了第一。 (2)vt.使高兴;乐于 He delighted us with his humorous words. 他的幽默使我们很愉快。 My teacher is delighted with my article. 老师对我的文章很喜欢。 I am delighted that the date of the conference has been fixed. 我很高兴会议的日期确定了。

  6.The lovely garden was________. A.delight

  B.delighted C.a delight

  D.the delight 【解析】 本句中delight是可数名词,意为“使人高兴的事或人”。 【答案】 C 7.He made great progress________of his parents. A.much to the delight

  B.to the much delight C.to much their delight

  D.to their much delight 【解析】 句意为:他取得了很大的进步,这使得他父母非常高兴。much to one’s delight=much to the delight of sb.表示“使得某人非常高兴”。 【答案】 A

  variety n.多样,种类,变种,杂耍 a variety of各种各样的 (既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,谓语取决于名词的数) A great variety of books were recently published. 最近出版了各种各样的书。 A variety of equipment has been applied to agriculture. 各种设备已经被运用于农业中。

  various adj.各式各样的 He analyzed the various factors. 他分析了各种各样的因素。 The clothes in this shop are in various styles. 本店服装,款式齐全。 vary vt.& vi.变化,变更 The results of the experiment varied wildly.实验结果差异很大。 Human’s IQ vary from under 50 to over 200. 人类智商的变化从50以下到200以上不等。

  8.An eager gardener is always looking for new________of plants. A.variety

  B.varieties C.various

  D.vary 【解析】 句意为:一个刻意求新的园艺师总是不断地寻求新的花木品种。此处variety意为“品种,种类”,是可数名词,应使用复数形式。 【答案】 B

  convenience n.方便,便利的事物,方便的时候 at one’s convenience 在某人最方便的时候 Please have him call me back at his convenience. 请他方便时给我回电。 Busy people are always eating food.忙碌的人常吃速食。

  convenient adj.方便的 This path is near and convenient.走这条小路近多了。 It is convenient for sb.to do sth. When would it be convenient for you to go? 你什么时候去方便?

  9.Our new house is very________for me as I can get to the office in five minutes. A.beautiful

  B.comfortable C.convenient


  【解析】 句意为:我们的新房子对我来说很方便,五分钟就能到办公室了。convenient方便的。 【答案】 C

  10.Can you telephone me________to arrange a meeting? A.at your convenience

  B.for your convenience C.on your convenience

  D.with your convenience 【解析】 句意为:你能在方便的时候打电话给我安排个会议吗?at one’s convenience 表示“在某人方便的时候”。 【答案】 A

  acknowledge v.承认,后接名词、代词、动名词、 that 从句和宾语+宾补(不定式/分词/形容词/名词) He openly acknowledged his fault.他公开承认他的错误。 She acknowledged having been frightened. 她承认被吓了一跳。 He refused to acknowledge that he was defeated. 他拒绝承认被打败了。 All teachers acknowledge him to be the cleverest student. 所有老师都承认他是最聪明的学生。 He was acknowledged to be the best player. He was acknowledged as the best player. 他被认为是最佳选手。

  11.We________with thanks your timely aid when we were in trouble. A.attributed

  B.knowledge C.acknowledged

  D.promised 【解析】 该句意为:“我感谢在我们困难时你给予我们及时的帮助。” 【答案】 C


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