Internet rumors 网络谣言
The cartoon informs us of the phenomenon of the Internet rumors. The spread of the Internet rumors should be based on three conditions: firstly, the widespread availability and convenience of theInternet. Compared with other channels of transmission, the Internet enjoys afeature of fast speed and wide extent,whereby spreader can lower the cost of distributing rumors. Secondly,there are many ill-intentioned people existing on the Internet, as snakes inthe grasses. These people are always hopping to draw othersattention or even disturb public order via circulating rumors. They focus onself-satisfaction while overlook the negative impact of their misdeeds onotherspeaceful life. They are selfish and to blame. Thirdly, the anonymity of theInternet which enables some spreaders to avoid being pushished for theirmalpractice. Sometines, they can circulate undesirable informationuninhibitedly without suffering much in the way of consequences.
Definitely, it is widely accepted that the Internet rumors exert a detrimental impact on ourlife. Perhaps it is time that we should take some measures to clamp down onthis trend.
上一篇: 2015年考研英语作文万能模板
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