The Young Want to Be Leaders
An online survey conducted by the China Youth Daily shows that most young people want to be a leader, whether they serve in private companies or public sections Only 4.8% say they are not interested in being a leader. This is especially comnionplace among people bom ia the 70s and 80s.
Some people say it is a good phenomenon that the young want to be leaders. After all, it shows that the young have great ambitions which will inspire them to work hard. Others, however, think otherwise. They argue that it only reveals so many young people are chasing fame 如d fortune, a sign that is bad for the healthy development of the young and the whole society.
Peisonallyj I believe the saying ICHe who doesnt want to be a general isnt a good soldier And, its encouraging that we still have many young people who seek power from a mere view of the good of the people. So, I dcm^t think it anything wrong for the young desiring to have a position in the lead as long as they dont eye it as a shortcut to fame and fortune.
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