浙江省2016高考英语二轮复习 专题训练 阅读理解(20)-查字典英语网
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浙江省2016高考英语二轮复习 专题训练 阅读理解(20)

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  陕西省神木县大保当初级中学七年级英语下册 Unit1-6单元必背句子与词组 人教新目标版

  Unit 1


  1.be from 来自

  2.New York 纽约

  3.in November 在十一月

  4.the Unite States 美国

  5.the Unite Kindom 英国

  6.live in 居住

  7.pen pal 笔友

  8.at school 在学校

  9.enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事

  10.speak a little French 讲一点法语

  11.write to sb. 给某人写信

  12.tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事

  13.her favorite subject 她最喜欢的科目

  14.a very interesting country 一个很有趣的国家

  15.years old….. ….岁

  16.a little 一点儿

  17.in November 在十一月

  18.go to the movies 去看电影

  19.play sports 做运动

  20. on weekends 在周末

  21.action movies 动作片

  22.likes and dislikes 好恶, 爱憎


  1.where is your pen pal from? 你的笔友是哪里人?

  2.He is from Japan.. 他是朝鲜人。

  3.Where do you live? 你住在哪里?

  4.I live in Beijing. 我住在北京。

  5.What language does he speak? 他讲什么语言?

  6.He speaks English. 他讲英语。

  7.Is that from your new pen pal? 它是你笔友那儿来的吗?

  Yes , it is. 是的,它是。

  8.I want a pen pal in China. 我想在中国找一个笔友。

  9.I think China is a very interesting country. 我认为中国是一个很有趣的国家。

  10.I can speak English and a little French. 我会说英语和一点法语。

  11.I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.


  12.My favorite subject in school is P.E. 我在学校最喜欢的科目是体育。

  13.Can you write to me soon? 你不久能给我写信吗?

  14.I play soccer on weekends. 我周末踢足球。

  15.It’s my favrite sport. 这是我最喜爱的运动。

  16.I like music at school. 在学校我喜欢音乐。

  17.Please write and tell me about yourself. 请写信告诉我你的情况。

  Unit 2


  1.post office 邮局

  2.pay phone (投币式)公用电话

  3.across from 在…的对面

  4.excuse me (打撹他人…)对不起

  5.take a walk 散步

  6.have fun 玩的高兴,过的愉快

  7.take a taxi 乘出租车

  8.near here = in the neighborhood 在附近

  9.on Center Street 在中心大街

  10.next to… 在…旁边

  11.between…and… 在…和…之间

  12.go straight 一直走

  13.on the lefe/ right 在左/右边

  14.turn lefe/right 向左/右拐

  15.an old hotel 一家旧旅馆

  16.a small house with an interesting garden 带有一个有趣花园的小房子

  17.the beginning of …的开端

  18.play games 做游戏

  19.the way to… 去…的路

  20.go down 沿/顺着走

  21.have a good trip 有一个愉快的旅行

  22.a quiet street 一条安静的街道

  23.a big supermarket 一家大超市

  24.a dirty park 一个脏的公园


  1.Is there a bank near here? 这儿附近有银行吗?

  2.Yes, there is. It’s on Center Street. 有,在中心大街。

  3.The pay phone is across from the library. 公用电话在图书馆的对面。

  4.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood? 这附近有旅馆吗?

  5.Just go straight and turn left. 一直走再左拐。

  6.Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden.


  7.This is the beginning of the garden tour.这只是我们花园旅程的开端。

  8.Let me tell you the way to my house. 让我来告诉你去我家的路。

  9.Take a taxi from the airport. 在机场乘出租车。

  10.I hope you have a good trip. 我希望你旅途愉快。


  询问地点时用特殊疑问词 where 加一般疑问句。回答时常需用一些表示方位的介词短语来回答。

  如1. 询问来自哪里

  Where is your pen pal from? He’s from Australia.

  Where does your pen pal come from? He comes from Australia.

  2. 询问住在哪里

  Where does John live? He lives in Paris.

  3. 询问去哪里

  Where are you going? I’m going to the supermarket.

  4. 询问物品的位置

  Where is my key? It’s in the drawer.

  5. 询问地点

  Where is the hospital? It’s on First Avenue.

