Model Test 1
How to Reduce Stress
There is no denying that people suffer more stress from many aspects, including work, study and family. We strive for better education, decent jobs, and better housing. All these efforts produce tremendous stress.
Too much stress can lead to negative results. First, people may suffer from various physical problems, such as insomnia, tiredness or pain. Second, people may undergo mental disorder, including irritability, depression and so on. Worst of all, some people commit suicide due to the unbearable stress.
Many steps can be taken to reduce stress. To begin with, a right attitude towards life and work is essential. Dont be a workaholic, nor expect too much from life. In addition, share the stress with your families or friends. A proper outlet for stress will do you much good. Most important of all, enjoy whatever you do will make your life meaningful and fruitful.
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