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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1)现代社会很多人都处于亚健康状态   2)造成亚健康的原因   3)应该如何解决亚健康问题   【思路点拨】   本文属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点要求提出一个问题,提纲第2点要求分析导致该问题的原因,提纲第3点要求说明如何解决该问题,由此可判断本文应为问题解决型作文。   根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:指出亚健康问题的普遍性及其影响;分析亚健康出现的原因;说明应该如何解决亚健康问题。   【参考范文】   How to Deal with Sub-health   Nowadays, quite a few people are suffering from sub-health. Indeed, sub-health can result in both physical and mental diseases. Even worse, people who suffer from sub-health are more easily to die prematurely.   There are many factors resulting in sub-health. Among these, the pace of modern life plays a vital role. The fast pace of modern life exerts great pressure on people and pressure is the ultimate cause of sub-health. Whats more, modern people spend too much night time working or entertaining, which seriously affects their health.   Considering the great harm brought by sub-health, I think it is high time that we took effective measures to prevent sub-health. Firstly, people must have enough sleep to ensure that they can regain energy and physical strength. Secondly, people should have a rational diet under the instruction of doctor in order to avoid the diseases caused by malnutrition or super-nutrition. Thirdly, people should regularly do some exercise to keep healthy. To conclude, it is necessary for us to take flexible measures to avoid the threat of sub-health.



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