  6. 询问人的位置

  Where is our English teacher? She is on the playground.

  Unit 3


  1.kind of 有点儿,稍微

  2.at night 在夜里,在晚上

  3.want to do sth. 想要做某事

  4.South Africa 南非

  5.play with 和…玩耍

  6.eat grass 吃草

  7.be quiet 安静

  8.during the day 在白天


  1.Why do you want to see the lions? 你为什么要看狮子?

  2.Because they are cute. 因为它们可爱。

  3.Why does he like koalas 他为什么喜欢考拉?

  4.Where are lions from? 狮子出生在哪里?

  5.Lions are from Africa. 狮子出生在非洲。

  6.What animals do you like ? 你喜欢什么动物?

  7.What other animals do you like? 你还喜欢其它什么动物?

  8.She likes to play with her friends and eat grass. 它喜欢和朋友们玩耍,吃草。

  9.She’s very beautiful, but she’s very shy, so please be quiet.


  10.He sleeps during the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves.


  11.He usually sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every day.



  why, what, where 引导的特殊疑问句

  特殊疑问句的构成 特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句

  一般问句通常三类词开头 1,be动词。 is, am , are

  2.助动词。 do, does

  3.情态动词。 can

  注意:一般疑问句应该用Yes 或 No 来回答,特殊疑问句不能用。

  why开始的疑问句,一般要用because 作答。

  Unit 4


  1.a shop assistant 售货员

  2.a bank clerk 银行职员

  3.work with 同…一起工作

  4.give sb. sth. =give sth. to sb. 把某物给某人

  5.get sth. from sb. 从某人处得到/获得某物

  6.wear a white uniform 穿白大褂 7.in the day 在白天

  8.at night 在夜晚

  9.kind of 有点, 稍微

  10.go out to dinners 外出就餐

  11.like doing sth. 喜欢干某事

  12.talk to/with sb. 与某人交谈

  13.every day 每天

  14.in a hospital 在医院(工作)

  15.in hospital (生病) 在医院

  16.work hard 努力工作

  17.have a job for sb. 有工作给某人

  18.write stories 写故事

  19.work for a magazine 为杂志社工作

  20.a library assistant 图书管理员


  1.What do you do? 你做什么工作?

  2.I’m a reporter. 我是记者。

  3.What does he/she do? 他/她做什么工作?

  4.He/She is a doctor. 他/她是医生。

  5.What do you want to be? 你想做什么工作?

  6.I want to be an actor. 我想当医生。

  7.What does he/she want to be? 他/她想做什么工作?

  8.He/She wants to be a bank clerk. 他/她想当银行职员。

  9.Where do you work? 你在哪儿工作?

  10.I work in a restaurant. 我在饭店工作。

  11.Where does he /she work? 他/她在哪儿工作?

  12.He/She works in a hospital. 他/她在医院工作。

  13.I work with people and money. 我的工作是跟人和钱打交道。

  14.People give me their money and get their money from me. 人们把钱存到这儿或


  15.I wear a white uniform. 我穿件白大褂。

  16.Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night. 有时我白天工作有时我夜晚工作。

  17.My work is interesting but kind of dangerous. 我的工作虽然有趣,但是有点危险。

  18.Thieves don’t like me. 小偷不喜欢我。

  19.I’m very busy when people go out to dinners. 当人们外出吃饭时我很忙。

  20.I like talking to people. 我喜欢和人们交谈。

  21.I meet interesting people every day and ask them questions. 我每天遇到些有趣的人并问他们问题。


  一般现在时 表示包括“现在“在内的一段时间内经常发生的动作或存在的状态。

  1. 表示习惯或经常反复发生的动作或存在的状态。常和副词often, always, usually, every day, sometimes 等词连用。

  2. 表示主语现在的身份,状态,特性,性格等。

  3. 表示主语所具备的能力,性格等。

  4. 表示普遍真理和客观事实。


  ⑴当主语是第三人称单数时,用 “主语+行为动词+其他” 句子时行为动词后要加-s.

  ⑵否定句中加了don’t, 或doesn’t, 后实义动词一定要变成原形。

  ⑶一般疑问句句首加了do, does, 后面实义动词一定也要变成原形。

  ⑷一般疑问句,一般要把第一人称(I , we)变成第二人称(you) ,把some 变成any.

