43. 最后?但并非最不重要?。
Last but no least, .
Last but no least, the shortcoming in education is the cause contributing to juvenile delinquency.
44. 这证据显示~的重要性在怎么强调都不为过。
This evidence shows that the importance of ~ cannot be overemphasized.
This evidence shows that the importance of traffic safety cannot be overemphasized.
45. 由于这些理由?我。
For these reasons, I .
For these reasons, I think that receiving college education in Taiwan is wise.
46. 总而言之?。
In conclusion, = To sum up,
In conclusion, a good citizen should abide by traffic regulations.
47. 因此?我们能下个结论?那就是。
We can, therefore, come to the conclusion 子句
We can, therefore, come to the conclusion that nothing is so precious as freedom in the world.
48. 如果我们能做到如上所述?毫无疑问地?。
If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt 子句
If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt that we can master English
49. 因此?这就是的原因。
Thus, this is the reason why .
Thus, this is the reason why I caught a bad cold.
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