Create a Conservation-Oriented Campus
Creating a Conservation-Oriented Campus
In this age of rapid depletion of natural resources, it is of paramount importance to create a conservation-oriented campus. The creation of such an ecologically-friendly campus would significantly contribute to Chinas overall efforts to become a leading low-carbon nation in the world.
The most compelling reason for such an endeavor is to change a deep-entrenched misconception prevalent among college students. Most universities provide water and electricity for free, misleading students into believing that such resources are limitless and inexhaustible. We should realize that, currently, many parts of our country are suffering from unprecedente drought and power scarcity. We should show due concern for the welfare of people in those places by refusing to be selfish in satisfying our own needs. As responsible citizens of our society, we have the responsibility to recycle whatever we can lay hands or. The small efforts by a single individual may make a huge difference.
To be a well-educated college student is to be conservation conscious. College graduates are the future of our country and by enhancing their conservation awareness they would definitely play a leading role in protecting our environment in the future and in making our world a better place to live.
文章第二段,阐述了创立环保型校园的原因。首先分析了过去的一个错误的想法,陈述了某些不环保的行为,让人们认识到不环保的坏处。这在写文章中可被看做一个破的过程。第二段的后半部分就是由破而立的部分。首先从意识着手, 然后进入到行动:We should show due concern for 和we have the responsibility to 。在这两项行动之后,用The small efforts by a single individual may make a huge difference. 进行了简短但寓意深刻的概括。这就是收。
本文中从标题开始,就出现了conservation与conservation-oriented这样一些相关的词语,文章中同类词语有:natural resources,ecologically-friendly,low-carbon,recycle,conservation conscious,conservation awareness,environment。这些词汇在文章的不同地方出现,使整篇文章得以围绕着一个统一的主题来展开,从而避免了跑题的可能性。
当然,与环保相关的词汇还有很多,如energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, green,preservation, harmonious coexistence of nature and man 所有这些,都需要学生在平时积累,写作时就能灵活自如地用上了。
1. rapid depletion of natural resources:自然资源急剧消耗
2. it is of paramount importance to do something:做某事具有至高无上的意义
3. conservation-oriented:生态友好的
4. ecologically-friendly:生态友好型的
5. Chinas overall efforts to become a leading low-carbon nation中国成为世界领先的低碳大国的总体努力
6. the most compelling reason for such an endeavor is to 此番努力最迫切的一个原因是
7. a deep-entrenched misconception prevalent among college students:大学生中间甚为流行的一个根深蒂固的错误观念
8. mislead sb. into believing that误导某人相信
9. inexhaustible:取之不尽的
10. suffer from unprecedente droughts:遭受史无前例的干旱
11. power scarcity:电荒
12. to show due concern for给予应有的关注
13. the welfare of people: 人民的福祉
14. to be selfish in satisfying our own needs: 自私地只满足我们自己的需求
15. as responsible citizens of our society: 作为我们社会中有责任心的公民
16. to have the responsibility to 有责任做
17. to recycle whatever we can lay hands or: 回收利用一切我们可以利用的东西
18. the small efforts by a single individual may make a huge difference: 个体的一份小小的努力,却能为世界带来巨大的改变
19. to be conservation conscious: 有保护自然的意识
20. to enhance conservation awareness: 强化保护自然的意识
21. to play a leading role in doing sth.: 在做中发挥主导的作用
22. to make our world a better place to live 使我们这个世界成为更宜居之地
上一篇: 12月英语六级作文万能金句模板(6)
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