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发布时间:2017-01-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  6. use v. [T]使用,利用

  n. ①[U]使用,利用 【练习】 完成句子 ①我们应该充分利用这次机会。 We should __________________________ the chance.

  =Good use should be _________________ the chance. =The chance should __________________________.

  ②他的体力已经耗尽了。 All his strength has ____________________________.

  ③新建成的铁路不久前通车了。 The newly­built railway line ___________not long ago.

  =The newly­built railway line _________not long ago.

  ④问她毫无用处,她什么都不知道。 It's no use ___________ her, she doesn't know anything.

  ⑤这些参考书对我们非常有用。 These reference books are __________________ to us.

  =These reference books are ________________ to us. 【答案】 ①make good use of; made of; be made good use of ②been used up  ③was brought into use; came into use  ④asking  ⑤of great use; very useful * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2016英语高考高频词汇精选-U 1. undertake v. [T] ①承担,从事,着手 ②答应[同promise] 【练习】完成句子 ①只有他才能承担这项艰巨的任务。 Only he __________________________ this tough task.

  ②他着手一项新的实验。 He ___________________________.

  ③他答应在星期五以前完成那项工作。 He __________________________ the job by Friday.

  【答案】 ①can/could undertake  ②undertook a new experiment  ③undertook to finish 2. until

  prep. & conj.


  【练习】 完成句子 ①妈妈回来之后那男孩才去睡觉。 The boy ___________________ to bed until his mother came back. ②他工作直到半夜。 ________________________ until/till (it was) midnight. ③公共汽车停稳后再下车。 Don't get off the bus until/till it ___________________.

  【解析】 ①didn‘t go  ②He worked  ③has stopped 【练习】 把下列句子改为倒装句和强调句/单项选择 ④We didn't leave until she came.

  [倒装句] ____________________________ [强调句] ____________________________ ⑤It was not until I came here ________ I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather .

  A. who

  B. that

  C. where

  D. before ⑥Not until he left his home ________ to know how important the family was for him.

  A. did he begin

  B. had he begun

  C. he began

  D. he has began 【解析】 ④Not until she came did we leave./It was not until she came that we left. ⑤B 句意:直到我来到这儿才意识到,这个地方不仅以它的美丽而且以它的天气出名。本题考查的是强调结构“It is + 被强调部分+that…”,强调时间状语。

  ⑥A not until所引导的状语从句放在句首要用部分倒装。 3. up to ①(数量、程度上)达到,多达 ②(时间)直到,到……为止[同till]③从事,忙于(某事) ④胜任(工作等) 【练习】完成句子/单项选择 ①每天他们花长达3个小时看电视。 Every day they spend ________________ watching TV.

  ②你在做什么? What __________ you _________________________?

  ③恐怕他是干不了这份工作。 I'm afraid he ____________________________ the job.

  ④这个问题应由他来解决。 __________________________________ this problem.

  ⑤要不要做兼职由你自己决定。 _____________________ you do a part time job or not.

  ⑥— When will we go for a picnic this week?

  — ________.

  A. You get it.

  B. Up to you.

  C. You speak.

  D. You do it. 【解析】 ①up to three hours  ②are; up to  ③isn‘t up to  ④It’s up to him to solve  ⑤ It's up to you whether ⑥B Up to you是It's up to you. (由你决定。)这一固定用法的省略形式。 4. urge v.[T]催促,敦促,力劝 【练习】 英译汉/完成句子 ①He urges his sister's study.


  ②他力劝我再考虑一下。 He urged _____________________________ again.

  = He urged ____________________________ again. = He urged that _________________________ again. ③有人力劝我申请那份工作。 It ________ that I _____________________ for the job.

  ④这项工作不急,我们可以明天再做。 This work _________________; we can do it tomorrow.

  ⑤急需将食物和衣服送给灾民。 It is urgent that food and clothing _________________ to the sufferers.

  【答案】 ①他敦促妹妹用功。

  ②me to think; my thinking; I (should) think ③was urged; (should) apply ④is not urgent  ⑤(should) be sent 5. used to modal v. (表示过去经常的或持续的动作,后接动词原形) 【练习】

  按要求答题 ①Tom used to watch TV. (改为否定句) Tom ___________________________ watch TV.

  ②Helen used to play computer games a lot every day. (改为一般疑问句) _______________ play computer games a lot every day? ③There used to be a church here, ________________? (写出反意疑问句)

  ④—Do you smoke? ——你抽烟吗?

  — Not now, but I ____________________________. ——现在不抽了,但过去常抽的。 【解析】 ①didn‘t use to/used not to  ②Did Helen use to ③didn‘t/usedn’t there  ④used to 

  【练习】根据句意,用上述结构完成句子/单项选择 ⑤In our school, candles ________ (give) light when electricity is cut off.

  ⑥Now I ________ (get) up early.

  ⑦In the past, people ________ (fetch) water from rivers. ⑧He ________ cards with his friends, but now he ________ a walk after supper. A. used to play; is used to having B. is used to playing; used to have C. used to play; is used to have D. is used to playing; is used to have ⑨After half a year's training, they were made entirely used ________ underwater.

  A. to stay

  B. to staying

  C. staying

  D. stay 【解析】 ⑤are used to give  ⑥am used to getting  ⑦used to fetch ⑧A  ⑨B 句意:经过半年训练,他们完全适应呆在水下。be used to习惯于,to为介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词,本题用used(已习惯的,已适应的)这一形容词作主语they的补足语。


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