Tradition and Modernization
Tradition and Modernization
Many people pose tradition and modernization as diametrically opposite. For instance, as Beijing increasingly becomes a modern international metropolis, its traditional legacies, architecture and social mores among many other things, are shrinking at an alarming speed. However, more often than not, tradition and modernization are wholly compatible and may even be mutually enriching. The modernization process only serves to highlight the indispensable value of tradition.
Future-oriented as it is, modernization cannot be cut away from the past. Man is an emotional animal whose emotional attachment to the past defines the meaning of his existence in the present and the future. Although many urban planners are involved in a reckless drive for developing high-rise buildings to make their cities look modern, true architects are committed to preserving traditional architecture. This is because demolishing traditional architecture would render modern people rootless and disoriented. Without the past serving as a framework of reference, we would not know where we are heading for.
Being traditional does not mean being old-fashioned or outmoded. Many traditional values are of permanent significance and should be observed in the modern and post-modern eras. Chinese traditional ethics like benevolence and moral integrity should go beyond time and space to serve as universal values. As we strive to modernize our world, we should update and enrich our traditions instead of discarding them altogether. Otherwise, we are being irresponsible to ourselves or to our future generations.
It is true modernization is an irresistible global trend taking place with increasing momentum. However, the best pattern of modernization is the one taking full account of the historical past. Modernization should not be equated with breaking up with the past but rather an extension and incorporation of the past. Accordingly, human civilization retains its continuity and human existence is made meaningful because of this continuity.
1. pose摆放
2. be diametrically opposite正好相反的,直径上对置的
3. a modern international metropolis一个现代化的国际大都市
4. social mores社会习俗
5. at an alarming speed以惊人的速度
6. more often than not在很多情况下
7. be wholly compatible and may even be mutually enriching完全可以兼容并蓄,甚至相得益彰
8. highlight the indispensable value of tradition突显传统所蕴含的无可替代的价值
9. be cut away from the past与过去割裂开来
10. emotional attachment情感依恋
11. a reckless drive for developing high-rise buildings肆无忌惮地追逐着建造高楼大厦
12. preserve traditional architecture保护传统建筑
13. render modern people rootless and disoriented使现代人失去归属感,从而迷失方向
14. be of permanent significance拥有永恒的意义
15. values should be observed应该恪守价值观
16. moral integrity正直
17. go beyond time and space to serve as universal values超越时空,构成人类的普世价值
18. As we strive to modernize our world在追求使我们周围的世界变得现代化的同时
19. an irresistible global trend一个无可抗拒的全球性趋势
20. increasing momentum不断增长的势头
21. take full account of充分考虑到
22. be equated with等同于,使相等
Tradition and Modernization
Nowadays, if you intend to purchase a house, the most expensive housing in Beijing is not a country villa but a quadrangle, a form of traditional architecture. This unmistakably indicates that the most valuable thing in the most modern metropolis of China is nothing but tradition.
Although things shouldnt always be measured in terms of commercial values, commercial pricing in a mature market can often be an accurate index of the intrinsic values of the things that surround us. In the light of this principle, we can uncover many complicated but interesting relationships between tradition and modernization.
The National Grand Theatre and the National Olympic Stadium are definitely among the largest investment projects in China in recent years. Designed by international architects, they present architectural styles that are simply modern and even futuristic. But it would be a grave mistake to assume they are simply for the sake of being modernistic. Inside the pearl-shaped structure, the National Grand Theatre accommodates a musical hall, an opera house, and a theatre where only classical performing arts are to be staged. One can never expect a rocknroll concert there.
The same applies to the National Olympic Stadium. Nicknamed Birds Nest, the Stadium is the venue for the largest international event in human historythe 2008 Beijing Olympiad. Yet, Olympiad itself is an ancient Greek term and the Birds Nest, with all its cutting-edge facilities, has only functioned to keep alive an ancient athletic tradition.
