Machu Picchu and David Bowie's collection 马丘比丘垃圾泛滥,大卫·鲍伊的艺术收藏
本集内容Rubbish threat to Machu Picchu 秘鲁马丘比丘遗址垃圾泛滥
David Bowie's collection on show 大卫·鲍伊私人艺术收藏首次展出
文字稿The iconic ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru have come under the spotlight for the country's inability to deal with the mounds of trash tourists are leaving behind. So much so that Unesco has given Peru a deadline to deal with the problem or risk the site going into the World Heritage danger list.
And to David Bowie's private art collection, which is going on public display for the first time before being auctioned later this year. The 300 works include those by Henry Moore and Damien Hirst - with the collection valued at more than 18 million dollars.
inability / deadline / auctioned
1. Anthony loves teaching but he's afraid of taking up a job in a school because of his _________ to control a big class.
2. The sculptures will be _________ for charity in October. The artist is a philanthropist.
3. I can't go to the concert this evening because the _________ to deliver my report to the boss is tomorrow morning.
答案1. Anthony loves teaching but he's afraid of taking up a job in a school because of his inability to control a big class.
2. The sculptures will be auctioned for charity in October. The artist is a philanthropist.
3. I can't go to the concert this evening because the deadline to deliver my report to the boss is tomorrow morning.