Rudy: You the one that called?
Don: Yeah. Hi there. I'm Don.
Rudy: Climb on over. Ever been out here before?
Don: Nope. It's beautiful.
Rudy: You ever been on a ranch before?
Don: Yeah, when I was a kid, at camp. How, uh- how many acres do you have, Rudy?
Rudy: Well, you wouldn't want to have to walk your way outta here. That's for sure. Come on up and meet my new neighbors.
Don: Aw. No. Aw, geez. When did all this happen?
Rudy: Last couple of years. Local rancher lost control of the land. Banks took it and sold it to real estate speculators.
Don: What the hell happened over there?
Rudy: Meth freaks.
Don: Out here?
Rudy: They find a quiet little place, start cookin'- till somethin' blows up or burns down.
Don: Wow.
Rudy: Past year and a half, I've had two bodies dumped on my land.
Don: Dead bodies?
Rudy: One of'em was rolled up in this nice-lookin' carpet. Scared the shit out of my foreman. They dump dead dogs and cats and all other sorts of garbage on my land. Seems like I spend half my time just defendin' the place. I gotta go to court next week to fight off some private corporation from Denver wants to build a toll road across my land. Eminent domain, my ass. They got another word for it-robbery. You wanna open that up for me?
Don: You should get a clicker. Hey, Rudy. You know anybody over at Uni-Globe Meat Packing?
Rudy: Sure.
Don: What do you think of'em?
Rudy: I think they're a fine bunch.
Don: Really?
Rudy: They'll slit your throat for a nickel. Nothin' personal. They just want the extra nickel.
Don: Well, who do you know over there?
Rudy: I know all of'em. I sold cattle to 'em for years.
Don: Oh.
Rudy: More important, I know their type. They are the meanest, toughest sons of bitches, and they're proud of it. But that's nothin' new. My granddad went up against the meat packers in 1919. Testified in Congress about their price-fixing. And after that, none of them would buy his cattle. U.M.P. And all the rest tried to run him out of the business.
Don: Okay, but that was a long time ago.
Rudy: Yeah. And the big packers are even worse today. They're even bigger today.
Don: Really?
Rudy: And meaner. Hell, old Dwight D. Eisenhower would've shut 'em down. He wouldn't havestood for their crap.
Don: Do you think they would knowingly sell us contaminated meat?
Rudy: Oh, come on. Workers are gettin' their arms cut off over there. You don't know who you're dealin' with.
Don: No. No, I don't. Please, help me. I- I was at the plant. It seemed clean to me.
Rudy: They show you the kill floor?
Don: I don't know. I saw a lot of things.
Rudy: You'd remember. You see any cattle gettin' their heads cut off? Were you walkin' ankle-deep in blood?
Don: No.
Rudy: So they didn't show you a damn thing.
1. Real estate speculator 地产投机者
2. Meth freak 吸食冰毒的瘾君子
Meth 是俚语,指的是methamphetamine (甲基苯丙胺,脱氧麻黄碱),即俗语中所说的“冰毒”。Freak 在俚语中则指“吸毒者,吸毒上瘾者”。
3. Blow up
Blow up 在这里的意思是“爆炸”,如:The bomb blew up.
4. Scare the shit out of someone
这个片语的意思是“吓某人一跳,吓坏某人”,因为有shit,这是个很粗俗的俚语,除了很亲密的朋友外,最好不要讲哦。例如:That murderer really scared the shit out of me.
5. Toll road
美语,意思是turnpike 高速公路(尤指收费的那种)。
6. My ass
这是个感叹词,意思是“天啊”,作用和 “Oh, dear!,Oh, my God,geez” 差不多。
7. Run someone out of
这个片语的意思是“To put out by force; compel to leave逐出”,例如:We ran him out of town.
8. Stand for
Stand for 在这里的意思是“Put up with, tolerate容忍,忍受”,通常是表示贬义的,例如: Mother will not stand for rude behavior.
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