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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  This cartoon meeting our eyes is quite impressing and enlightening, in which a harmonious moment is depicted vividly. As we can see it, three young students are pushing a tricycle full of vegetables, which lets the woman in trouble. In such a simple and subtle way the author of the cartoon has managed to mirror the major principle: to give help is of utmost importance in our lives.

  The implied meaning conveyed in the picture above should be taken into account seriously, and it is not difficult to find a typical example to prove this point of view. For example, Liuxiang, a famous athlete all over the world, a idol of our young generation, and a hero of our nation, attributed his success to help from his team in a recent interview on cctv-5. And he said it was this kind of quality that helped him out of the shadow of his failure at the 2008 Olympic Games Therefore, it can be safely concluded that solidarity plays an innegligible and irreplaceable role in our lives. Put another word, without it, no one can succeed.

  As young people, we should model ourselves on Liuxiang and Zhanghaidi in our work and study and put forward this quality.

  Only in this way can the junior citizens win respect when they grow up; and only in this way can they be the pillar and mainstay of our nation in the future.




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