Tradition and modernization are two sides of the same coin. The colossal investments in the construction of the National Grand Theatre and the National Olympic Stadium testify to the efforts of modern people to preserve tradition by sparing no expenses. The buildings modern forms just serve to answer to mans desperate inner need to remain connected with the past.
1. country villa乡间别墅
2. quadrangle四合院
3. is nothing but不是别的而是,只有
4. be measured in terms of commercial values以商业价值来衡量
5. the intrinsic values of the things内在价值
6. In the light of this principle据此原理
7. The National Grand Theatre国家大剧院
8. the National Olympic Stadium国家体育场
9. a grave mistake一个严重的错误
10. for the sake of being modernistic为了满足具有现代色彩这一目的
11. a musical hall一个音乐厅
12. an opera house一个歌剧院
13. classical performing arts古典表演艺术
14. to be staged上演
15. a rocknroll concer一场摇滚音乐会
16. cutting-edge facilities先进设施
17. keep alive使保持生机
18. spare no expenses不惜一切代价,不惜工本
19. remain connected with the past与历史传统一脉相承
Tradition and Modernization
The Mid-Autumn Festival became a public holiday only in recent years, amid the increased modernization drive of China. If one attributes the establishment of this holiday simply to Chinese peoples collective nostalgic impulse, it would be a serious misconception. Its creation produces important implications that shed light on what is going on in our modernization process.
Modernization has long been coveted as a revolutionary process that promises people a brand-new world and brand-new lifestyles. However, this reckless drive for the new has plunged people into an unprecedented state of rootlessness. In the high-rise modern buildings, our neighbors are virtual strangers with whom we only maintain a nodding acquaintance. Totally engrossed in pursuing our own personal successes in big cities, we seldom have time to be with our families. Intoxicated with the virtual reality on the Internet, many people experience serious barriers in real-world interpersonal communication. While we may pride ourselves on the physical achievements of modernization, we find ourselves trapped in growing loneliness and alienation.
Since ancient times, Chinese people have found comfort in lifestyles emphasizing simplicity and harmony. Close touch among family members and congenial affinity with nature offered them perfect bliss even without the material satisfactions of modern people. Hence, traditional values can be a salvation of the increasingly desiccated soul of modern people. In our hustle-bustle of modern urban life, we need to halt for a moment, to have family reunions, to contemplate on the bright full moon in the starry night sky, and to enjoy the human warmth of our friends and colleagues.
Modernization has not been all positive. The evils it has created need to be addressed and frequently the solutions are to be sought from the past. In this sense, the preservation and transmission of tradition is not something sentimental, but a pressing necessity.
1. The Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节
2. a public holiday一个公共节假日
3. modernization drive现代化建设
4. attribute to把归因于
5. collective nostalgic impulse集体怀旧情结
6. shed light on照亮,阐明,把弄清楚
7. be coveted翘首以待
8. a brand-new world and brand-new lifestyles全新的世界,全新的生活方式
9. reckless drive for对不顾一切的追求
10. plunge people into使人们陷入
11. a nodding acquaintance点头之交
12. Intoxicated with the virtual reality on the Internet醉心于互联网上的虚拟世界
13. experience serious barriers面临重大障碍
14. we may pride ourselves on the physical achievements of modernization我们尽可以为我们现代化所取得的物质成就欢欣鼓舞
15. be trapped in growing loneliness and alienation被困在日甚一日的孤独与异化之中
16. Since ancient times自古以来
17. congenial affinity with nature与自然界的和谐共融
18. offered them perfect bliss使他们心满意足
19. material satisfactions物质满足
20. a salvation of the desiccated soul贫瘠的灵魂的拯救之道
21. In our hustle-bustle of modern urban life在现代都市生活的忙碌与喧嚣中
22. to have family reunions与家人团聚
23. to contemplate on the bright full moon in the starry night sky对着繁星满天的夜空中那明亮的满月放飞我们的遐想
24. In this sense从这层意义上说
25. a pressing necessity一种迫在眉睫的必要