今年教育部发出通知,要求严肃考纪、防范和打击高科技作弊行为,高校各部门紧张以待。今年四六级考试的卷子全新改版,别想着左顾右盼抄到别人的,抄着抄着说不定就Game over 了。某高校英语老师,在最后一节英语课上,再三嘱咐不要抄袭,就算试卷的内容一样,答案的次序也会不同,别人的答案即使是对的,放自己的答题卡上可就有点悬了。据悉,6月16日考试开始,教育部考试中心正式实施一省多卷的考试方式,对于每个考场而言,30份试卷都不尽相同,试题册封底条形码相当于每位考生试卷的身份证
The impact of the Internet on interpersonal communication
Dad:Hi sweetie, how was school, today? Daughter: You can read all about it on my blog, dad.
The conversation in the cartoon Hi sweetie, how was school, today? You can read all about it on my blog, dad. has long been accepted by all of us. Actually, it touches almost every corner of our daily life, which has caused wide public concern. The conversation tells us that we are supposed to pay enough attention to the Internet impact on interpersonal communication.
Generally, there are two kinds of explanations accounting for peoples preference on internet communication. First and foremost, the internets power is so huge that it covers almost every corner of our life. Just as a dialogue goes, Hi sweetie, how was school, today? You can read all about it on my blog, dad. Secondly, the government does not present enough positive guidance for the public, which make the lack of correct way of communication among people.
To sum up, if we intend to succeed in something, we could be indulged in Internet chattingIn my sense, it is quite preferable for us, the college students, to be diligent in all our subjects and to make more face-to-face communication between our friends and relatives.
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