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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  beat v. 打,敲;击败,胜过;打,跳动

  beating against/on sth./打在上

  the heart beats./心脏跳动

  beat sb./战胜a heartbeat/心跳声;

  beautiful adj. 美丽的;很好的;

  beauty n. 美,美丽;美人,佳人;美的事物

  the beauties of nature/大自然的美

  beauty art/美容术,化妆术

  beauty contest/选美会

  because conj. 因为;

  become v. 变为,成为;

  begin v. 开始,首先

  begin to do sth./开始

  begin doing/开始

  to begin with/首先;第一点;

  beginning n. 开始,起点;开端部分,开头部分

  at the beginning/从一开始

  at the beginning of/在初

  from beginning to end /从头到尾,自始自终

  in the beginning/当初,开始时

  on behalf of/代表;为了

  on sb.s behalf/以某人的名义;为了某人;代表某人;

  behavior n. 举止;行为;

  behind prep. 在后面;向后面;

  a human being/人

  for the time being/暂时;目前;

  belief n. 信仰;信心;

  believe v. 相信,信任;认为

  believe sb./信任某人

  believe in/信仰,信任

  belong v. 属于,合适

  belong to/属于

  below prep. 在的下面;低于

  benefit n. 利益,好处;救济金 v. 有益于,有助于;

  for ones benefit/为了利益

  benefit from/受益于

  for the benefit of/为了的好处;

  beside prep.在旁边

  beside the point/离题

  beside oneself /几乎发狂;

  besides prep. 除以外adv. 此外,而且

  try/do ones best to do sth./尽最大的努力做

  make the best of/尽量利用

  at ones best/处于最佳状态

  at best/至多 ; better

  beat v. 打,敲;击败,胜过;打,跳动

  beating against/on sth./打在上

  the heart beats./心脏跳动

  beat sb./战胜a heartbeat/心跳声;

  beautiful adj. 美丽的;很好的;

  beauty n. 美,美丽;美人,佳人;美的事物

  the beauties of nature/大自然的美

  beauty art/美容术,化妆术

  beauty contest/选美会

  because conj. 因为;

  become v. 变为,成为;

  begin v. 开始,首先

  begin to do sth./开始

  begin doing/开始

  to begin with/首先;第一点;

  beginning n. 开始,起点;开端部分,开头部分

  at the beginning/从一开始

  at the beginning of/在初

  from beginning to end /从头到尾,自始自终

  in the beginning/当初,开始时

  on behalf of/代表;为了

  on sb.s behalf/以某人的名义;为了某人;代表某人;

  behavior n. 举止;行为;

  behind prep. 在后面;向后面;

  a human being/人

  for the time being/暂时;目前;

  belief n. 信仰;信心;

  believe v. 相信,信任;认为

  believe sb./信任某人

  believe in/信仰,信任

  belong v. 属于,合适

  belong to/属于

  below prep. 在的下面;低于

  benefit n. 利益,好处;救济金 v. 有益于,有助于;

  for ones benefit/为了利益

  benefit from/受益于

  for the benefit of/为了的好处;

  beside prep.在旁边

  beside the point/离题

  beside oneself /几乎发狂;

  besides prep. 除以外adv. 此外,而且

  try/do ones best to do sth./尽最大的努力做

  make the best of/尽量利用

  at ones best/处于最佳状态

  at best/至多 ; better

  be better off 境况好

  had better do sth. 最好做

  be better off 境况好

  had better do sth. 最好做



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