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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  Directions:You want to study at a certain foreign university.Write a letter:

  1) Inquire about the situations there,

  2) Ask about qualifications,

  3) Fees and accommodation.

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  I am a Chinese student who wish to apply for admission into your prestigious university.My plan is to start my course next term,and I would be grateful if you would be kind enough to provide me with certain essential information.

  First,what qualifications do I need to follow a course of study at your university?I already have a bachelors degree from Beijing University,but I wonder if there are any further academic requirements.Second,how much are the tuition fees?Although I intend to be self-supporting,I would be interested to hear if there are any scholarships available for international students.Third,what is the situation as regards accommodation?

  I look forward to your reply,and to attend your esteemed institution.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming

  Directions:One of your pen pals will shortly be visiting your city.For some reason,you cannot manage to meet him at the airport on time.Write a letter to him/her:

  1) explain the reasons,

  2) ask him to wait for you at the airport,

  3) tell him how to identify you.

  Dear Earnest:

  I am very much looking forward to your visit to my city.Just think:after all these years of writing to each other,we will finally have the chance to meet!However,I regret to inform you that I will not be able to meet you at the airport as soon as you arrive.

  The reason is that your flight will arrive early in the morning,and the quickest I can get to the airport will be about an hour after your land.Please wait for me in the arrival lounge.

  By the way,as we have never met I must tell you how to recognize me:I am of medium height and have a small mustache.Looking forward to our first meeting.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming



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