Some of My Classmates In my class I have both Chinese and American friends. Let me introduce you to some of them. Tim is tall and slim with a friendly smile on his lovely face. He is very helpful in my study. I learn a lot of American slang from him. My is also eager to learn Chinese. At lunch time we exchange lessons. I teach him Chinese and he teaches me English. It is fun to hear him say, 干杯, more 干杯! And he has many interesting ideas. Sometimes he speaks first and thinks later. That is why he makes funny mistakes, but he is very popular with the classmates. Lorrie is a nice girl with dark hair and bright blue eyes. She is very kind and friendly. Seeing me without my own transportation to school, she offers me her bike. Now I can go to school by bike. She doesn't always talk in Enghsh. But her expressive eyes and helpful actions speak louder than words. Zhang Ying is my best Chinese friend. She is pretty and always wears a nice smile. Being quick-witted, she is the beststudent in our class and she excels us in all subjects. However, she is sometimes naughty and once she drew a sketch of our teacher Dr. B. B's head in the shape of an egg with a half circle of hair. which made us burst out laughing. I enjoy the company of my classmates. They make my life rich and interesting. 同窗好友 在班上,我既有中国朋友又有美国朋友,让我给你介绍一下。 蒂姆个高、细长,可爱的脸上带着善意的微笑。他对我的英语学习帮助很大,我跟他学了不少美国俚语,他也迫切要求学习汉语。午饭时,我们换课,我教他汉语,他教我英语。听他说干杯,more干杯!真好玩。他有很多有趣点子,有时他说话不假思索,所以出笑话;但是他在同学中很受欢迎。 劳丽是个好女孩。她黑发碧眼,善良友好。见我没车上学,她主动把自己的自行车给我,现在我骑车上学。她不大说英语,但她那富有表情的眼睛,助人为乐的行为胜过语言。 张颖是我最好的中国朋友。她很好看,面带笑容,思维敏捷,是我们班最好的学生,门门功课领先。可她有时很顽皮,有一次给B.B.博士画了一个速写:鸡蛋形的头上有半圈头发,使我们大笑。 我喜欢和同学在一起,他们使我的生活丰富有趣。
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