所在位置: 查字典英语网 > 大学英语 > 六级大学英语 > 六级大学英语写作 > 2015年6月英语六级写作常见错误分析(2)


发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1) Students must know how to operate a computer. / Students must know how to work on a computer.

  2) People can be exposed to many new things on the Internet. / People can learn many new things on the Internet.

  3) The purpose of this letter is to express some opinions on the service in the dining hall. / The purpose of this letter is to make some complaints about the service in the dining hall.


  1) What generated so large a change? / Why is there so large a change?

  2) Now 6000 yuan is enough for you to buy a P4 computer. / Now you can buy a P4 computer for 6000 yuan.

  3) In a room often live 6-8 students.

  4) I think there are three reasons for this great change.

  5) The prices of the food are too high. / The food is too expensive.

  6) The reason for this is that some people want to earn plenty of money without working hard. / This is because some people want to earn plenty of money without working hard.


  1) However, every coin has two sides. I think the surroundings in our canteen are the best among all universities.

  2) The man was racing down the street because he was late for the class.

  3) At last I want to let you know that I love our university very much.

  4) My favorite sports are swimming, jogging, mountaineering and playing table tennis.

  5) The best English film in my eyes is Forrest Gump.


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