Why Living Off Campus Is Popular-查字典英语网
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Why Living Off Campus Is Popular

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Why Living Off Campus Is Popular?   1.学生校外租房住宿较普遍;   2.校外租房住宿的原因;   3.我的看法。   第一段从学生租房现象普遍过渡到探究其原因,结尾句引出下段;第二段首先指出校外租房住宿的好处,首先,住在校外可省去与他人相处的烦琐,可集中精力学习;其次,住在校外可有更多自由,如熬夜、不受限制地上网等;最后,住在校外可有更多的隐私权;结尾段谈我的看法,即事物都是一分为二的,住在校外会失去体验校园丰富生活的机会,还会错过学会与他人相处的机会等。   Nowadays living off campus enjoys great popularity among college students. Why, then, do students do so when they are provided with very modern apartments and good services on campus? The reasons can be listed as follows.   First, living off-campus can relieve the student from time consuming and energy consuming trivialities. Since people from different places have different personalities, habits, and interests, etc, some students think that it is difficult for them to get along with their pals. If they live off-campus, they don't have to spend time worrying about and thinking of how to get along with their roommates. In this way, they will have more time for their studies. Secondly, living off-campus can offer them a lot of freedom. Freed from the regulations of the university, they can do whatever they want in whatever time they like. For example, they can stay up late, reading books or surfing on the Internet. Lastly, living off campus can give them more privacy. If they live in a dormitory, they have no human rights so far as privacy is concerned.   I think living off-campus has both its benefits and shortcomings. If we live off campus we will not have the chance to experience the rich and colorful social life on campus. Away from our classmates, we will not have the chance to learn how to communicate with those who have divergent opinions. We will lose the chance to learn to cooperate with others.



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