  Unit 5


  1.watch TV 看电视

  2.sound good 听起来很好

  3.go to the movies 去看电影

  4.TV show 电视节目

  5.do homework 做家庭作业

  6.write a letter 写信

  7.read a book 看书

  8.wait for 等待,等候

  9.talk to 和…谈话

  10.talk about 谈论, 讨论

  11.play basketball 打篮球

  12.at the pool 在游泳池

  13.eat dinner 吃饭

  14.a photo of my family 我全家的一张照片

  15.play soccer 踢足球

  16.take photos 拍照


  1.what’s he doing? 他在干什么?

  2.He’s reading. 他在看书。

  3.What are you doing? 你在干什么?

  4.I’m watching TV. 我在看电视。

  5.Do you want to go to the movies. 你想看电影吗?

  6.That sounds good. This TV shows is boring. 那听起来不错。这个电视节目很无聊。

  7.Is Nancy doing homework? 南希在做作业吗?

  No, she isn’t. She is writing a letter. 不,她在写信。

  8.When do you want to go? 你们什么打算去?

  9.Let’s go at six o’clock. 我们六点去吧。

  10.What’s he waiting for? 他在等什么?

  11.What are they talking about? 他们在谈论什么?

  12.Thanks for your letter and the photos. 谢谢你的来信和寄来的照片。

  13.In the first photo, I’m playing basketball at school.在第一张照片里,我在学校打篮球。

  14.In the second photo, I’m swimming at the pool. 在第二张照片里,我在游泳池里游泳。

  15.She is doing homework. I’m watching TV. 她在做作业,我在看电视。

  16.Here’s a photo of my family. 这是我家人的一张照片。



  1. 用法:⑴表示现在正在进行的动作。


  2. 构成:动词be+现在分词。

  3. 现在分词的构成

  ⑴一般加-ing. 如 watch—watching do—doing

  ⑵以不发音的字母e 结尾,去e 再加-ing。

  如 make—making have—having


  如: sit—sitting run—running .

  5. 现在进行时的标志:

  当句中出现look, listen, now 等词时,句子往往用现在进行时。

  Unit 6


  1.play computer games 玩电脑游戏

  2.How’s it going? 情况怎么样?

  3.on vacation 度假

  4.a kind of 一种…

  5.have a good time 玩得高兴


  1.How’s the weather? 天气怎么样?=What’s

  the weather like ?

  .It’s raining. 正在下雨。

  2.What are you doing? 你在干什么?

  .I’m watching TV. 我在看电视。

  3.What are they doing ? 他们在干什么?

  They are studying. 他们在学习。

  4.What’s he doing? 他在干什么?

  He’s playing basketball. 他在打篮球。

  5.What’s she doing? 她在干什么?

  She’s cooking. 她在做饭。

  6.Thank you for joining CCTVs Around The World show.


  7.I’m looking at five thousand years of history. 我正在看历史五千年。


  1. How 引导的特殊疑问句 ‘怎样, 怎么,如何’

  ⑴询问天气 How’s the weather? It’s raining.

  ⑵询问情况进展如何 How’s it going? Great.

  2. 有少量动词的现在进行时态可表示一最近按计划或安排要进行的动作,如:

  do, come, go, arrive, start, leave, return, have, stay 等。

  Unit 7


  1.look like 看起来像

  2.medium height 中等身材

  3.the captain of the …team …队的队长

  4.a little bit 有点儿,一点儿

  5.tell jokes 讲笑话

  6.stop talking 停止谈话

  7.play chess 下棋

  8.the pop singer 流行歌手

  9.a new look 新形象,新面貌


  What does she look like? 她长得什么样?

  She is medium build, and she has long hair. 她中等身材,留着长发。

  She is a little bit quiet. 她有点儿话少。

  Xu Qian loves to tell jokes. 许茜爱讲笑话。

  He likes reading and playing chess. 他爱看书,爱下棋。

  She never stops talking. 她总是讲个不停。

  The person is medium height. 这个人中等身材。

  I don’t think he’s so great. 我认为他没那么伟大。

  I’m very good-looking. 我很好看。


  ⑴do 和does


  Does she look like her father?

