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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  parents making decisions for their children

  In morden society,traditonal patriarchy is still influencing Chinese parents.They tend to make almost all decisions for their children,from choosing school to picking up a profession and to deciding whom they are to marry.Sometimes even those detail things such as clothing and daily timetables have to be decided by parents.However,deciding everthing for children does not help them but harm them in many ways.

  On the one hand,it will make children lack independence and initiative,which is unfavourable to their development in the long run.On the other hand,in many cases parents decisions are not always in accordance with children personal ideas and interests,this will make children form resistence and naturely influence their growth.

  From my piont of view,it is unwise for parents to make every decision for their children.It is obvious that parents can not accompany their children for ever.To grow to be indepent is a nature way for everbody.Therefore, in my opinion parents should give their children chances to make their own decisions .They may help their children make choices instead of replacing them to make choices.



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