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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  我们今天不妨介绍几种简单易行的打开思路的法子,并不深邃,但却简单易行,易于考生们操作:   1. 分组思考法:   在考虑某种现象的优缺点或影响的时候,如果发现从这种现象本身无法打开思路,不妨从它的受众去考虑。   例如在讨论网络的有缺点的时候,我们可以从网络的受众入手,把网络的使用者按照年龄分为:小孩、中青年和老人。分别讨论网络对他们的影响,对小孩:增进知识;对中青年:方便、有效率;对老年人:丰富生活。这样在写作的时候也比较容易,更会让文章显得条理清晰。当然,分组的原则除了年龄外,还有好多别的选择,如职业、性别、国别等等。   根据分组思考法写出下列话题的思路:   1) no pain, no gain   2) the advantages of TV   3) the influence of noise in cities   2. 分层思考法   分层思考法和分组思考法原则很类似,只是划分的方法是按照层次的不同。   例如:在讨论如何解决全球性缺水的问题的时候,我们可以把解决方法分为:1)政府应该怎么做:制定相关法律;2)社会应该怎么办:鼓励节约用水的精神;3)个人我,该怎么办:千里之行,始于足下,从我做起。当然也可以有另外的一些分层方法。   用分组思考法考虑下列话题并写下自己的思路:   1) 如何解决大学校园里的浪费现象   2) 如何解决人口问题(Problems of Population)   3) 谈论一下举办奥运会的好处   3. 举例说明法:   四级考试的考生都是成年人,很多是大学生,而且四级考试的题材多是和大家的生活相关的,所以有的时候用我们生活当中的例子来说明再好不过了。而且有些作文明确要求考生举例说明。   例如:Practice Makes Perfect(1997. 1)中就要求大家以英语学习为例说明。   参考范文   As we all know, practice makes perfect. This is an accumulated experience we inherit from our forefathers, and now it is still widely applied in our daily lives. It proves that the more we practice, the more likely we are going to do things perfectly.   A good case in point is the study of English. Take my neighbor, Xiao Wang, as an example. He seldom spends time learning English. As a result, his English is very poor and he has begun to hate English now. On the contrary, Im very interested in learning English and I spend more than five hours each day on English. So the natural consequence is that I have a good mastery of the language and my interest in it has grown more intense.   A lesson that we can draw from the above example is obvious. Practice is crucial to our success not only in study, but also in our future work. All in all, practice will make a difference between success and failure.   这里我们列出一些经常用到的句子,希望对大家有所帮助:   For example,   For instance,   It can be given as a concrete example that   Take as an example. It is a very obvious case.   There is one impressive example I want to mention here.   Lets see an example.   It is best illustrated using the following example.   Let me provide an example.   Perhaps the most important example of is that   As I remember,/ Even to this day, I still remember that   I will never forget   To illustrate this, there is an example that is very persuasive.   An instance that accompanies this reason is that   An example can give the details of this argument,   It is a forceful example to demonstrate the importance of   History presented many examples of   In order to see this point clearly, let us see an example.   举例说明下列题目:   1) Where there is a will, there is a way   2) Money is not all-powerful   3) the Influence of the Internet



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