大学生考证热 Certificate Craze on Campus-查字典英语网
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大学生考证热 Certificate Craze on Campus

发布时间:2016-10-25  编辑:查字典英语网小编

It is quite a common phenomenon that college students are enthusiastic over getting all kinds of certificates, such as accountant certificate, teacher certificate and so on. What is the reason for that? And it should be advocated or not?


In my opinion, there are two reasons accounting for the phenomenon. For one thing, many students think that the more certificates they get now, the more chances they can get a good job in the future. They are told that the companies or institutions think highly of the certificate when interviewing. Therefore, they try their best to get all kinds of certificates, even though some have no any relationship with their majors or interests. For another, following others’ choices is another reason. A number of students go to purse the certificates because they find that many classmates around them are doing that so they think it would be safe to follow others.


From my point of view, it is not wise for everyone to follow others’ steps to get all kinds of certificates. I consider that we should make our choices combining with our own concrete conditions. Besides, certificate is not the only one criterion to measure our ability and we should not be too enthusiastic over it.



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