cross-straits relation 台海关系the 1992 consensus “九二共识”
two sides, one china “两岸一中”
one country-two systems 一国两制
cross-straits relation 台海关系资讯词汇
cross-straits relation 台海关系
the 1992 consensus “九二共识”
two sides, one china “两岸一中”
one country-two systems 一国两制
status quo 现状
china‘s peaceful reunification.中国和平统一大业
peaceful reunification 和平统一
harm to bilateral ties 损害双边关系
provoke the mainland 挑衅中国大陆
a contravention of taiwanese people's fundamental interests 危害台湾人民的根本利益
trigger tension in cross-straits relations 引发台海紧张局势
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