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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Ive learnt from internet that your company is recruiting Audit Manager and I would like to apply for the position. I have attached my resume for your consideration. I believe my qualifications are the ideal match of your requirement.

  I am a Bachelor of Economics graduated from Sichuan University. Also, I am a CFA Level II candidate and a Certified Public Accountant charter holder. In addition to education and qualification background, I have three years experience in audit business, focusing on energy industry. The 2010 Financial Statements of ABC energy company were audited by a professional team leaded by me. I believe my education background, qualifications, and work experience will enable me to perform better than other candidates.

  If there is any additional information you require, please contact me at 12345678. I would welcome a opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview. Thank you for your time and consideration.

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Ming


  Dear Sir or Madam, Ive learnt from internet(i大写) that your company is recruiting Audit Manager and I would like to apply for the position. I have attached my resume for your consideration. I believe my qualifications are the ideal match of your requirement.

  I am a Bachelor(这里的b不用大写) of Economics graduated from Sichuan University. Also, I am a CFA Level II candidate and a Certified Public Accountant charter holder. In addition to education and qualification background, I have three years experience in audit business, focusing on energy industry. The 2010 Financial Statements of ABC energy company(如果是一个公司的名字,首字母需要大写) were audited by a professional team leaded(lead的过去式和过去分词是led) by me. I believe my education background, qualifications, and work experience will enable me to perform better than other candidates(最好不要使用这样的比较).

  If there is any additional information you require, please contact me at 12345678. I would welcome(这个词不如look forward to诚恳)a(应该用an) opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview. Thank you for your time and consideration.

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Ming 点评:8分写的很不错。语言运用的也很好。需要注意大小写的问题和一些词语的运用。第二段开头可以适当简化。不过这样还算可以。



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