沙尘暴 Sand/dust storms
生态失衡 Disruption of ecological balance
温室效应 Greenhouse effect
全球变暖 Global warming
淡水资源短缺 Shortage of fresh water
环保意识 Environmental awareness
生态系统 Ecosystem
国有企业 state-owned enterprise
私人企业 private enterprise
垄断市场 monopolize the market
偷税漏税 tax evasion
跨国集团 multinational corporation
贸易制裁 trade sanction
贸易壁垒 trade barriers
全球经济一体化 integration with the global economy
西部大开发 Go-West Campaign
中国加入WTO Chinas entry into WTO
乱摊派乱收费 imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge
上一篇: 考研英语写作题型概述及命题的趋势大全二
下一篇: 写作参考英语短文中常用的转承语
Mae West, the wild woman of film and stage
Experts work to develop better tools to predict severe weather
Defense Department investigates top American Commander in Afghanistan
Psychologist tells inspiring story of his giant uncle
President Obama wins second term
Breathe Carolina re-releases
New medical tape reduces pain for newborns, older adults
Could waste plastic reduce our need for oil?
Ukraine feminists campaign against sex tourism(视频)
Blake Shelton wins big at CMA Awards
Did hurricane Sandy send a climate warning?
Holiday season features latest, hottest electronic gadgets
Words and their stories: top brass
Taylor Swift's 'Red' among 2012's best sellers
Make-your-own soap entrepreneurs clean up
Virginia Museum show features glass art pioneer Dale Chihuly
His imagination redefined children’s literature
Gold seekers once rushed to Canada’s northwest
Thanksgiving, but US turkey farmers aren't celebrating
Improving 'feed efficiency' in cattle
DC dinosaur hunter; New family movies
Scandals highlight ethics lapses in military(视频)
Number of international students attending American colleges and universities continues rising
The business of learning mandarin
Obama victory driven by economy, turnout
New study could change treatment for asthma
Global warming might threaten water supply
Eleanor Creesy helped guide one of the fastest sailing ships ever built
Over a billion women lack safe sanitation
Experts not hopeful about Doha climate conference(视频)