新概念英语教材详解:第一册 Lesson101-102-查字典英语网
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新概念英语教材详解:第一册 Lesson101-102

发布时间:2016-09-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1. speak up,大声地说,清楚地说。


Can you get up to that note ? 你能唱得到那么高的音吗?

2.He doesn't say very much,does he?他没写许多,是吗?

附加疑问句中的前后两部分的谓语在时态、人称和数上都要一致。回答这种问句时要简略,要根据事实回答。如果答语本身是肯定的,就用 Yes;如果答语本身是否定的,就用 No。

 语法 Grammar in use




She says she's got a headache. 她说她头痛。

He says he's staying at a Youth Hostel. 你说他正住在一家青年招待所。

He says he has sold his house. 他说他已卖掉了房子。


He says: 'I hope you are all well. ' 他说:"我希望你们都身体健康。"

He says he hopes we/they are all well. 他说他希望我们/他们都身体健康。

The girl says: 'I have finished my homework.' 那个姑娘说:"她已完成了家庭作业。"

The girl says that she has finished her homework. 那个姑娘说她已完成了家庭作业。

 词汇学习 Word study

1.write v.


They are learning to read and write. 他们在学习读书写字。

She writes legibly. 她笔迹清楚。


I'll write to you soon. 我会尽快给你写信的。

Why didn't she write and tell him? 她为什么不写信告诉他?


He started to write for the stage. 他开始成为一名剧作家。

He soon finished writing a symphony. 他很快就谱写成一部交响曲。

2.soon adv.


It will soon be spring. 春天很快就要到了。

Soon she would have to resign. 她不久就得辞职了。


Why are you leaving so soon? 你为什么这么快就要走了?

He came sooner than we expected. 他来得比我们预料的快。

 练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 102


1 She says she has shut the door.

2 He says he has put on his coat.

3 He says he has read this magazine.

4 They say they have spoken to the boss.

5 They say the sun has risen.


(sample sentences)

1 He says he has got a cold.

2 He says he feels cold.

3 He says he will sell his house.

4 He says he needs an X-ray.

5 He says he must wait for a bus.

6 He says he has got an earache.

7 He says he feels thirsty.

8 He says he needs a haircut.

9 He says he feels ill.


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