有位作家曾经说过,再伟大的思想也会装进看似丑陋的容器里。考研写作在同学们构思完大概的主题、框架后,最为关键的就是如何把要表达的内容用好的词汇和句子写出来。而阅卷老师在非常紧张的阅卷中,更加关注的也是学生的用词和用句。 首先,词语的多变主要来源于同学们在平时学习或备考过程中的积累和多用,在考研写作中多使用一些四级大纲里的难词,也可以在做阅读题的时候多观察多积累一些常见词汇,这样对于阅卷老师来说,都是亮点。我们同学的问题,主要出在背了单词但是往往不用,导致了考场上明明可以使用的高级词汇却因为平时使用的太少想不出来。 然后,句型多变主要是指句子的开头变化,和高级语法的使用。比如分词结构开头,或形式主语开头等等,总之,要开头变化多端。长短结合强调的是句子的结构要有变化,句子的长度也要有变化。具体方法如下: 1. 不要连续使用几个简单句,要学会使用复杂句 原句:A young boy is illustrated in the picture. He is running to the finishing line. 修改后:Illustrated in the picture, a young boy is running to the finishing line. (2006年大作文)(非谓语形式作为开端,增加了句子结构的复杂性) 2. 要学会用被动语态 原句:Recently we have paid much more attention than ever before to the topic of 修改后:Recently much more attention than ever before has been paid to the topic of (考研经典句式) 3. 学会用无灵主语的句式 原句:More and more people are aware that internet has brought us not just benefits but also harmful effect. 修改后:There is a growing awareness that internet has brought us not just benefits but also harmful effect. (2009年大作文) 4. 要学会用名词结构来表达意思 原句:If children indulge in internet surfing, their other abilities will be seriously affected. 修改后:Heavy exposure to the internet surfing will exert an negative effect on childrens other abilities. (2009年大作文) 5. 要学会用否定句来表达肯定的意思。即双重否定=肯定 原句: Confidence is the most basic issue to individual and national development. 修改后:No issue is as basic to individual and national development as confidence. (2007年大作文) 6. 要改变词汇单一表达 如要表示使不要仅靠make;可以换成enable/allow/permit等; 如要表达越来越,不要只使用more and more: 原句:More and more people find cooperating with others has become more and more difficult. 修改后:People in growing numbers find cooperating has become increasingly difficult. 如要表达大多数。不要一味用most: 原句:Most young people have one or two idols. 修改后:The vast majority of young people have one or two idols. (2006年大作文) 如要用不仅而且不要只用not only...but also: 原句:The factors for a rise in teenages idol worship is not only social but also psychological. 修改后:The factors for a rise in teenages idol worship is psychological as well as social. (2006年大作文) 即使使用了not only but also,也要尽量用一些高级的句型来弥补替换,比如倒装。 原句:Love is not only one of the noblest worthy feeling of mankind, but also a valuable virtue. 修改后:Not only is love one of the noblest worthy feeling of mankind, but also a valuable virtue.(2001年大作文) 古语有云,熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗亦会吟。写作是语言生产的过程,没有足够的输入,是难以维系的。所以同学们平时应该多读英文报刊杂志,如《21世纪报》,《英语文摘》等,或者多上一些纯英语杂志的网站,比如《TIME》(考研很多完型填空和阅读的文章原型都来自于此)。多阅读还可以起到一石数鸟的功效提高阅读能力,提高语言运用能力,避免词穷的困境,扩大词汇量,吸取有用观点,开拓思路,活跃文思,培养语言感觉及英语思维习惯等等。 总体讲,考研写作是一个实践性的工作,重在多写多用,正如不在水中练,是永远学不会游泳一样。一定写作理论固然重要,但只有勤动笔写,掌握基本套路,才能真正学会写作。
上一篇: 考研英语作文在线批改范例一
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