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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1.记叙一件事 When and where who did what?

  A few days ago, I bought an English-Chinese dictionary at Xinhua bookstore in the downtown area of Xinjiekou. When I went back to look up some new words in the dictionary, I found pages 101 to 150 were missing. So on that afternoon, I returned to the bookstore where I had purchased it and filed a complaint directly to the general manager about the problem.

  一次活动的安排,旅游的行程都可以套用记叙文模式,注意时间的推进,可用明确的时间几点几分,也可用大致的时间如early in the morning/at noon/in the afternoon/evening/at night, 还可用FirstThenAt last如果是发生过的事,一定要用一般过去时,如果是活动安排,须用将来时。


  Dishonesty has been prevalent in our society in recent years. For example, many students cheat to obtain high scores on various exams such as CET for Band 4 or 6. Or businesses and companies produce fake goods or products of inferior quality to reap illegal profits. What is worse, some government officials and corporate leaders are involved in criminal cases of bribery and corruption, abusing the power in their hands. The flood of dishonest phenomena has brought about a harmful effect on our society.



  The popularity of Western festivals in China may be attributed to several factors. On one hand, with Chinas opening up to the outside world, many people, young people in particular, have been exposed to foreign cultures, an important part of which are holidays and festivals. On the other hand, business people take advantage of the occasion of celebrating western festivals to promote sales of their products to make much more money than usual. A case in point is Christmas shopping every year.

  There are several factors/reasons for First of allSecondlyLastly


  To make good food and water supplies even better, the Government needs to tighten its regulatory standards, stiffen its inspection program and strengthen its enforcement policies. The food industry should modify some long accepted practices or turn to less hazardous alternatives. Perhaps most important, consumers will have to do a better job of learning how to handle and cook food properly. The problems that need to be tackled exist all along the food supply chain, from fields to processing plants to kitchens.

  在上面这段关于食品、饮用水安全的文章中,提到了政府、相关产业以及消费者三个方面,而谓语动词分别用了need to do sth.//should do sth.//will have to do a better job of doing sth.可以借鉴,此外还可 It is necessary/imperative/important for sb. to do sth.// It is high time that sb. did 等句型。


  As is shown in the chart/diagram/picture, there has been a rapid/slow/slight/steady/tremendous/dramatic increase/rise/decrease/fall/drop in the number of tourists traveling abroad in the past decade/from 1995 to 2005. In 1995, only about 10,000 people in X city went to foreign countries. However,//But in 2005, the number had soared to more than XXX, which is X times as much as that of the year XXXX.

  From the table/graph/statistics it can be seen/concluded/estimated that the consumption of dairy products and eggs has been/is on the rise. On the contrary/By contrast, the consumption of rice and flour has been/is on the fall/decline. In other words, the diet of urban residents is more balanced and nutritious than ever before.

  Those who choose to study overseas account for X percent of the total of high school graduates.

  另外,注意增加/减少百分之几,英文表达是increase/decrease by X percent, 介词by 不可或缺。

  6.观点阐述属于议论文写作,通常以介词On或情态动词should 的题目出现,而在给出的提纲中,则通常出现有些人认为、在我看来或你的看法这些词语,要求考生就某个问题发表见解,阐明观点。考生在论证的过程中,要区分论点和论据,注意逻辑性。近两年的作文题有一种复归趋势,考生要特别注意。

  As the inheritor and distributor of our civilization, we college students should(观点)be fully aware the important role played by the classics in broadening our horizon and shaping our world outlook. Therefore(因果), we should start reading the repertoire of the classics which the greatest minds of all ages have left behind so that(目的) we can have a correct perspective on the world and understand the true meaning of life. In one word(总结), it is imperative for us to attach great importance to the reading of the classics.


  Some suggest/argue that the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV should be canceled because the viewers have had a lot of other means of relaxation which are more colorful and full of more fun. For example, they can take advantage of the holiday to go traveling to some scenic or historic resorts together with the family.

  As we all know, it pays to be honest. If we are honest with others, we will win trust and respect from them. But if we deceive others for our own benefits, we will be found out sooner or later and lose our credit and trustworthiness, thereby incurring disrepute and disgrace in the long run.

  7.应用文写作:近些年考过的题目有书信、导游词、倡议书、招募书、竞选演说等等,非常灵活,不一而足。实际上,应用文并不难写,只要注意相对固定的格式和一些常用的套话即可。如07年6月份的四级题Welcome to our Club,第一段说明社团的活动内容,第二段列出参加社团的好处有哪些,第三段说明加入社团的方式,不难看出主体上这是一篇说明文。再如05年六级的作文题Help Needed要求简单介绍病人的病情和家境、目前所面临的困难,给出捐助的联系方式,几乎与前者如出一辙。考生只要能熟练掌握上面所列出的六种展开段落的方式,就可以决战考场、应付如裕!



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