35. You must seect a person to teach others to do a job. Which one of the foowing is the most important for you to consider in making you seection? The persons education The persons work experience The quaity of the persons previous work Use specific reasons and exampes to support your answer. Training someone to do a job is an important task. It requires a good education, work experience, and skied job performance. Of these three requirements, I beieve it is most important that a potentia job trainer be judged on the quaity of his or her previous work. A person may be we educated, but not abe to perform a job proficienty. A doctor may know how to treat chidhood diseases, but not be abe to train medica students to perform surgery. An accountant may be abe to baance a companys accounts, but not be abe to hep the companys executives invest their money. A person may have a ot of work experience, but not be abe to do the job we. Time is not the best measure of quaity. A mother may spend 17-years raising her chidren, but not be abe to train young mothers to care for their infants. A typist may have typed ten-years worth of etters, but may not type over 30 words a minute. A person who does a job we is the one you want to be a trainer. I want to earn to fy a pane from a piot who has faced a ot of mechanica probems in fight and never had an accident. I want to earn how to make money from a biionaire not form a saaried investment broker. As in a things, it is quaity that we ook for, not genera knowedge or time spent in an occupation. I want others to earn from the best, so they can be the best, too.