The Early Settlers in North America
The NorthAmerican frontier changed some of the characteristics of thepioneers of the 1750s and intensified others. They were, as a group,semiliterate, proud,and stubborn, as dogged in their insistence on their ownway of life as pine roots cracking granite to grow. Perhaps their greatestresource was their capacity to endure. They outlasted recurrent plagues ofsmallpox and malaria and a steady progression of natural accidents. They were incredibly prolific. Squire Boones family of eight children was small byfrontier standards. James Roberson, an eventual neighbor of Boonesand the founder of Nashville, had eleven children. Twice married John Sevier, the first governor of Tennessee, fatheredeighteen; his longtime enemy, John Tipton, also twice married, producedseventeen. The entire assets of one of these huge families often amounted, inthe beginning, to little more than an axe, a hunting knife, an auger, a rifle,a horse or two, some cattle and a few pigs, a sack of corn seed and another ofsalt, perhaps a crosscut saw, and a loom. Those who moved first into a newregion lived for months at a time on wild meat, Indian maize, and native fruitsin season. Yet if they were poor at the beginning, they confidently expectedthat soon they would be rich. In a way almost impossible to define to urbandwellers, a slice of ground suitable for farming represented not justdollars and cents, but dignity. The obsession brought shiploads of yearners every week to Boston, New York, Philadelphia,Baltimore, Charles Towne, and Savannah. It sent them streaming westward intothe wilderness after their predecessors to raise still more children whowanted still more land.
全文翻译:北美早期殖民者北美的边远地区改变了 18 世纪 50 年代拓荒者的一些特点,而强化了他们的另一些特点。作为一个整体,他们是半文盲,高傲并且顽固。他们坚持自己的生活方 式就象松树根在花岗石中爆缝生长。也许,他们最大的资源是忍耐能力。他们熬过了经常性的天花、疟疾等瘟疫及一系列自然灾难。他们出奇地多育。依他们的标准,斯夸尔布恩 有八个孩子是少的了。最后成了布恩的邻居并且是那士维的建造者的詹姆士罗伯逊有 11 个孩子。曾结过两次婚的约翰塞维尔--田纳西州的第一位州长,生了18 个孩子,他长期 的仇敌,约翰提普敦也结过两次婚并有 17 个孩子。最初,在这些庞大的家庭中,全部的 财产合起来也不过是一把斧头、一把猎刀和一根钻子,一条步枪,一两匹马,牛和猪,一袋玉米种子和一袋盐,或可能还有一把锯子和一台织布机。那些新到一个地区的人们一连数 月靠野味、印第安玉米和季节性野果维持生活。然而,即使最初很贫穷,他们自信很快就会富起来。 一块适合耕种的土地不仅仅代表着金钱,更意味着尊严。这一点是无法向城市 居民解释的。 这一固执的想法每周都将整船整船的渴望者带往波士顿、纽约、费城、巴尔的摩、查尔斯城和萨瓦那。跟随着他们的先行者,这些渴望的人们象潮水一般涌向荒野,去生养更多的子女,而这些子女又将需求更多的土地。
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