  What do you/they look like?

  What does he/she look like?


  我用am, 你用are, is跟这他,她,它。凡是复数都用are.

  ⑶have 和has


  We have black hair. They both have a medium build.

  She has curly hair. Henry has a happy family.



  Unit 8


  1.would like 要,想要

  2.what kind 什么种类

  3.a bowl of noodles 一碗面条

  4.beef noodles 牛肉面

  5.what size 多大尺寸

  6.a medium bowl 一个中碗

  7.orange juice 桔子汁

  8.green tea 绿茶

  9.ice cream 冰淇淋


  1.I’d like some noodles. 我想吃点面条

  2.What kind of noodles would you like ? 你想要那种面条?

  Beef and tomato noodles, please. 西红柿牛肉面。

  3.What size bowl of noodles would he like? 他要多大碗的面条?

  He’d like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles 他想要一个小/中/大的面条。

  4.We have some great specials! 我们有非常棒的特价饺子。

  5.Special 1 has beef and onions, and is just RMB 10 for 15. 特价是牛肉,洋葱(陷),10元人民币就可以买到15个。

  6.Come and get your dumplings today! 今天来那饺子。


  情态动词would ⑴情态动词后应加动词原形,⑵情态动词无人称和数的变化,适用于所有人称。

  What引导的特殊疑问句。1,what加一般问句。2,what后跟不同的名词,构成不同的问句。如:What club does he play for?

  What size would you like ?

  What colour are their bikes?



  Unit 9 用一般过去式谈论周末

  1--- What did you do last weekend?

  ----I cleaned my room.

  2--- How was your weekend?

  ---- It was great.

  二 重点词组

  1. go to the beach

  2. visit my uncle

  3. stay at home

  4. have a party

  5. do some reading

  6. practice English

  practice + v-ing

  7. study for the test

  8. go shopping

  9. go to the library

  10. go for a walk

  11. sit down

  12. look for

  三 重点句子

  1 On Saturday morning, I played tennis.

  2.On Sunday morning, I went to the library, I read a book about history.

  3. It was time to go home.

  It’s time to do sth

  4.My aunt cooked dinner for me.

  5 He doesn’t want to do anything.

  6.He has no dog and no family.

  Unit 10-12

  一 情景交际

  Unit 10 用一般过去式谈论假期

  1---- Where did you go on vacation?-----

  We went to summer camp.

  2---Did you go to Central Park? -----Yes,I did. /No, I didn’t.

  3---How were the people? ---- They were friendly.

  Unit 11谈论对人,事物的看法

  ---What do you think of sitcoms? / How do you like sitcoms?

  ---I love them. / I like them. /I don’t like them. / I don’t mind them. / I can’t stand them.

  Unit 12 规章制度

  1 Don’t eat in class.

  2 Can we wear hats in school?

  Yes, we can. /No, we can’t.

  3 We don’t have to wear a school uniform.

  二 重点词组

  1 go to summer camp

  2 go to the mountains

  3 visit museums

  4 Central Park

  5 all day

  6 in the corner

  7 the Great Wall

  8 the Palace Museum

  9 Tian’an Men Square

  10 a thirteen-year-old boy

  11 Culture China

  12 Tell it like it is

  13 arrive late for class

  14 in the hallways

  15 listen to music

  16 too many /too much

  17 the Children’s Palace

  18 wash clothes

  三 重点句子

  1 We had great fun playing in the water.

  have fun + v-ing

  2 I found a small boy crying in the corner.

  find sb. doing sth.

  3 He was lost and I helped him find his father.

  help sb. do sth.

  4 That made me feel very happy.

  make sb. do sth.

  5 We decided to play tennis.

  decide to do sth

  6 Cooking is for mums. (动词做主语用动词的ing形式)

  7 I enjoy reading your article. enjoy+ v-ing

  8 Don’t fight.

  9 What are the rules at your school?

  10 What else do you have to do?

  11 We don’t have to wear sports shoes for gym class.

  12 Don’t go out on school nights.

  13 I have to be in bed by ten o’clock.

  14 I never have any fun.

  15 Don’t talk loudly at home.

  16 No talking. / Don’t talk.


  1 一般现在时


  常和often, always, sometimes, usually, every day 等连用。

  2 一般过去时


  常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday, last night, in 1990, two days ago

  3 现在进行时


  构成方式:be (am, is ,are) +v ing

  常和now, listen,look等连用

  Unit6 It’s raining!

