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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Dear sir,

  I am writing for the position that your company advertising on TIME newspaper.I believe I will be fit for it because of my experience an knowledge.

  I have had worked for a famous IT company as a manager.I solved many problems there.With time is going ,I accumulate amount of experience.I am sure I am comptent for the position for manager you are employing.As reading lots of books about psychology, I can well understand behavior of employers.Therefore I can manage them better.You will be never regret if employed me.

  I look forward to your repaly.

  Sincerely yours,

  Li ming


  Dear sir(因为不知道是男士还是女士,改成Sir or Madam),I am writing for the position that your company advertising(这里应该用动词的过去时advertised) on TIME newspaper. I believe I will be fit(这里需要用一个形容词) for it because of my experience an(and?) knowledge.

  I have had(去掉,后面的work是动词) worked for a famous IT company as a manager(for X years). I solved many problems there. With time is going(going on), I accumulate amount of(an amount of或是amounts of) experience. I am sure I am comptent(拼写错误,competent) for the position for manager you are employing(这里要表达的是什么意思?). As reading lots of books about psychology, I can well understand (加定冠词the) behavior of employers. Therefore I can manage them better. You will be never regret if employed me.

  I look forward to your repaly(拼写错误replay).

  Sincerely yours,

  Li(这里没有空格) ming(m大写) (落款部分写在信件右下角) 点评:5-6分细节性的语法错误比较多,一方面需要细心,另一方面需要加强语法知识的学习。



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