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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Part Ⅰ Writing   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic To Curb Spending. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.   1. 现在许多大学生普遍花钱大手大脚,消费水平高   2. 有人认为社会整体生活水平提高了,大学生花钱多一些无可厚非   3. 你的看法   To Curb Spending   【话题分析】   大学生消费是目前家长及教育界比较关注的问题,它所反应的不仅仅是花钱这一表面现象,而是隐藏在这一现象之后的大学生的价值观、金钱观等思想层面的问题。   【范文解析】   Nowadays the campus students seem to have no idea of how money comes from, and not to care about their expenditure. They buy whatever they like for themselves, also for their friends, paying no attention to how much these things cost.   Some people say that it is not a problem for college students to spend much. After all, the society is progressing and the life is being enriched. With the living standard being raised, it is reasonable to improve the expenditure of students. There is nothing to blame.   For me, it is not just a habit of spending more money; it is a reflection of students outlook on money and value. The students get money from their parents so easily that they have no idea of earning money with their hard work and effort, thus developing an awareness that they want to get things but are unwilling to work hard for their goal. Definitely, that is harmful. The campus students can improve their lives, but with the money earned by themselves.   第一段讲述了这一现象,大学生喜欢什么买什么,从不关注钱从何处来,也不关心自己的花销。   第二段提出了一些人的看法,他们认为社会进步了,生活水平提高了,大学生多花一点也无可厚非。   第三段讲述了作者自己的观点看法。在作者看来,这并不仅仅是花钱习惯,更多地反映了学生的金钱观、价值观。学生从父母那里很容易就能要来钱,所以他们就不会想通过自己的努力来赚钱,渐渐就会培养这样一种想法:希望不劳而获。最后作者强调,学生提高自己的生活水平并没有什么不对,但要用自己赚来的钱。   【高分妙招】   议论文经常出现在六级作文中,考生要注意合理表达自己的观点,表明自己对问题的看法。在论述中,不要仅仅停留在表面层次,而要深究其内在原因,才能给考官留下深刻的印象。   1 2010年12月英语四级考试于12月18日举行,整理2010年12月英语六级作文预测及范文供广大考生冲刺使用,预祝大家取得好成绩!   2010年12月英语六级作文预测及范文   Part Ⅰ Writing   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled A Harmonious Society in My Mind. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.   1. 建立和谐社会成为了一种潮流和趋势   2. 我心中的和谐社会是.   3. 为了建立和谐社会,我们应该如何去做?   【话题分析】   和谐社会是目前中国建设的目标之一,是比较热门的社会话题。报纸、杂志、电视资讯等,经常讨论此话题。考生应多关注社会资讯,为写作收集素材。   【范文解析】   Nowadays, it seems known to everybody that one of the objectives of Chinas modern construction is to build a harmonious society. All of a sudden, a harmonious society has become a frequently-used phrase in media news, newspaper etc. It is the trend of Chinas development.   But what is a harmonious society? In my mind, there are several aspects included in building a harmonious society. First, a harmonious society has democracy in its politics to ensure the maximum benefits of the people. Second, a harmonious society has equality and justice to protect the rights of every citizen. Third, a harmonious society has good faith and friendly relation between people to create a favorable atmosphere for living and doing business. Forth, a harmonious society has energy to make sure its creativity. Fifth, a harmonious society has stability and order to provide people with a comfortable environment. Sixth, a harmonious society has harmony between humankind and nature for a sustainable development of economy.   To be true, it needs joint efforts of every person in China to realize this great goal. For me, I am a student in college. What I can do is develop good relations with people around me, help others as much as possible, spread this awareness to as many people as possible, laying a foundation for this tall building.   文章一开始就提到目前中国现代化建设的目标之一,就是构建和谐社会。一时之间,构建社会成为中国发展的趋势。   第二段从六个方面讲述了和谐社会的内涵:1)民主政治,保证人们的最大利益;2)公平正义,保证每个公民的权利;3)诚信友好,为生活和生产提供良好环境;4)充满活力,确保社会的创造力;5)稳定有序,保证生活平稳安定;6)人与自然和谐相处,实现经济可持续性发展。   第三段从自身出发,讨论在构建和谐社会时自己该如何做。作为一名学生,作者认为:和周围人发展友好关系,乐于助人,传播和谐社会的意识,为这个宏伟目标奠定基础。   【高分妙招】   六级作文很贴近国家大事,因为对时事政治的了解是对当代大学生的要求之一。出现一个新的命题,考生应多关注其内涵及相关评论,这样写作过程中才能做到胸有成竹,写出来的作文才言之有物。



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