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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Food Contamination

  From time immemorial, food contamination has become a common phenomenon in China, ranging from poisonous milk power to the plasticizers in huge quantities of Taiwan-manufactured beverages and food exported to the mainland. The public has experienced so many crises of food contamination that only the most deadly cases would create some sensations, which soon pass into oblivion with the quick occurrence of new ones.

  Food contamination is indisputably detrimental. The poisonous milk power has bereaved many young couples of their innocent and lovely new babes. Some contaminated foods lead to irreversible and chronic diseases. Some affected individuals, though without visible aftermaths, may suffer from lingering psychological trauma. However, the hazards produced by food contamination are more moral than physiologicalwith contamination cases cropping up here and there, the credibility of the entire society has been ruined and people find nothing and nobody to be trustworthy.

  Technically, food contamination is caused by the introduction of illegal additives and non-edible chemical substances into the manufactured food. Morally, it results from the sheer drive for profitability by gluttonous merchants who use cheaper, and often harmful, substitutes, all at the expense of the physical welfare of the public. To address the problem, some appeal to the moral conscience of the businessmen. But the high frequency at which contamination cases have happened makes this moral appeal feeble and futile. The ultimate solution lies in lawthe profit-minded businessmen would not have a penitent heart unless they are driven to bankruptcy and taken into jail!







  1. From time immemorial已记不得从何时起,自古以来

  2. a common phenomenon一种司空见惯的现象

  3. poisonous milk power有毒奶粉

  4. the most deadly cases最为致命的个案

  5. create sensations引起轰动

  6. pass into oblivion逐渐被忘却

  7. bereave of使失去

  8. irreversible and chronic diseases不可逆转的慢性疾病

  9. lingering psychological trauma久久挥之不去的心理创伤

  10. crop up here and there层出不穷

  11. illegal additives非法添加剂

  12. non-edible chemical substances非食用性化学物

  13. sheer drive for profitability对利润的不择手段的追逐

  14. gluttonous merchants利欲熏心的商人

  15. at the expense of以为代价

  16. To address the problem为了解决这一问题

  17. moral conscience道德良知

  18. feeble and futile苍白无力

  19. The ultimate solution lies in law终极的解决之道只有一个,那就是法律。

  20. a penitent heart心存忏悔



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