Im writing to bring your attention to the problems I have had with
Heres the problem
It would be very kind of you to
address this problem soon.
take steps to rectify this situation soon.
turn it down a little?
Frankly, I really cant put up with the situation any more.
You must rectify the situation, or I will take it to the court.
If you cant give me a satisfactory answer, I will complain it to the Consumer Association.
①I am ______(自我介绍). ②I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about.
③The reason for my dissatisfaction is _____(总体介绍). ④In the first place,______(抱怨的第一个方面). ⑤In addition, ______
(抱怨的第二个方面). ⑥Under these circumstances, I find it_____(感觉) to _____(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果).
⑦I appreciate it very much if you could _____(提出建议和请求), preferably ______(进一步的要求), and I would like to have this
matter settled by _____(设定解决事情最后期限). ⑧Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
(your name)
Dear Sir:
With reference to our order No. W98, the 120 computer sets supplies to the above order were delivered the day before yesterday,
but we regret that 20 sets were badly damaged.
The packages containing the computer sets appeared to be in good condition and we accepted and signed for them without question.
We unpacked the computer sets with care and can only assume that damage must be due to careless handling at some stage prior to
We shall be glad if you will replace all 20 sets as soon as possible. Meanwhile, we have put the damaged computer sets aside in
case you need them to support a claim on your suppliers for compensation.
Yours sincerely,
(your name)
下一篇: 考研英语作文经典范文家庭关系类
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