  1. –今天北京的天气怎么样?-- How’s the weather in Beijing today?


  --是晴天。-- It’s sunny.

  (其他天气:windy, cloudy, sunny=fine=nice)

  同义句:-- What’s the weather like today?


  -- It’s sunny.

  (其他天气:warm, hot, cool, cold, dry, humid)

  练:We don’t know _______ the weather will be tomorrow.

  A. how

  B. what

  C. how’s

  D. what’s

  2. --你最近过得怎么样?-- How’s it going with you?

  --相当好:Pretty good.


  还不错:Not bad.


  3. (1) 在夏天天是多雨的。It’s rainy in summer.

  (it后有be动词is, 后面用形容词rainy)

  (2) 在夏天天经常下雨。It often rains in summer.

  (it后无be动词is, 后面用动词rains)

  (3) 现在正在下雨:It’s raining now.


  相同用法的词还有snowy, snows.

  练:(1) What do you do when it ______?

  A. rain

  B. rainy

  C. raining

  D. is rainy

  (2) It’s __________ (rain) heavily in Harbin now.

  (3) The radio says it will be __________ (rain) tomorrow.

  (4) – How’s the weather on Sunday?

  -- ________.

  A. It’s rain

  B. It’s raining

  C. It’s rains

  D. It rainy

  4. 谢谢你参加中央电视台“环游世界”节目。

  Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show.

  句型:感谢你做某事:Thank you for doing sth

  5. 有许多人正躺在沙滩上:There are many people lying on the beach.

  ① 句型:有某人正在做某事:There be sb doing sth

  ② 躺在沙滩上:lie on the beach

  (lie加ing的规则:将ie变成y, 再加ing)

  6. 一些正在拍照,另外的正躺在沙滩上。

  Some are taking photos, others are lying on the beach.

  (1) 一些…,另一些…(复数):some…, others…

  (2) 一个…,另一个…(单数):one…, the other…

  7. 他们看起来很酷:They look cool.

  他看起来很酷:He looks cool.

  8. 电话用语:(1) 你是谁?

  Who’s that?

  不能用:Who are you?

  (2) 你是某某吗?

  Is that…?

  不能用:Are you…?

  (3) 是某某在说话吗?

  Is that … speaking?

  回答用:Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

  (4) 我是某某:

  This is….

  不能用:I’m ….

  (5) 是某某在说话:This is … speaking.

  9. 句型:做完某事:finish doing sth

  完成某事:finish sth

  如:He finishes reading a book about science.

  He finishes his homework at home every day.

  10. 句型:为了做某事:in order to do sth


  11. 与look有关的词组:

  (1) 看着某人/某东西:look at sb/sth

  (2) 寻找某人/某东西:look for sb/sth

  (3) 照顾某人/某东西:look after sb/sth

  (4) 看起来像某人/某东西:look like sb/sth

  (5) 小心:look out

  (6) 朝…外面看:look out of…

  如:朝窗外看:look out of the windows

  12. 与“人”有关的形容词+ed

  如:relaxed, surprised, interested, excited


  如:relaxing, surprising, interesting, exciting

  练:(1) The teacher is __________ (surprise) at the news.

  (2) I’m having a good time and __________ (relax).

  13. 烧饭(总称):cook meals

  烧早饭(中饭,晚饭):cook breakfast/lunch/dinner

  14. 在度假:on vacation

  度假:have a vacation

  15. 拍照片:(单数) take a photo

  (复数) take photos

  16. 打沙滩排球:play beach volleyball

  17. 在这种热度下:in this heat

  18. 围围巾:(单数) wear a scarf

  (复数) wear scarves

  19. (天气)晴朗的:sunny = fine = nice

  如:Today is sunny. = Today is fine. = Today is nice.

  20. 学习:study





  (以s, x, ch, sh结尾的,加es)


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